Most posts that "disappear" are merged with other threads so more people see them. For example your eMachines thread was merged with the main "official" BF desktop thread.
All depends on how many they have in stock for the web site and how popular they are. Most of them actually start Thanksgiving Day, or early morning BF. By the time the stores open, most of the hot online deals are sold out.
We'll help you with this in 2 ways:
1. Add items to your shopping list and we'll e-mail you when any of them become available online at the BF prices (and are in stock).
2. We'll have one big page on the BF site (and we'll post about it here) listing every item from every store that we find that is available online at the BF price. If you keep coming to the site, you won't miss a thing :)
FYI, there are now around 100 items from the main BF ad (non-"early bird") posted on the BF site for KMart. Nothing too great that I see, but you can start adding them to your lists.
A lot (and I mean like 90%) of the digital cameras advertised in BF ads are not deals and can be found much cheaper online right now. Some of the "early bird" specials are good deals, but something like this is probably not. Here are plenty of places to get it cheaper: Plus RS has a free 256MB memory card on BF which they are not offering now :)