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Everything posted by pmdemey

  1. Those tracfones at Wal-Mart are nice for pre-teens. They are pre-paid and gives them responcibility to buy their own minutes by doing extra chores.
  2. The chopper is good for onions and eggs but not alot of anything else.
  3. pmdemey


    It is kinda like Loew`s
  4. Did anyone else have as many problems as I had with these? I had so many choppers returned.
  5. Whoever did just change it , thank you!!!!
  6. pmdemey


    Do you ever get the Menards ads?
  7. well that should be easy enough
  8. I don`t want my e-mail as a user name!
  9. Where I live they quit sending the ads in the mail. The only way ti see it is signing up for their e-ads.
  10. That would be sweet!! I was at one this summer and found TOMMY shoes for my daughter for only $30.00!!!!
  11. Kohls, target, ang gordmans:mail:
  12. can anyone tell me how these gottapoints work?
  13. I usually get a big clothing item, big enough to cover the norm sized items and cover them. Out of sight out of mind.
  14. As long as stock is on the riser (top out of reach shelf) it`s for sale. If you ask someone to get it down for you you can price check or even buy it!!!!
  15. The overstock area is usally back in the bins or on pallets
  16. This is really cool!! I was a dept mgr at a wal-mart so I know some things the public doesn`t. They have their secrets too!
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