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Everything posted by pmdemey

  1. Ha:coffeetim has anyone heard anything yet be it news or e-mails?
  2. Since the actual ad is copyrighted would writing the text of the ad be illegal? We don`t need the pictures do we?
  3. I never did the black friday thing...there is nothing I want / ned so badly that I have to get up at the crack of dawn and fight other people over...silly especially since the deals are no better than they are a week or 2 later. This Black Friday I will be on the Rhone in Germany touring castles and spending my hard earned money on really good Reisling! This was one of replies! Must be rough!
  4. Sorry it did not post but it is on the Good Morning America Forum!
  5. OMG Ther is actually people on this earth who does not worship BF!! I did a post on ABC about our cause and there is 2 replies from non believers! I hope this link comes through http://forums.abcnews.go.com/n/pfx/forum.aspx?tsn=1&nav=messages&webtag=ABCGMA&tid=35235 Link Fixed --Helpful Mod
  6. You watch next year they won`t even have ads, they will only have IN-STORE specials.LOL
  7. I thought they didn`t show up.
  8. Shoot I`m late for work!!!!LOL Good luck with the cause today.!
  9. Brad we will fight for you ANY day of the year. You are our HERO!
  10. I just called Wal-Mart and talked to a human. I told them I am pulling my stock and taking my money to Target this year! My family will also be pulling their stock because for some reason I forsee a sales drop in the near future! Any stock holders out there? Stay on the line and goto the investment portion of the menu we may get farther. Also , no I did not leave my name.
  11. I`m back and do my fingers hurt. I just sent an e-mail to our news station and The Today Show. I included the links so they can see our concern first hand. If anyone wants to e-mail here is the today show contact e-mail. [email protected] I also sent the same e-mail to my contacts list! We will have those ads ,OH YES we will have them! LOL
  12. Thank you to Wal-Mart for the extra hour of sleep. I will call and e-mail today. Also , Let`s flood them with post cards! Something like "No GottaDeal Ads For BF shows your full of BS!" LOL Off To Target I Go Do they understand that even if only 50 of us that plan on say $600 for Wal-Mart go else where They will lose out on $30,000. How stupid and petty on their part!!!!!!
  13. Ours does the same thing. One year we were actually out of the store by 5:15
  14. Where is the closest store from there? Is there internet? Where there is a will there is a way! LOL
  15. Actually no, this does bother me. Granted I am happy with my situation this year, we have stuggled for so long. I was just curious on how other people are handling the economic crunch, either trying to save for a house or splurging on x-mas.
  16. Before you put everyone into paranoia, you can buy a adaptor to hook up to your older tv for hdtv broadcastings. I heard they will be around $20.00. Companies are using this scare tactic to sell their televisions.
  17. We paid off our house last week so we are good to go!! Woo Hoo!
  18. We get 1 big ticket item and extras to go with so I would say this year about 600.00 . By the way anyone looking for Wii Wal-Mart has it online for 538.00 PLUS you get 3 extra games and choice of 1 extra for that price. Limited supply!
  19. I almost feel guilty turning my boss and loan person onto BF. More competition on game day. But how do you not want to help save them money. This site helps us in the economical mess and I thank you all helping get those ads and getting info from stores.
  20. Being a REALTOR my ears perk up when they mention housing market. They were reporting retail will be down because people are concerned with down payments and credit history. Will this effect your BF experience, I know it won`t mine. That is what the rest of the year is for. BF is my addiction!
  21. How long for shipping.
  22. Just curious. This is the first year attempt so I`d like to be semi prepared.
  23. Sorry to hear about the fam. But congrats about you DH and Birthday. Pick out a present and put it on his tab!! What a guy, mine sleeps in the car on the very few times he has gone.
  24. Yesterday the credit cards got paid off and hidden. Okay, I took them out of my purse and froze them but they are ready to burn up the internet on BF!
  25. Can you do K-Mart online turkey day?
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