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Everything posted by Brad

  1. http://www.mickeynews.com/News/DisplayPressRelease.asp_Q_id_E_11195Store
  2. more discussion of this deal: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=19703&highlight=arrested
  3. Continue discussion here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=17407
  4. but what about the ad tha comes in thursday's paper? will it have these lower prices or the original ones? and what if people don't know about these lower prices? doesn't matter to me their initial ad that we had first got us all those news stories such as CNN, so it worked out just fine for GD :)
  5. The "free" PC and $150 laptop both require a new AOL signup to get a $250 rebate. If you don't sign up for AOL, then add $250 to get the "real" price
  6. Here is the flyer: http://www.blackfridaysaleads.com/images/scans/walmart_flyer.jpg http://www.blackfridaysaleads.com/images/scans/walmart_flyer2.jpg
  7. Exactly. On the majority of the ads there are just way too many to type up, or we can't read the details enough for some things. If there are items that we didn't include in the lists that you'd like posted so you can add them to your shopping lists, post them here (Item Name - $Price) and I'll add them as soon as I can.
  8. The ads are still shown for everyone on the BF site. Just view any of the store or category lists.
  9. I just downloaded it now and extracted the files with no problem. Must be something with your PC.
  10. Yeah like I said in the first post, if you have 100 posts you shouldn't see them. It's mainly for all the lurkers who register to view the BF forum and never post. Most of you who have been here a while already have 100 posts, and if you don't, well then either get posting or put up with them for 6 more days :)
  11. Brad

    Black Friday T shirts

    We thought of doing special BF shirts this year, but first of all we didn't expect this much traffic and so we didn't know if there would be enough demand, and second we figured in most areas of the country people are going to be wearing coats and so you wouldn't see them anyway. We'll probably have some next year (and will have a poll for the design sometime in August/September, so stick around!)
  12. See here: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=20636
  13. For those who noticed, yes those are Yahoo ads on the BF site and here in the BF forum. They are shown: - on the BF site on the ad listing pages only (store or category) - on the BF forum (no other boards) after the first post of a thread, only to members with under 100 posts We're going to try them over the weekend to see how things go. Any $ we make will likely go towards hosting the BF site next year, cause it's going to be A LOT of $ to host this next year with all the press this year. We're not supposed to encourage anyone to click on the ads to support the site, so I wont do that All the ads will be gone after BF, so for those of you who are sticking around, you won't have to worry about them in a week, and if you have 100 posts, you won't see them here on the forum anyway :)
  14. I'll see what I can do over the weekend. I should get some free time. If anyone wants to help out and make an updated list, feel free to do so and PM it to me and I'll update the threads. I'll give you some GottaPoints for your efforts as well :)
  15. Brad

    CompUSA online?

    See here for online info: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=19196 To summarize, we wont know what items are online until that day.
  16. Good idea, but probably way too late for this year :)
  17. Brad

    Help protest Office Depot

    merged the two OD threads - keep it all in here
  18. Brad

    Help protest Office Depot

    No, we won't go that far unless there are many more stores that do it. I'd urge everyone to either shop elsewhere on BF, or if you do go to OD, only buy the loss-leaders that they lose money on
  19. Continue discussion in this original thread: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=18533 Please search before posting a new thread as by now most of these topics have been covered. :)
  20. Brad

    Circuit City eMachine?

    Post in the desktop thread: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=18525
  21. Brad


    No, that probably means they will have an online-only sale on T-Giving with different, online-only items. No idea when it starts - probably early morning.
  22. Brad

    Help protest Office Depot

    We also received a cease & desist from OD, so the scans are temporarily down. They will be back next week (likely Tuesday or Wednesday), but for now we are taking them down. Any items you added to your shopping lists will still be saved.
  23. 11/18 - KBToys scans posted - list coming soon
  24. several more online items added - more coming over the weekend from more stores :)
  25. 11/18 - Circuit City scans posted above.
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