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Everything posted by RossMAN

  1. I live in the other Portland ... the better Portland, Oregon
  2. Carrie, If you become a regular here (after BF is over we're still open year round) we'll post it again next year.
  3. It's too late this year, it ended a few weeks ago. You mail a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) to McDonalds and they mail you FREE game pieces. There is no limit
  4. Assuming they don't change the rules next year (this has become quite popular) we'll probably do 300 envelopes next year.
  5. Do you have a significant other or friend that you can share your Black Friday anxiety and excitement with?
  6. LOL I can't sleep either although I should!
  7. Get ready to be jealous, extremely jealous. So far we have received $254 BB and we only paid $105.82 (143 envelopes x $0.74 postage). AWESOME!
  8. Hi Carrie, Go to GottaDeal.com (yes we have a web site ) in the top right search box enter PSP
  9. Oh that is so nice of you, how could I ever repay you? My wife would probably me then
  10. So how are you doing tonight? We receive more of our free Best Buy bucks yesterday, what about you? $250 BB and nothing to buy, lol.
  11. We have 49 members viewing this forum (including yours truly) but no one is posting Come on people let's get busy posting! Ask questions, post links to reviews, provide your tips, hints, and whatever else. We won't bite (unless you ask nicely)
  12. ROTFLMAO you got me on that one, at least we covered a lot of ground. At least you're a "Cheers" fan
  13. Agreed. If you plan on PRINTING most of your pictures then higher MP is better. Otherwise the Canon PowerShot A520 is a superior digicam: http://www.dcresource.com/reviews/canon/powershot_a510_a520-review/ http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=15898
  14. I honestly thought Mark was going to win, another 10 minutes and I would have left. I had LOTS of fun chatting with all of you and hopefully we can chat again soon.
  15. We didn't really discuss donuts (Krispy Kreme is overrated I prefer local bakers donuts) just coffee flavored drinks.
  16. Mark, You are an honorable opponent Now I'm left all alone to talk to myself ...
  17. Google is your friend. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Friday
  18. RossMAN

    Brad's scanner

    How would you know how well Brad's scanner performs? P.S. He didn't scan the ads, they were anonymously submitted to us
  19. Wow if we had forum titles you would earn "Hardcore BF shopper". Getting in line at 10PM - waiting in line for 7 hours with 4 of your friends to get everything that you want?
  20. Correct. You just need to bring 4 friends and get in line EARLY.
  21. Suddenly? You've been our whipping boy for a while, you just haven't realized it
  22. LOL we're chatting about Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts drinks now. I blame markraby on that Although I am partially to blame, shh.
  23. You're welcome Brett :)
  24. RossMAN

    circuit city

    Please do not cross post in multiple forums. The answer to your question can be found here. Please do not create another thread asking about Circuit City.
  25. Marcster, you are awesome! Thank you.
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