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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Also Super Mario Sunshine for the same price: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000066JRN
  2. You'll probably be allowed to use them. The people in line behind you probably won't appreciate having to wait for them to count/scan each one, but you do what you have to do to save $$$, lol.
  3. Brad

    Advice on Gamecube

    The new Gamecube bundle for $99 with 2 controllers and Mario Kart game is a very nice deal, especially for younger kids.
  4. If you click the link I posted, it'll automatically convert it into an affiliate link :)
  5. interesting idea. it would be a lot of work, but it could work. the hard part wouldn't so much be designing the actual site, but populating the database with hundreds or thousands of products and links for each. maybe it's somehting we can work on for next christmas.
  6. Amazon link: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00023C404
  7. No that's fine - spread the word anywhere you can :)
  8. If it doesn't say external on the BF list, I'm 99% sure that it's internal.
  9. Brad

    Online BF purchases?

    we won't know which will match the ads on their sites until next week thursday at the earliest.
  10. Brad


    I think last year they had one of their normal Friday Sales - nothing too impressive.
  11. I'll check around. I know I posted a deal on the main site for it from Target.com a few weeks ago. At that time they had free shipping and 10% off, so it was $45 shipped, but they no longer have free shipping.
  12. Brad

    sales on ipods?

    good deal. glad i could help. target.com also has it for $299.99 with free shipping. use 10% off coupon code TC5THANKS2U2 to get it for $269.99, but tax is charged in most states, which makes amazon cheaper for some.
  13. The Daewoo is in the same BF ad but for $1799, so it's not going to be the same one as the $1499. They probably have 2-3 cheap models that they'll distribute to all their stores. Your only hope would be if your local store doesn't get their shipment and substitutes the Daewoo instead.
  14. What some people have done in the past is order either Wednesday or Thursday for in-store pickup, then come Friday to pick the item up and ask for a price adjustment. Most stores probably won't allow this anymore, but you never know.
  15. added Tractor Supply and EBGames
  16. nope - that's one of the few "big ones" that we are waiting for
  17. Items added to the database. I'll start linking them to the web site as well: http://www.bf04.com/sales.php?store=bestbuy
  18. it means that we only have part of the entire list, so as we get more, they will be added. for example we'll have more compusa items added tomorrow morning now that the entire ad has been posted
  19. Brad

    sales on ipods?

    Amazon has it for $275 shipped: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B0002OZXHO No tax in most states either.
  20. The only ones that there is any real doubt about are WalMart and BestBuy so far.
  21. Brad

    CompUSA Pre-BF Sales

    Yeah I saw that iPod deal yesterday. None around me either. Would have been nice - 10GB is the perfect capacity for what I need.
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