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Everything posted by pmdemey

  1. With a list in one hand and chair in another Outside we all sit and crowd one another:cheesy:
  2. Wal-Mart usally has bath sets and stocking stuffers. This year they really suck!
  3. I need a Mp3 Player and maybe a laptop
  4. pmdemey


    Is Menards going to have a ad this year or not??!!
  5. She hasn`t seen any ads at all! I told her I found out about the laptop at Wal-mart on this sight and she couldn`t believe it!
  6. I called to redo my subscription to daily so I could get all the ads. I told her it was for Black Friday. I asked her if she had been to your sight she said no so I gave her the web sight. She was soooo excited! Maybe we will get some coverage!
  7. I think and move faster with coffee and a bagel
  8. I have been known to use a hamper with wheels at Menards. It`s hard getting a cart there!
  9. I think this year I will take some munchies for the car rides just to save time in drive thrus!
  10. No Early Checklist No Forum Hints No Laptop
  11. pmdemey


    I saw an mp4 in a catalog. Just wondering if Wal-Mart was getting them?
  12. pmdemey

    Harry Potter

    Are they going to release the new book during the holidays
  13. I use a cart then get clothing items to hide my goodies so there notout in the open and grabbable!
  14. DVD`s , mp3 player, camcorder, and gas grill
  15. All I have heard is that everything is off lay-away by I think the 15th of Dec.
  16. I think this year I will go alone again. Everytime I go with someone their whining slows me down.
  17. I still think they should have $1.00 egg McMuffins and free coffee from 3:00-4:00 am.
  18. If I stay home for TG Storm Lake or Fort Dodge IA. If we goto my family Boone or Ames IA
  19. After I get home. I pop in Christmas Vacation have leftovers and wrap presents. It`s awesome!
  20. I will just be happy finding something that a teenage girl likes.
  21. They will have those stick brooms till Feb when they do markdowns
  22. MENARDS all the way!
  23. pmdemey

    MENARDS OMG!!!!!!

    I have never waited 15 mins to get into a parking lot before. People were parking across the street and getting towed, parking in the yard, I almost clipped someone who ran out in front of my car. Inside was just nuts!!!! WALMART just didn`t hold a candle to them!lol
  24. There was only 12 in Storm Lake and instead of giving tickets the managers just stood behind the counter and had a free for all. A friend of mind wanted one for school and had been there since 3 but didn`t get one. What happened to the ticket system? I was very disappointed in our WALMART .
  25. They`re DVD players are $5 cheaper and that`s even before the $5 rebate!
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