krstee Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 In 2007, I was due the day after BF. All the walking around I did apparently didn't help, as I was induced a week later. :)
alexusrydr Posted October 22, 2009 Posted October 22, 2009 I went when I was about 4 months preg and I wasn't showing very much so no extra courtesy was given to me but I didn't have any problems. I made a dash through the door while DH waited with everyone else for a buggy. He came find me with a stack of stuff waiting to be put in the cart. I didn't lift anything heavy, just stood in front of it with my hand on top. I have been shopping 75% clearance toys @ Target (not BF crowd but close) while 9 months preg and 3 cent dilated. I had to move slowly but other than that, no problems.
mom2monkiesx3 Posted October 23, 2009 Posted October 23, 2009 (edited) theboyzmom said: I've never gone pg, but I would say do NOT go without someone going with you and be sooo careful...a few deals is NOT worth something bad happening I'm glad to hear of people having good experiences, but around here, I've seen pregnant women being shoved out of the way...nobody seemed to care So just be very very carefulI second this and with the economy being bad I think the crowds this year will be worse and the fights will be more frequent. I am NOT pregnant (and don't plan on being pregnant anytime soon) and I will not be going out this year either. Dh will be home and we will do some online things and whatever we don't get will just be bought later or written off. I am very overprotective though and didn't even take caffiene or tylonel during pregnancy..To each their own. If you go be careful and don't expect people to give you any slack (be cautious in other words) money makes all kinds of people blind and crazy. Edited October 23, 2009 by mom2monkiesx3
jnjross Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 I BF'ed 2005 then went into labor at 9pm , delivered at 4pm sat. Yes i'd do it again
stacy0479 Posted October 24, 2009 Author Posted October 24, 2009 jnjross said: I BF'ed 2005 then went into labor at 9pm , delivered at 4pm sat. Yes i'd do it againWow, good timing! At least you made it through the sales!
john&misti Posted October 24, 2009 Posted October 24, 2009 Yes,,, my due date was December 28th but I still went and got everything I wanted .... I out done the people I was with lol : )
mommy2justin Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 I will be almost 16 weeks and nothing will keep me from shopping on BF. Hopefully the m/s will be gone by then but it not, well I'll just carry a bag with me. I'll just have more snacks this year since we start at the outlets at midnight and don't get home until after lunch.
dmintelsgt Posted October 25, 2009 Posted October 25, 2009 I will be 15 weeks and I'm worried about still being sick or just plain running out of energy. I did the making strides for breast cancer walk today and I ended up having to take 2 naps! I was beat! I really hope by BF I'm feeling better (got sick twice this morning ) and I that I can make it to all the stores I want to go to!!
momee2twins Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 I was five months preggers with our twins one year. I wasn't allowed to do the full BF shop 'cause the doc said if he even suspected I'd done it, he'd throw me in the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy. I got to go to one store and had to have a wheelchair (my twins were 8'8 and 8'12 when they were born, so even at five months, I was HUGE). Everybody was really, really nice, but then I wasn't at WalMart or ToysRUs either.
klm2433 Posted October 26, 2009 Posted October 26, 2009 I would go for it if you're feeling up to it and have a buddy along. I was 6 months when I took a friend along for her first BF adventure, and we made it through hordes for $20 dvd players (back when that was the deal of the year, lol!). I was lucky enough to have courteous people notice my belly and give me room. Take a buddy, a bottled water, and have a game plan of the stores you want and what from each so you can get in and out as simply as you can. Good luck! :)
sophia_03_27 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 In 2004 I went BF shopping while pregnant and someone ran their cart into me.. no joke. I had her on Dec.3. I am also pregnant this year and I am due Jan.1 but I am still going to go because I can't pass up all the deals !!
georgiapeach717 Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 they should make belly brush guards for those occassions sophia! I hope your baby was ok after the hit. I think its not that people dont care about others on BF, i just think that maybe they have their eye so far on the prize that they are blind to everything else, ya know? I seen a toddler get run down one year, that was really bad. Good luck this year!! Maybe bring hubby to take the hits for you
Elmck Posted October 27, 2009 Posted October 27, 2009 My DIL says she is going this year and she is due Dec 2.
stacy0479 Posted October 28, 2009 Author Posted October 28, 2009 Finally I remembered to ask my High Risk doctor today!!! She said as long as I feel up to it to GO FOR IT!!!! Whoo hooooo!!!!
arf110106 Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 Last year I was only 2 mos pregnant with my second child, so I wasn't showing yet. But I was struggling with morning sickness and being tired. My friends were very impressed that I could keep up with them. They had mentioned that most of the pregnant women they had been around usually complained when they had to do too much walking. This year I'm so excited for black friday because I WON'T be pregnant!!! So I can move much faster and go to more stores.
deskjockeytwins Posted October 28, 2009 Posted October 28, 2009 This will be my 2nd time being preggo on BF. In '06 I was 5 mths with twins. Last yr I had a 3 week old newborn so she stayed with grandma. This yr I will be 6 mths with a singleton. I plan on going, no big deal to me.
mom2isabella05 Posted October 29, 2009 Posted October 29, 2009 I went last year at about 36 weeks. I had no problems, but I wasn't going for any big ticket items and didn't wait in line anywhere before they opened. Like others said, just bring water to drink and a few snacks.
mcapel4444 Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 I will be allmost 21 weeks this year on BF.
sem615 Posted November 5, 2009 Posted November 5, 2009 I've done it 6 months preggo. Just stay hydrated and as long as you feel fine go for it. Bring someone with you to stay in line when you have to pee.
Bookashow Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 Every year I pile into a big suv with my 3 best friends. We also meet up with another friend and my mom. In 2006, 3 of us were pregnant...with me being due 12/25 (she came 12/19). We moved a whole lot slower, but still had our fabulous BF girls shopping day together. My mom was a huge help. The girls stood in line (they weren't very pregnant) and my mom gave me door to door service. I would make sure you wear a I'm very obviously pregnant shirt, ie something that says Baby on it if you aren't showing...and watch the carts and your belly. Don't get your heart set on any certain sales in case you can't hang, take bottles of water and crackers with you for sure, and have a great time!
stubwire Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 In 2003, I was 7 months preggo, and was just coming off bedrest. My sweet hubby went w/ me (with our 3 and 5 yr old in tow) and he went around Best Buy while I sat on a TV box at the front of the store. It was quite an experience!! Will never forget it! :)
jerica388 Posted November 9, 2009 Posted November 9, 2009 I did it in 2000. I was about 5 1/2 months - no problems.
gwiz5kids Posted November 10, 2009 Posted November 10, 2009 Yep been ther done that and got a T-shirt. 34 weeks preggers with twins. Delivered a week and a half later. I'm in VA and everyone was so nice and very much considerate. Several people @ walmart that were around pallets handed me the things that i wanted to purchase. So girl you can use it to your advantage, you know?!:banana:
haleysmom02 Posted November 10, 2009 Posted November 10, 2009 Yes! Last year on black Friday I actually shopped so much it sent me into labor that night! My little one was 2 weeks early! But that's ok I would do it again I'm a die hard black Friday shopper :). Lol
honey_bee_1979 Posted November 11, 2009 Posted November 11, 2009 I shopped 2 times pregnant and last year I took my 2 month old with me. I used the Moby Wrap, placed her snuggly against my body and put a blanket over her. It was easy with her on my chest. But be very careful you don't get hit. Some people are insainly crazy and don't care about others.
stacy0479 Posted November 23, 2009 Author Posted November 23, 2009 So it looks like I will have to make this adventure this year on my own. My DF has duty Friday, which for those that don't know what that means, he has to be at work at 8AM Friday morning and won't get off til 8AM Saturday morning. He can't leave the sub, nothing. So I am very thankful that I get to have him spend Thanksgiving with us but sad that he can't go shopping, which isn't a big deal. I already told him that I am dragging him with me to Target at 3AM, lol then I will hit Kohls alone, then come home and rest for a couple hours before hitting the mall. Hopefully the rest in between will revive me for another round! LOL
davephillyj Posted November 23, 2009 Posted November 23, 2009 My sister and I have aleays went together. She went once when she was preggers (about 7 months along) and a man pushed her down. At another store a ladykept elbowing her tummy till she lost it with her and told her she would press charges for assault. I never had a problem, but Just BE CAREFUL!!!!
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