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Everything posted by tinkrbel

  1. im with you, who cares what its called. Show me spme deals!
  2. I'd say about 15 years minus a few when I was studying in england. Those were sad sales times, thanksgiving was non existent hence no BF and after Christmas many shops were closed for a good few days til new years eve too.
  3. grrrr..my walgreens decided to put todays sale up yesterday w/o RR so I get to go back and return/rebuy my cereal guess I can look to see if theres any ip anywhere.
  4. I'm with you. people find it too difficult to shop for me and older family members can't afford much so this site and sales help a fortune. I'd rather get something that was $3 on sale from 10 or 15 than some crappy thing from the dollar store.
  5. Is this insider knowledge or an educated guess?
  6. that's a sweet story. I don't have much of a memory but I know one year a bunch of college kids tried to jump the line at Target and the yelling and booing and a bunch of security guards scraed me into thinking a brawl was going to start. There was I think 2 in lawn chairs to begin with and as opening time came closer another 20+ showed up and stuood with them.
  7. nothing big if I recall. Although I think they did clear out a lot of older models last year not sure if because of holidays or new models at same time. I'm wanting to switch too but can't really justify the cost.
  8. Thank you Brad!! First ad for my area printed and semi-reviewed :) Looks quite good too
  9. Just thought I'd post this in case anyone was buying for gifts etc. The following disclaimer applied to all sale items: "Sale Items are sold as is. Some product MAY not be in pristine condition." Here's the link for full details: http://www.fuzeqna.com/sfmb/consumer/kbdetail.asp?kbid=375
  10. tinkrbel

    Pets and Christmas

    That is also a great spot AFTER the holidays. A few years ago I got some hard rubber bones at old navy after christmas maybe a dollar a piece? Our Australian Shepherd mix still has hers but one of the other dogs chewed through theirs so I guess it depends on the dog. I guess that's where my aunt got the loofa dog's last year, it didn't last too long but I know she wouldn't spend much each on the pets. I saw them at petsmart for like $7 a small one. Anyone else get cat outfits for the small dogs? I got some penguin collar/hat stuff and an elf hat/bell collar a few years ago at target. I'm sure she'll hate it but it's going to look so cute:)
  11. happy birthday to us. maybe we'll get an ad:)
  12. I think it was the weekend before or after black friday
  13. tinkrbel

    Pets and Christmas

    all the dogs in our family (Mine, my brothers, counsins and best friends) get gifts for xmas. usually stuff I buy in the after xmas sales the year before plus some treats. This year the smaller ones get cute outfits I got at Target and the Disney Store while the bigger ones get toys. Anybody else find that the target pet outfits run small?
  14. anyone know how the sizes run in these?
  15. I REALLY hope not. While I understand the economy I think its a rotten thing to do plus would be kind of pointless to pay for ticket and save significantly less. For $50 they might as well go stand on a corner and just ask for money. Maybe it's different in other towns but around here there's no shortage of just begging/asking for money by the side of the road between lights. Also, I think they might be too busy trying to get what they can while they can.
  16. Are these brand name diapers or store brand? I'll have 2 babies to shop for but noth will be on pampers
  17. Ok I've completed 1,3 and 4. No youtube http://twitter.com/morrigan0 http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=665593139&ref=profile http://www.sparkpeople.com/myspark/messageboard.asp?imboard=1&imparent=14181312
  18. still nothing............just one GOOD ad would suffice.
  19. thanks, I think I saw the ball thing on sale at target would be a good gift for my nephew
  20. I'm greedy too, I like to compare everything and look even if I don't usually get anything at a particular shop. Usually end up at BB, Target, Radio Shack(online), JCPenney for snowglobe, Kmart and Walgreens depending on sales. I miss my Thanksgiving night in line at CompUSA.
  21. no I meant a humidfier, I didn't see any at target but checked online and seem like regular price is as low as $34 so only maybe 50% off not the 75% walgreens sticker said. I'll wait unless my sinuses get worse. I got a dehumidifier at target months ago for my SIL. We found a left over xmas? 2-piece sofacover regular over 100 for 24.98. My mother was so happy AND it fits. Now we just need to wait for a sale on one for the loveseat. The color is winterberry and they have a similar coloured 1-piece now called garnet. Will have to look up the search tool that was posted a while ago
  22. its valid for instore pick up but not just pick up and buy in store
  23. I'm in Miami. Find these things at the store next to work when I drive in early, my store only just got the zhu zhu pet accessories last week though.
  24. I second that. If I'm going out really early/overnight just take an extra shirt and maybe a hoodie which I can take off later and probelm solved. Must be nuts with layers and the heat inside stores and all the people huddled to get in etc:(
  25. thanks, my brother keeps asking for this for my nephew so I got two since I had never bought mine when it went on sale.I got snow white at tru for 9.99-5gc
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