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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2009

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  Gritz said:
### 082-07-0363 Radio Flyer - My 1st Scooter $9.98 (orig. $39.99)QUOTE]


These are so nice, my DD2 got one for christmas and loves scooting around the house. She will be doing it outside when the weather is nice!



Posted (edited)
  scrabbler said:

Since they salvage the item at the full retail price, or in some cases, get a higher credit(than the discount) for it from their seller, it would be stupid to sell the item for a 75% or even a 90% off price.


Also, if they have already salvaged all pieces (depending on how they do it, they may take the number that is in their system which would account for lost/hidden items), it would screw up their inventory numbers to sell something that is salvaged.

You say that as if their inventory wasn't already horribly screwed up! Which it is, or we wouldn't have so much trouble finding those items that are supposed to be in inventory when we call and ask. You are also assuming they salvage it at full retail. If they purchased the item in the same calendar year as it is going for donation, they can't take a tax write-off. If they are getting a credit for it, the manufacturer is simply going to rely on the numbers they provide, and it will not show up when the sell it 999999999 as they almost always do for INF items (which also means it has no impact whatever on their inventory system). Same is true if they wrote it off as "loss." If they are salvaging it to a salvage company, they are getting pennies on the dollar anyway, and unless it is a higher value item (like electronics), they are going to get the same sort of price as they would simply selling it 75%-90% off to the consumer. And they build goodwill with the consumer to boot. So, I stand by the point that it is silly not to sell it to the consumer.


Oh, and my point when I called the 800 number was that the manager was nasty, but more importantly, that they need to get their act together and get merchandise off the sales floor if they don't want to sell it. All they do is build ill will with customers by behaving the way she did.

Edited by lovetoshopCA
  lovetoshopCA said:

You say that as if their inventory wasn't already horribly screwed up! Which it is, or we wouldn't have so much trouble finding those items that are supposed to be in inventory when we call and ask. You are also assuming they salvage it at full retail. If they purchased the item in the same calendar year as it is going for donation, they can't take a tax write-off. If they are getting a credit for it, the manufacturer is simply going to rely on the numbers they provide, and it will not show up when the sell it 999999999 as they almost always do for INF items (which also means it has no impact whatever on their inventory system). Same is true if they wrote it off as "loss." If they are salvaging it to a salvage company, they are getting pennies on the dollar anyway, and unless it is a higher value item (like electronics), they are going to get the same sort of price as they would simply selling it 75%-90% off to the consumer. And they build goodwill with the consumer to boot. So, I stand by the point that it is silly not to sell it to the consumer.

This is getting horribly off topic...however, I am trying to explain why some stores will NOT sell things that are not in the system.


Just because the inventory system may be horribly screwed up does not mean that Target, as a whole, does not want to get it fixed. It is silly to perpetuate the mistakes which is what some stores do by randomly selling the INF items. And because you were kind enough to remind us that new items sometimes also ring up INF further explains that it is important for Target to NOT sell items randomly at guest/cashier prices. If an item comes in as a new item and is screwed up, thus showing up INF, it will screw up their inventory system if sold at a random price.


It is wonderful to explain that you may ask, I am certainly not saying do not ask... It is important to remember that ONE MAY NOT GET A RANDOM PRICE....it is YMMV. Getting mad is silly because as a corporation, Target cannot make everyone happy by giving away random products at random prices. That practice would make Target, as we know it, go away even faster than we fear the great deals already seem to be disappearing.


And YES, rudeness is never acceptable. NOT getting a random price when you ask, may not be rude, it may really be an employee attempting to do their job properly. As long as they were as polite as they possibly could be....RUDENESS is not acceptable EVER.


I have to say that the sales/clearance stink lately. I have 4-5 stores near me and I do move around to hit them all and nothing lately. I still do put things away from next years Christmas but I need better deals right now to part with my money.



I did try to purchase something last week and they wouldnt sell it to me. Still amazes me

I went yesterday hoping the scrappbooking stuff would be marked down more but still only30%. Could someone post if they see if go down more as I rarely get to Target now since baseball has started. If was the first time I left Target spending less than 10-I agree clearence stinks right now.

I also agree that here in northeast Pa clearance is a joke. Lingerie and workout clothes have been 30% for two months, as have the neat leg warmers and funky socks that I have my eye on for my daughter.


The photo albums and scrapbooking are still 30%, and while winter mittens and hats went 50% last week, full-face balaclavas are still only 30%, and I got an employee who just said "Yeah, they're only 30%, sorry, they shouldn't even be on this shelf." (But where else could they go? THEY HAVE SUMMER STUFF OUT!!!)


Our global bazaar stuff disappeared between 30% and 50% -- the 50% items were a forlorn collection of two chairs, a table and mismatched tcotchkes sitting atop one area rug, and that was it.


But I did get three MMs and a ton of cheap snacks for the kids so it was worth the trip.


This is a combination clearance find and INF story...


Last week I was at the local regular Target on my day off and found a Garmin Heart Monitor watch on an endcap that I had seen over a month ago. It was marked 69.XX down from 99.XX, which was the same as it was a month ago when I passed. I remembered another poster finding it for 75%, so I went to scan it and it came up INF. So I chucked it in my cart and was planning on taking it to customer service.


In Housewares I saw an employee with a scan gun. I politely asked her if she could check the price because it came up INF, and that I remembered it from a long time ago and it should definitely be cheaper by now. She did her thing and finally said "it's 24.98.". I thanked her and asked if it would ring up at that price when I went to check out, and she assured me it would. I noted her name, which was the same as mine.


When I went to check out, of course it rang up for the $69.XX price. I told the cashier what the employee had told me. They ended up having to call her on the radio. She told them, it's a long story, but yes, it's $24.98. So the cashier changed the price. When I told her, "that's funny, the employee assured me it would ring up for $24.98" the cashier told me, "yeah, she was being lazy and didn't want to deal with it." :eyepoppin


Anyway, I'm happy and my cheapo heart monitor works great!

  scrabbler said:

The policy is that if it isn't in their system, they generally do not sell it. It screws up their inventory procedures if they sell things that are not in their inventory system. You may find an employee or even a manager that gives and allows something to be sold....but it is definitely YMMV.

We have 2 Target stores near each other. One will try everything to get a price on the INF but the other will not sell it no matter what. They wont even look up the price if it is INF. They are firm in saying that its salvaged and no longer available.


Back on subject: someone was asking about the Scrapbooking things. Yesterday some of the Jolee packs were 50-75% but most of the tools were still 30%. I think its very strange lately... there is no rhyme or reason on how they are marking things. I found 2 of the FisherPrice Tough On the Go kits (has the headphones etc) and they were $3.81 each.


All the heaters are 50% and I figure they will go down further Thursday or Friday... but who knows!

  ailes220 said:

I called the 800 number after getting upset that they wouldn't sell me a ball that my son HAD to have. She called the manager over after seeing it come up inf and she said they could not sell it no matter what. I called and she said that is target policy to salvage anything inf. She was VERY firm and not understanding at all. I wont even try anymore. Great for all the people that can things though!

You have nothing to loose so I would keep trying diff. registers until you find one that asks you to name the price and just use him in the future. Also you never know about the mgrs. since I have 1 Target here I like to go to but 2 tmes in a row they tried to sell INF things to me full price (1st cashier asked the mgr. and she said no way, no how rudely so I just avoid the two of them like the plague now.) But 3rd time I found 2 things - 1 INF & 1 Care Bears V-Day DVD scanned full price and a diff. mgr happened to come over to chat with my register person while I was standing in line so I thought I was screwed but she was actually real nice and just told the cashier 75% prices for both things.


(Also just my two cents but I think the more people call the more Target will realize there's an issue and decide to deal with it in a unified, official way. So since we've verified this is what their policy is I hope no one else calls..imho)


Those character comforters they have in kids bedding section (part. girl's ones: Tinker, Princess, Hello Kitty) will these be clearanced soon?? Anyone remembers from prev. yrs?

I was lucky to find one on end cap about a month ago for ds with SpiderMan 3 reversable for $7.98 (75%) - never even saw it before at lower % but I really need 1 for DD for next winter.


Also, anyone ever seen spice racks/spices go on clearance?

  ixrayu05 said:
  Gritz said:
### 082-07-0363 Radio Flyer - My 1st Scooter $9.98 (orig. $39.99)QUOTE]


These are so nice, my DD2 got one for christmas and loves scooting around the house. She will be doing it outside when the weather is nice!




What age is this scooter appropriate for? My DD will be 5 in a few months. Is she too big?

  ixrayu05 said:
  Gritz said:
### 082-07-0363 Radio Flyer - My 1st Scooter $9.98 (orig. $39.99)QUOTE]


These are so nice, my DD2 got one for christmas and loves scooting around the house. She will be doing it outside when the weather is nice!




What are the age requirements for this one? I already got ds1 2 m/hr batman ride-on for outside would have preferred something like this for dd3 (will be 4 in summer) Does it go automatically and if so how fast? Thanks!

  arelf27 said:
  ixrayu05 said:


What are the age requirements for this one? I already got ds1 2 m/hr batman ride-on for outside would have preferred something like this for dd3 (will be 4 in summer) Does it go automatically and if so how fast? Thanks!


It's not battery powered. It's foot powered. My boys had them, they are great scooters for beginners. They are now 4 & 5 and have moved up to a smaller scooter.

  Moosette541 said:

Great find last night...


### 097-04-0831 Do Your Room Espresso Medium Storage Bookcase. Reg 119.99 Clearance 29.99

These are really nice. DH put one together last night.

  ixrayu05 said:
  Gritz said:
### 082-07-0363 Radio Flyer - My 1st Scooter $9.98 (orig. $39.99)QUOTE]


These are so nice, my DD2 got one for christmas and loves scooting around the house. She will be doing it outside when the weather is nice!





Still 39.99 here! :( (Indy)

  malibooiseeyou said:

our almost 4 yr old boys got those scooters for Christmas. They love them! Our store still has them full price.

Still full price for me too.


Radio Flyer 1st Scooter is full price here also.


For anyone in the San Gabriel Valley area looking for one of those electric Razor Scooters that was minty green and for older kids , there is one at 75% off at the Duarte, CA store. It is on a back endcap in sporting goods near the bikes. A great deal at $57.XX for someone who needs it.


  scrabbler said:

This is getting horribly off topic...however, I am trying to explain why some stores will NOT sell things that are not in the system.


I simply disagree with you. There are any number of reasons that a store or store manager may choose to do something. However, as a customer, and a business person, I think the arguments for selling it at the lower price rather than making a customer mad are stronger. But there is little doubt that YMMV on the whole thing. What ticks me off is the fact that it IS so arbitrary, and that if the store did a better job keeping on top of things, the problem wouldn't happen in the first place. But, the very fact that local managers have so much autonomy in this regard means that it is silly to upset a customer, particularly a regular customer who spends hundreds or thousands of dollars a month there (that'd be me since I spend a lot of business dollars there).


The particular store I had a problem with has an unpleasant manager, which has led to an unpleasant vibe in the entire store. It is sad that upper management is unaware of it, but if you ask customers who shop at several of the local Targets in the area, you will often hear from them that this is the case. So, complaining to the folks at the 800 number is the only way to pass that info up.

  atn1275 said:

Does anyone know the dcpi for the razor scooter? My sis really wants one.

According to Target.com the number is 082-07-0395. This is full price at most stores I have been to. Some stores seemed to clearance it in January, too. So this is really a case of YMMV.





  sugars1028 said:

Finding the bargins and shopping should be fun. I think maybe some shoppers should try working in retail before being so judgemently.

LOL! If you mean me, believe me, I have done my time in retail hell. I've also done my time as a waitress and now own 2 businesses, so I know about customer service.

Found 1 of those vinyl wall quotes decals says Family a journey to forever no clearance sticker or anything but I got 1 a few weeks ago for 75% off and my mother loved it so I decided to go scan it and sure enough it was 75% off!
  ixrayu05 said:
  Gritz said:
### 082-07-0363 Radio Flyer - My 1st Scooter $9.98 (orig. $39.99)QUOTE]


These are so nice, my DD2 got one for christmas and loves scooting around the house. She will be doing it outside when the weather is nice!




Ive called every target in my area and they all say they havent marked them down. If anyone finds one in or near greenwood In please let me know! I have a 2 1/2 yr old who will be 3 in June and he would love this. ;):D

  arelf27 said:

Those character comforters they have in kids bedding section (part. girl's ones: Tinker, Princess, Hello Kitty) will these be clearanced soon?? Anyone remembers from prev. yrs?

I was lucky to find one on end cap about a month ago for ds with SpiderMan 3 reversable for $7.98 (75%) - never even saw it before at lower % but I really need 1 for DD for next winter.


Also, anyone ever seen spice racks/spices go on clearance?

I believe there were some marked down back around the time we were all waiting for the second toy mark down

Posted (edited)
  arelf27 said:

Those character comforters they have in kids bedding section (part. girl's ones: Tinker, Princess, Hello Kitty) will these be clearanced soon?? Anyone remembers from prev. yrs?

I was lucky to find one on end cap about a month ago for ds with SpiderMan 3 reversable for $7.98 (75%) - never even saw it before at lower % but I really need 1 for DD for next winter.


Also, anyone ever seen spice racks/spices go on clearance?

A couple of weeks ago they had the kids bedroom and bathroom things marked down. they usually mark them down when the pattern changes and the things are replaced. I know they had the Disney Princess bathroom and bed sets discounted 75% last week. I also got a Speed Racer themed sheets and comforter. I think it will be quite awhile before they discount the current ones again. But anymore, WHO knows!!! Edited by niccci
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