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Everything posted by Brad

  1. It's hard to say. It's been a long time since the last great LCD deals. The most likely time would be in about a month as Dell gets close to the end of their current fiscal quarter.
  2. I'll see about adding something. One way to go back to the normal view is to add a "&styleid=5" to the end of any URL.
  3. Brad


    I don't know how easy that would be to change - it's not an option that's built-in right now. The userpage thing is a hack coded by just some regular person - it's not an official vB feature. They do plan on upgrading it soon, so maybe that will be an option when the next version comes out.
  4. Brad


    Yeah I noticed that PM thing as well. Usually it takes so long for it to guess that I've typed it out already, but it's good for those people with really long usernames.
  5. Brad


    There is a link to the user page in the user profile in the upper right. It shows for everyone so if they don't have a page set up it will tell you. You can also view the member pages of anyone who's created one by clicking on the "Member Pages" link in the top blue navigation bar.
  6. I just applied to their affiliate program. I don't know if they release any coupons, but I'll find out once we are approved.
  7. Exactly. I know they've been looking to build one around here, so maybe within a year we'll have one.
  8. Both "Best Buy" and "BestBuy.com" should be linked. (without the quotation marks - like this: Best Buy & BestBuy.com)
  9. Yeah that's something we are going to try, just for the big stores. We don't want every other word you post to be linked, so we'll limit it.
  10. That's gotta be something with your browser. Are you using Internet Explorer or Firefox?
  11. Some details: http://www.dealtree.net/cart/select_item.cfm?cont=32908
  12. It must have been the little "microstats" at the bottom of the page (page generated in X.XXX seconds....). Instead I just have that shown for us admins now since it's really not an issue for you guys.
  13. Let me know if they are still there now. I made one change that might have something to do with it.
  14. Is anyone else having the "double-footer" problem?
  15. I've been using it with both IE and FF all day without any of those problems. What happens? Does it just not allow you to click on it or do you click on it and nothing happens?
  16. hmmm. doesn't happen for me. the chat program doesn't "officially" work with this new version of vB yet so maybe that is the problem. most likely the next chat version should fix that. when you log in, you do get to the chat room though, right?
  17. It shouldn't ask for a password if you are already logged into the forum.
  18. Also, if you want to link to your userpage somewhere (either on here or elsewhere), you can also use this easy-to-remember format: http://forums.gottadeal.com/outnumbered (obviously replace it with your username)
  19. Uh oh I've been having problems with that user page thing all day. I'll take a look.
  20. Do you see your requested links in the "Quick Links" menu? :)
  21. One thing that is not working right now is the FlashChat chat system. I'll be fixing that shortly.
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