I am getting more and more distressed as the ads are released. If the remaining ads don't improve, I may be skipping BF this year altogether for the first time in 10 years. :-(
DD says I never buy her any name brand (true! - too expensive for my tastes). I really want to surprise her with some outfits and accessories from Justice, Aeropastale, and Old Navy for christmas. Could someone please give me an idea as to when those stores will have their best deals? Justice had 40% off today, but I still thought it was expensive. Do they have better deals?
I just came up with a new idea in case anyone else with a tween is interested: DD has really gotten into accessories of late, so I am going to buy a good sized jewelry box and fill it with colorful bangles, earrings, and necklaces.
Here's what I've come up with for DD's list so far:
A netbook
Perfect Brownie Pan
Bedroom Intercom
Mindflex Mental Game (if its on sale, otherwise I'll wait)
Dippin' Dots Frozen Dot Maker and refill packs
Cooking Lessons
Clothes from Aeropostale/Old Navy/Justice
DS games
Bath & Body Works gift basket
I'm really trying to cut back this year on DD's presents. I hope I can stick to that promise and go without greatly expanding on this list! lol Its so hard though when you have an only child.
I found a 1x per month cooking class in our area that I am going to register DD for as a Christmas present. I think I've got a pretty good list, many of the items I got from ideas on here. I think DD will really like them!
I don't keep track either. I just buy enough cool little stuff, some as cheap as $.99 from target or dollar tree, with others costing up to $20 (like DVDs, books, smaller toys, etc.).
I vow not to buy DD lots of stuff she won't use just because I think she'll like it.
I vow not buy anything, except if Amazon has crazy deals, after BF.
I vow not to go too far over-budget.
I love the cookbook idea! DD is really getting into cooking and baking. Please keep the ideas coming! I know lots of folks are in the same boat as me and appreciate the great ideas!