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  1. I was going to post a couple this a couple of days ago but I knew it would make some people mad, my sis works at a walmart in a fairly big town in west texas and they got their adds this week also. She said some of what is on here is correct but the one big thing that isnt is the laptop. Its going to be 500.00 here. She said it all varies on where the store is. For the most part the toys are all right but electronics arent exact.
  2. qualitydiesel1

    Online BF

    Can someone tell me how the online shopping works on BF. I always go out and fight the crowds. As crazy as my family thinks it is I LOVE IT! I love the whole process of browsing the ads, making the list, deciding strategies. That is what we do after dinner on Thanksgiving while the men do their thing. But sometimes I can be everywhere. Can you get the same prices online and when? Thanks in advance!
  3. I was just wondering about anyone else's experience at toy r us. Mine has always been aweful. Long, Long, Long lines and by the time you get what you want there, there is no time to get anywhere else.
  4. My store is 24 hour and it doesnt close. We usually go about 4:30 and most of the time are at the check outs baskets loaded at check out time 6:00am. As they put stuff out they usually let you go ahead a get it you just have to wait until 6am to get the price. But my sis works for wally world and said that they were starting an hour earlier this year. :bounce_fl
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