ChristmasShopping Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 I know most people will answer that it depends on the ads but most of us end up at the same places every year. Where do you shop on BF? I normally start out at Wal-mart and then hit Target, Walgreen, Bath and Body, Old Navy.. I don't hit the big electronic stores because I don't like to camp out.. LOL!
wnc_mom Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 I *sometimes*hit kohls first just because they open at 4 and im usally first in line get in there really quick then i rush over to TRU to wait in line a few min...then the less important stores like old navy,the mall,babies r us,dicks,etc just in whatever order seems best for the deals! I dont really need electronics so i dont go to best buy or anything! and walmarts toooooo crazy!(even for me!) Its like the most popular store where i shop*forget that!*
firegirl719 Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 It depends on the ads, but I never miss TRU, Walmart, or JCPenney. :) They always seem to have the best deals on things that were on my list. I have only been to a Best Buy ONCE on Black Friday. NEVER AGAIN! Lol. It didn't help that at the time I was 7 months pregnant and moody, but I leave that store for the pro's.
Miss Star Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 True it does depend on the ads and this year I think we are going to get into pricematching but usually it goes like this: Thanksgiving: Meijer Kmart Black Friday: Meijer(if they don't have anything we want then we start at Kmart instead) Kmart Walgreens Target and wherever else we end up going.
stacy0479 Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 I start with Target, then go next door to Kohls, then hit the mall.
hockeyfanamo Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 I start with Target, then usually hit Wal-Mart, and I always swing by Walgreens.
Kanyon71 Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 We shop at Best Buy, Wal Mart, Target, BB&B and then places like Walgreens/CVS for small stuff.
tyreejames Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 TRU, then Target then on to the mall; mainly for the Disney Store.
musicalkarasel Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 I've started at Kohl's every year except last, just because they open early. We usually get to Walmart before they start their sale and head to Kmart or Target next. (We do Big Lots and Kmart on Thanksgiving.)After we hit our big 4, we'll do stores like Ulta, Staples, Ace Hardware, Office Max, and Walgreens.
jamlei Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 It has to be one AWESOME deal for me to fight the mob at Walmart on Black Friday so we usually hit Target, JC Penny, Sears and Lowe's, whichever has the better deals.
ObiRich Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Always: WalmartStaplesAce Hardware/Harbor FreightSam's Club FREE BREAKFAST Sometimes: Office DepotOffice MaxTargetLowesHome Depot"The mall"Radio Shack
brinak2005 Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 I usually start at Walmart, then hit Target, Kohls, and anywhere else thats having a good sale. I go to Kmart on Thanksgiving day and will go back on BF if they have good deals that aren't available on thanksgiving. I always have to go to Big Lots. I try to stay away from the mall if at all possible, but if there is a sale that I must go to I
DramaQueenLucy Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Depends on the ads but I always hit Target & Walmart everything changes year to
bpr Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 It has varied over the years. When our son was younger, the first store was KB Toys and Wal-mart. Now that he is older, his taste have changed, so now it is BB, Target, Sears, and maybe an Office supply store. Circuit City was in there too before they went under and the name was bought out by TigerDirects parent company. It's all based on who has what and who has the most in their store that we want to purchase. If it's one item, that store is probably going to be last, unless it is a big ticket item. The problem is, I don't really NEED anything. I got a new laptop, a Blu-ray player, and stereo receiver last year. I don't really need any new electronics. Maybe an upgrade for the computer. Uh oh...getting off topic, lol.
angelbabymommy Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Last year was the first year it hit Walmart first; that may change this year depending on their ad. I will hit BRU for their $10 box of diapers and I always go to the gallery mall in PA for stores like KB Toys, Old Navy, Burlington, KMart, etc. because its all in one. Besides, seems like everybody comes to DE to go to Christiana Mall and the tax-free shopping. Im almost scared to know what this year will be like since the renovations will be done close to the holiday season.
Gporter34 Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 WalMart, JCPenney's, Bath&Body Works, Hasting's, Belk, Beall's, sometimes Sear's, Big Lot's
AndreaInNC Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 I hit the outlet mall about 10pm on Thursday, then head to Best Buy, then swing over to Target, hit Walgreens on the way home and am normally home by 10am. I hit CVS on Thanksgiving and maybe KMart.
samisma Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 always: tru walmart sometimes: beall's outlet ace hardware new for this year (maybe): disney store they are reopening the disney store (it closed about a year ago) and I might go there if I can stomach the crowd. definately hitting walmart this year. friend works overnights there so she is going to call me and tell me where all the skiffs are located through the store
bpr Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Oh yeah, I forgot to add ToysRus. My son looks for the Star Wars Legos to go on sale.
JohnnyLaRue Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Usually its based on the ad. Though I plan to purchase some items from any place that sponsors this site to show my support. I refuse to shop at Walmart and TRU. Some places like Radio Shack and Kohls I would shop at but refuse to drive 40 miles one way to go there. I shop locally if possible to support the local community. Best Buy, Frys, Target, Circuit City (oops they are gone) and Gamestop are my usual places over the last 4 years.
zim05 Posted August 30, 2009 Posted August 30, 2009 We really tend to do the same thing every year... - I drop my sister off at Target for her to stand in line - I hit Walmart while my mom and aunt are at Herbergers - I get to Target b/f they open Then my mom, sister and I go over to a bigger town (about 30minutes away) and hit up Bath and Body Works and Best Buy (for leftover CDs and DVDs).
mrs.winter Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 JCPenney's because they open at 4 then to wal-mart at 5 then we head into to the city(St.Louis) and hit the mall Old navy and what ever else we find but those are the top ones!
jellybean051901 Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 We always start at WM. Then go to Target, Kmart, Kohls, Old Navy
adelswick Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 we always start at Kohl's first. Next is Wal-mart and Target and then everywhere else!
beck6100 Posted August 31, 2009 Posted August 31, 2009 Macy's first than Fortunoff but they are now closed so we are going to have to adjust
lucyismycat Posted September 1, 2009 Posted September 1, 2009 Always: Meijers, Joanns, Hancock Fabrics and Sams (breakfast!) Sometimes: Menards, Lowes, Ace, Staples, Office Depot, etc. Never: the Mall, Best Buy, any toy store
kboyts Posted September 2, 2009 Posted September 2, 2009 BB if have any free money to get myself stuff , then target, walmart, then wherever might have additional sale stuff i need (kmart/sears/cvs etc...)
nelly Posted September 2, 2009 Posted September 2, 2009 Just wondering why so many of you are mentioning Walgreens. What do you usually find there?
Miss Star Posted September 3, 2009 Posted September 3, 2009 nelly said: Just wondering why so many of you are mentioning Walgreens. What do you usually find there?Walgreen's for me is usually a last stop, they sometimes have a couple things I could use, sometimes it's the box of gold chocolates(my uncle always gets a couple to give to the nurses at his nursing home) or revlon lip gloss at a good deal, and sometimes they have Tide for a good price.
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