stacy0479 Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 I really want to go this year, seeing as how DF will be gone next year and I will have 2 small babies, I won't get to go next year. This year I will be 22 almost 23 weeks. I have told DF he has to go with me this year cause he can't send his pregnant fiance out into the wild! LOL Have any of you done it? How far along were you? How was your experience?
jmm1014 Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 YES!!! 2 times....1st time I was due Jan about 31 - 32 weeks, the 2nd time I wasn't due until March 13th, so was only 21 weeks (roughly). Had no problems but boy did I sleep after all my shopping! Enjoy and good luck!
ellen zachariia Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 Yes, I was just about 4 months pregnant with dd4. Just try and be careful that no=one bumps into you. I would advise you take someone that can help you get a shopping cart and lift items if they are heavy.
beck6100 Posted September 9, 2009 Posted September 9, 2009 I have and would not have missed it for the world..We always shop at least 13 hours. Just watch the crazies if you going to a place like walmart or best buy
nick_jenni_jocelyn Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 I did back in 2006. I was 34 weeks pg and DS was born at 36 weeks. Was walking into Fred's and I fell. There was nothing on the ground, no curb or anything and there was 3 ladies walking in with me and they all helped me up. I felt so dumb. I think i fell cuz my feet were so swollen at the time and i tried to wear my tennis shoes cuz they were the only things that fit me, but i could barely fit my feet in them. so if you go, wear good-fitting shoes and make sure you have water and a snack. You will need them, especially being pg.
jjliesen Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 I have been shopping at 4 BFs while pregnant! Once I was due December 12. The entire day I felt as though the baby was dropping plus I was having light contractions so I spent the entire day Saturday wrapping. Baby was born 2 weeks early on Sunday! Maybe all of the walking helped!
stacy0479 Posted September 10, 2009 Author Posted September 10, 2009 Wow! Thanks for all the answers! I do plan on taking someone, whether it is DF or my sister. If I can't have someone go, I don't think I will go. I wouldn't feel comfortable going alone. I know it will make me tired, so I might have to come home and take a power nap to keep going the rest of the day! LOL
gemini1567 Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 Yep, last year I went when I was about 8 months pregnant, I was due on Dec. 31st. I started at the outlets around midnight and went through until about 10am in the morning. I did get some braxton hicks, so make sure you drink lots of water & take frequent rests. Like a pp said, I did get some great sleep afterwards!
emilygracesmom Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 Done it twice....first time in 2004, my daughter was born on December 17th, so I was VERY pregnant....second time in 2007 and my youngest was born February 19th, not quite as pregnant as the first time, but was definitely well into the pregnancy.....I had a blast and made "friends" with the people in line and when the doors opened they watched out for me and kept people from pushing me, and then once in the store they helped me get what I was there for....I hope you have that great of an experience and find out that there are still nice people out there!!!
bigjimslade Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 I would be very careful. I have seen people get trampled and such on BF. No one has manners on BF. Good Luck!
KaS Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 I was 6 months last BF and my husband wouldn't let me go! He was worried about me and the baby getting hurt.
cc1824 Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 If your pregnant and can't go send your BF or your hubby. Last year my daughter and I went, she was 6 mos along and her hubby had to work at 7:00 a.m; well we were almost done so he dropped off her daughter 2 yrs to us and she slept through the whole mall experience, it was her first BF and she mised it ha ha. start em early. Of course my hubby won't wait in line all night, but he'll get up by 4:00 am to be somewhere so I send for other things that aren't so popular and I send the kids they are old enough to drive, then we all go home and nap later and then sometimes after dinner we go back.
FaithandRaegan Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 I was 38 weeks last year when I went BF shopping. I had no problems except luckily a friend of mine brought a small fold up chair for me to sit on while we waited in line. Then about 5 minutes before the door opened my friend went and put the chair in the car. So you might want to do that.
ChristusG Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 Yep, twice. The first time I was due at the end of April and the second time I was due at the beginning of March. I just made sure I had quite a few snacks/drinks with me in case I got to feeling queasy or hungry or my blood sugar felt low. Other than that, just yell out "Make way for the bump!" whenever you need to get through a crowd LOL.
jellybean051901 Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 I was prego last year and my sis was the year before. No problems
Deal Grabber Posted September 10, 2009 Posted September 10, 2009 Ive done it twice but last time was 10 years ago.Times are different now.Seems to be much much worse especially with the hard times going on now.I did have a blast doing it.Was tired as heck after words but im not so sure i will camp out this year or be the first one at the door.Especially at Walmart or Best buy it has just gotten so crazy.I dont see the mall or outlet crowds being so nasty but ya never know.
kjunea Posted September 11, 2009 Posted September 11, 2009 I did this at the age of 42! I was pregnant with my one and only child, about 24 weeks along. I really had to do some fancy talking to my DH, since I had already been through 6 miscarriages. No problems, but I did avoid major pushes, etc. And I was home early (for me at least) by noon. Drink plenty of fluids all day and keep snacks with you to keep your energy going. And when you feel tired, you are done, whether your list is or not. There are so many deals online now, if you are worried, I would stay in and do that instead!
KimberlySA Posted September 11, 2009 Posted September 11, 2009 I did, DD was born Dec 20th so I was very pg, but where I live is typically calm and I wasn't after items that would have cause a frenzy.
AuntJamelle Posted September 11, 2009 Posted September 11, 2009 Great thread! I'm debating going out this year myself since I'll be about 7 months along. I was thinking of maybe just waiting to hit stores shortly after they open - the lines of people outside are gone and the main thing is just waiting in line at the checkout. The side of town we always shop on is never as crazy as the stories I've heard. I've also noticed that going to our Meijer an hour or two after the deals start is so easy - no one is there but plenty of door busters left to be had. I'm hoping it is the same way this year! But depending on how I feel in November, I may just skip the whole thing and do online shopping only. We'll see!
polve Posted September 11, 2009 Posted September 11, 2009 bigjimslade said: I would be very careful. I have seen people get trampled and such on BF. No one has manners on BF. Good Luck! I second that! I went when I was 32 weeks pregnant, and people were shoving and pushing into without a care in the world. Some woman at toys r us ran a cart into my stomach, I think it was first and last time my husband wanted to punch a 50+ yr old grandma in his life. Be careful and have a body/babyguard!!
theboyzmom Posted September 11, 2009 Posted September 11, 2009 I've never gone pg, but I would say do NOT go without someone going with you and be sooo careful...a few deals is NOT worth something bad happening I'm glad to hear of people having good experiences, but around here, I've seen pregnant women being shoved out of the way...nobody seemed to care So just be very very careful
stacy0479 Posted September 11, 2009 Author Posted September 11, 2009 In my city, I have never seen people shoving others to get what they want. I don't know why, but in the 7 years I have lived here, I haven't seen it, so honestly I am not worried about that. I am worried about parking too far away and having to walk miles that day, and getting tired. I start pretty early, don't do a sleepover or anything like that, but I do get to Target when it opens. I think I will do it and just stop when I get tired.
jlegz883 Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 I will be almost 6 months by BF my DH and brother will be accompanying me this year. We have already discussed the plan each one will stand on each side of me and serve as my bodyguards I honestly don't think anything will happen to me, I went to black fri 2x's b4 pregnant with no incidents thank God. It's just a matter of going with more caution than you normally would HTH :)
christib327 Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 I haven't. Just be really careful. Being pregnant with twins makes your pregnancy higher risk anyway so just listen to your body :) I was on bedrest when I was that far along with my twins.
vonda598 Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 I did not shop the year I was pregnant in 1998. I actually worked that day while pregnant. I worked for Walmart and I was almost 3 mos preg at the time. It was an ok experience. I would not do it again I know that, because the people are more wild now than back then. I actually start my new job in a couple weeks and they already told me that I will be off the day after and I plan to shop as usual. I can't wait me and my friend have the countdown!
vonda598 Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 AuntJamelle said: Great thread! I'm debating going out this year myself since I'll be about 7 months along. I was thinking of maybe just waiting to hit stores shortly after they open - the lines of people outside are gone and the main thing is just waiting in line at the checkout. The side of town we always shop on is never as crazy as the stories I've heard. I've also noticed that going to our Meijer an hour or two after the deals start is so easy - no one is there but plenty of door busters left to be had. I'm hoping it is the same way this year! But depending on how I feel in November, I may just skip the whole thing and do online shopping only. We'll see!I did most of my shopping online last year and it worked out well for me. I was working part time at Walmart last day after and I did a little bit of shopping before I had to work. I ran in and gathered all I wanted and made my mom take my card and pay for it and take it home. I plan on doing as much shopping online this year also just in case I do not get the chance to get out and do shopping.
theboyzmom Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 wow...I missed the part about you carrying REALLY need to make sure you are going to be ok and you MUST stop and sit, drink water, etc... twin pregnancies are risky just by being twins...mine were born 3 months early and I did everything right....please be careful....
rnstrange Posted September 12, 2009 Posted September 12, 2009 Looks like there are a few other twin mommies on here too! I wasn't pregnant with mine on BF, but like the others said, just carrying twins is hard on your body. My only advice is to take it easy! Get what you need and get out! Then go home, put your feet up and rest. Congratulations and welcome to the wonderful world of being a multiples mom!!
stacy0479 Posted September 12, 2009 Author Posted September 12, 2009 Thank you all for your responses!!! I just hope this fatigue wears off before then, I have been really tired with this pregnancy! No other symptons, just fatigue! My 2nd trimester starts on 9/20 so I hope I will be good to go for BF!
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