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Everything posted by tinkrbel

  1. ouch, i hear that's a long recovery. I fractured 7 vertebra in February but didn't need surgery.
  2. that's a nice schedule, we used to have it company holiday but this year they gave us MLK Jr and I requested/took BF.
  3. I tried three different guitar hero for psp3 and none rang up under 49.99 but the sales representative did say they were practically given them away a few weeks ago? Maybe it's a system error some store take longer to figure out or maybe he meant they were on sale. I did find a kids polaroid camera for $8 supposedly worth 80 but the reviews on amazon are horrible:( Anyone had a Polaroid Pixie? http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000SAVBSW/ref=cm_cr_asin_lnk
  4. is the digital camera sturdy? My best friend was thinking of getting one for her dd2.5 I could pick that up
  5. anyone scanned the guitar hero metallica for xbox360? I think i'm off to Kmart after work for that for a friend and maybe the rock revolution and anything else i can find for my brother on ps3 but only if I can convince myself the dogs will make it for another 30 minutes or so.
  6. you should NOT be joking about scavenger hunts that would totally ruin my BF. However, taking a step back, it would make it more challenging. I am not out for a challenge on BF. I suppose really awful stores would do a caountdown over the PA of whats been found or what quantity is left just to make the crazies a little crazier right?
  7. Hope this stuff hold up well. I'm in Miami and mine got delivered today and I'm at work for another 3 hours. Hope the kits don't melt.
  8. last year best buy, radio shack and staples had good sales and I think all had free shipping over a certain amount. I did walmart online a few years ago but the BIGGEST THING is you have to keep up with the site to find out which store websites sales open when (time zones, etc). I stayed up last year and just kept checking on the stuff I wanted and got everything I had wanted. Hopefully you'll be feeling up to staying awake or can get someone to do it for you:)
  9. thanks, if only you could pinpoint which line will be shortest of the bestbuys near me and when each will start:) maybe this year I'll just have to have ppl at different ones to ensure we get anything electronics-wise
  10. I'm curious about the ads too but whoever said ACE and Harborfreight were probably right on two. Needless to say my father will be looking those over very closely when available. I just hope with work being so hectic, I don't forget to print them out.
  11. CompUSA, Tiger Direct and Circuit City are all Systemax with good sales usually but usually refurbished or "certified" items. I prefer to buy new and have the option for warranty on my electronics. In the range of electronics there is no other big store in the area but yes I think other stores will try to fill the gap which would make things a little harder without online shopping. I'm not sure how I'll do it this year, I don't need lots but the few items I did want to pick up will be electronics (large screen tv and laptop).Radio Shack and Best Buy had free shipping online last BF so I may try them first depending on adds but B&M-wise i'm not looking forward to this year. It's been a tradition for so long but year after year it either gets worse or my patience is fast dwindling and at times has been more of a hassle than the pleasure it used to be. Safety is definitely an issue I don't think about at the time but realistically it seems as time goes by people get a little quackier. Just yesterday a lady lit herself on fire at a local mall not sure what over or if she survived. With customer service failing on regular days I can't imagine what it will be like on BF when both the customers and sales ppl will be hectic. I've been looking at ads recently and considering if its worth waiting for BF or just get stuff now. The only thing keeping me from doing so is that I don't need either thing and would prefer to get the best spec at the best price. I took Thankgiving week off work and can camp if necessary to get an an awesome deal but would rather not, just wish the sales were out so I knew what I was working with or against :)
  12. sasons are short, not sure if special rate ends 09/01 or 10/01 will have to check my bill and the HBO site. Last season the episodes were available online not sure about this season.
  13. anyone know how much longer the season is on for? I upgraded for some months to watch it and think times coming up:(
  14. hope this stuff is still available in two hours time during my lunch hour
  15. I went on Sunday and got a pair of rainboots for 7.49 and some adult jeans for 9.99. The clearance at my store always seems to be mostly either XS or XXL
  16. Me and my mother. I second jendeere about those ppl who won't get up but request items. I don't mind getting the items but I'll make sure I go for what I wanted and send mother for other stuff and help her if she can't find it.
  17. Ours had some pretty decent tv's on sale last year and dvd players for next to nothing after mail in rebate. The tv's weren't top of the line maybe 720p instead of 1080 but very good price compared to other offers and definitely less hassle (electronics was very organized and they had enough in stock for people waiting). You can't miss the popcorn tins, towels and mens jeans they put on sale every year:)
  18. I went looking for toys at 75% off but found the American Red Cross baby scales with music at 15.98 down from 59.99. Left with nothing although I did find a small LCD tv with a red/white clearance tag that didn't scan and usually means its very cheap. The lines were long and that target always refuses to sell at price it actually rings up and just sticks at price on tag.
  19. that is a very awesome site. I will bookmark it incase I get a new TV :)
  20. in case brithug comes back jcpenney is having some discount in florida where they charge tax but give you a smilar discount.saw in paper before i went to kohls today.is it usual for kohls to put clearance stickers on stuff and then charge full price?will have to go return stuff tomorrow:(
  21. I think it may be worse as there will be more ppl looking for a bargain. My main concern is with Circuit city out of the picture electronics seems like a best buy only in my area and unless i can get online that means at the very least lining up at 10 pm the night before.
  22. similar but slightly different question? Anyone know where to get a good deal on the wall mounts? I currently have a 32 inch lcd and the mount will hold up to 42 I think but depending on price would go larger if I could find a reasonably priced mount. My current mount has full range of motion and I'd like something similar.
  23. not trying to be a bummer. but do be aware some of the stores with ppl waiting overnight will pick a random time to tell ppl they can't wait or decide to rearrange the line and all those happy souls who were 1st in line get not so happy when the scramble to new location starts. totally unfair and a large part of the reason I try to avoid showing up too early. It happened to me one year at a best buy and since then I don't think I've been to best buy on BF before 10 am and then only to pick up dvd's or blu rays after the major rush is over, even then the line to get INTO the store has been over 30 minutes and slim pickings inside. I DEFINITELY second the online option. I managed to do almost all my shopping online last year on Thanksgiving or very early AM and was home by 11am. I had all my rebates ready for mailing/done online by the end of the day rather than spending all weekend doing them as usually spend all day at stores. Last year, Amazon Radio Shack and Circuit City helped me get my shopping done with amazing deals and free shipping which helped avoid the rat race.
  24. wouldn't mind a 42+ full hdtv to replace my 32 720p from black friday a few years ago at best buy.and a new home theatre woudn't go amiss. Also, a nice laptop ideally a mac but thats shooting very high.
  25. 1. last year I did a lot of my black friday shopping online on thanksgiving day or waited until early hours when websites were launching sales. Circuit city had the best sale for what I was looking for and also had all the stuff I wanted to get at best buy same price or less without the hassle of standing in line. This year doesn't look well considering they're now with tiger direct and best buy lines on blackfriday are always around the store,literally. 2.plan ahead. Be ahead of the game by checking online websites for all the sales and then organize yourself. I try to sort out what I need to get and then from there on whats more important/feasible. There's always smaller deals you want to get but in the overall picture you need to look at the big picture. the amount your saving vs the stress. Also, if you can cross off a few places in one shopping center/mall that helps. I usually take my mother or SO with me and split duties. 3.? Black friday is completely about the deals. sure if something is the same price throwing in breakfast or something else in nice but wouldn't change the order I plan to do my shopping. Saying that for years JCPenney has been a staple on my Black Friday list for their disney snowglabes.My mom, aunts, grandma and myself each have a set going back to god knows when.P.S. The reusable bag as a prize is pretty crafty when thinking about the topic:)
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