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Everything posted by Marcster

  1. Two years ago I was first in @ OfficeMax. Last year there were a ton more people @ Officemax. I think the word got out -- "Best Buy & Circuit City get crowded, buy your electronics at the lesser traveled stores" (OfficeMax had deals on 20" TV/DVD/VCR combos and computer stuff). LOL!
  2. I used to have Blockbuster online, but I wasn't satisfied with the turnaround time and cancelled after three months. I've been thinking of signing up with Netflix. A friend of mine from up the street did exactly the same scenario I described above and is thrilled with Netflix. He says he "turns" 6 more movies a month, which more than makes up for the 2 in-store movie rentals that Blockbuster gives you.
  3. Since this is my first couple of days on Gottadeal, I was wondering... Personally, I don't find the deals to be as great, unless you are looking for Christmas decorations, wrapping paper, or Christmas cards, but I don't have kids, so I'm not looking for toys, etc. My tip for after-Christmas sales, buy some non-Christmasy wrapping paper. You can use it for other occasions (Mother's/Father's, adult's B-Days, etc.), but your buying it at clearance prices!
  4. Last 2 years: Staples @ 6 am (doors open) Breakfast @ McD's OfficeMax @ 7 am (doors open) then CVS Pharmacy This year, we'll have a brand new Office Depot -- not sure what their hours will be. And we might throw in the VF Outlets too (they're like 20 minutes from our house -- http://www.vffo.com). I did Best Buy 3 years ago. That was madness -- I was there 15 minutes after they opened and waited 3 hours in line. I like the the bargains, but I'm not crazy.
  5. Ross-- another way to present that information, use the <> HTML tags, it won't require people to replace anything... [URL=http-~~-//blackfriday.gottadeal.com][IMG=http-~~-//www.blackfridaysaleads.com/countdown3.gif][/URL]
  6. I want a laptop too, but I'm looking for a 17" screen, AMD 64 or Centrino... Most BF deals tend to be Celeron and won't do what I need it to do (graphic and Web design). Plus, looking at how long it took them to "release" my wife's laptop at BB last November (a few weeks before BF), it could be a nightmare.
  7. I'm a rebate nut (from last BF till now): http://tinypic.com/ev26ma.gif
  8. Wow, that is good!! I didn't have access to the BB ad yesterday, though.
  9. What about having the BF forum as a Quick Link?
  10. Three years ago, when I dared Best Buy on BF, they gave out candy in the Camera section.
  11. How do you keep track of all your BF Rebates? I use Rebate Rebate (free software) O.k., it's old... Until you change it in the preferences, it thinks that stamps are $.27 or something like that, but it does the trick. Works with Windows up through and including XP. "Do you need to remember how much money you've saved using rebates, and which ones are still pending? Or maybe how much you actually paid for items after rebate, coupons, and postage costs are deducted? This freeware will enable you to better track your rebate mailings. After entering the what, where, when, and how much of your rebates, you'll have a clear record of your rebate activity, as well as the net costs of your purchases." http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file_description/0,fid,8341,tfg,tfg,00.asp http://tinypic.com/eueuk6.jpg
  12. http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileys/3.gif Thanks, DigDoug. http://www.howardforums.com/images/smilies/embarassed.gif Marcster: Joined: 10-21-2005 Total Posts: 31 (26.26 posts per day)
  13. OfficeMax is going to have a WD 80B w/8MB buffer for $39.99 (AR) this coming week! (If anyone is still looking)...
  14. Do you have a membership to Sam's Club? http://search.samsclub.com/eclub/search.go?BV_SessionID=_SC_1997678532.1130036629_CS_&BV_EngineID=ccddaddfmhhgjgjcfkfcfkjdgoodflf.0&simplesearchfor=phone+card&simpleitemtype=0&searchtype=simple&action=search&logged_in=No No maint. fees and the pay-phone surcharge was 8 minutes the last time I used it (which was a while ago, you might want to follow up). $.0347 per minute. No expiration of minutes. So, an 800 minute card is $27.76 w/free shipping. --- Wal-mart has a 1,000 minute card for $49.00. 23 minute surcharge to call from a pay phone. No maint. charges. No expiration of minutes. http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=1527899 --- These are both AT&T phone cards, have some sort of voicemail system, which might help you if you need to leave a message for your friend. :) http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileys/luck.gif
  15. I can't see why not... You'll have to excuse me, but it was a flyer included with my cable bill, and I threw it out already, so I can't double-check.
  16. $20 coupon for new HSN Customers off a $60 purchase Coupon Code #209041 Exp.: 11/30/05 http://www.hsn.com -or- HSN TV
  17. Marcster

    BF online?

    Newegg.com (online computer retailer) does specials on BF.
  18. Me and the wife... We usually make conversation with the others in line. Last year at OfficeMax, I helped a woman load a 27" TV/VCR/DVD combo into the back of her PT Cruiser.
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