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Everything posted by Brad

  1. The best thing about it is that whichever you choose, you'll benefit from the fact that the systems have been out so long that you can get so many great "classic" / "greatest hits" games for all of those systems for very low prices.
  2. Brad

    sales on ipods?

    Direct WalMart link: http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.gsp?product_id=2689656 That is a really nice deal.
  3. I don't see that many great deals for people to fight over - maybe it's just me though as I don't really need anything.
  4. Because of the huge amount of traffic we are expecting over the next 3 days, we have decided to make the entire GottaDeal Forum for registered members only. Hopefully this will keep the site running a little faster than it has been. This will only be in effect until Thursday morning. But if you can read this, then you have nothing to worry about since you are registered.
  5. Brad

    CompUSA Pre-BF Sales

    The Daewoo is in the same ad for $1799, so that's unlikely I would think. I'm thinking it's a one-time-only model they ordered just for BF
  6. Here are the photos (blurry as they may be) of the KBToys ad. I have also added as many items as I could make out to the database: http://www.bf04.com/images/kbtoys/GottaDeal_KBToys_1.jpg http://www.bf04.com/images/kbtoys/GottaDeal_KBToys_2.jpg http://www.bf04.com/images/kbtoys/GottaDeal_KBToys_3.jpg http://www.bf04.com/images/kbtoys/GottaDeal_KBToys_4.jpg http://www.bf04.com/images/kbtoys/GottaDeal_KBToys_5.jpg http://www.bf04.com/images/kbtoys/GottaDeal_KBToys_6.jpg http://www.bf04.com/images/kbtoys/GottaDeal_KBToys_7.jpg Items in database: http://www.bf04.com/sales.php?store=kbtoys
  7. Brad

    Count Down!!!

    No problem. Just promise us that you'll stop by every so often after BF is over :) We'll still be here.
  8. Despite your "warning" I'm sure there will still be tons of people trying to do these things, and then calling for the manager and then threatening to call HQ, etc... Some people agree with your stance, others feel it's OK to do the return/rebuy thing. It's all part of the tradition of BF :) Seriously, stores could avoid so much of this with a clear policy either posted throughout the store a few days before BF, printed on receipts, etc... then it's written in black and white and there should be little room for argument at the store.
  9. Here is something I just coded that might help you guys who just want a complete list of everything: http://www.bf04.com/full_list.php
  10. Brad

    Deals at Costco

  11. Yeah we saw that - they did it a few hours after we posted the ads. Like you said, they still say gottadeal so people know where they came from. That site is a notorious spammer and we don't really consider them a serious threat so sending them an email would be a waste of our time. Just ignore them and hopefully they are gone by this time next year
  12. That is correct: Free Epson Stylus C86 Inkjet Printer w/ any digicam under $199.99 ($97.81 mail-in rebate) Free Epson Stylus CX4600 All-in-One w/ any digicam over $200.00 ($128.73 mail-in rebate) Doesn't apply to Nikon digicams.
  13. Pretty much all the Canon deals for BF that I've seen have been less than spectacular. You are better off checking our main site for new deals online.
  14. These are real prices. Guaranteed.
  15. http://www.bf04.com/sales.php?store=officedepot I was able to link most of them to the web site in case they have the same BF prices online.
  16. added office depot and removed home depot
  17. That's probably the best you can do. I know BB had free GC's when you preordered them online.
  18. just click RIGHT HERE and it will take you to amazon with our affiliate link already embedded.
  19. We'll do what we can for the next week until BF and then a good chunk of all this traffic will be gone. And if things are still slow after BF, then we'll move to a dedicated server. We should have made everyone pay $1 for access to the forum - we could have paid for a year of a dedicated server with that, lol.
  20. Posted this on the main site. Thanks for the tip Big Smooth :)
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