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How many boxes do you have to ship this year?


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UGH! I swear every year, I will just buy gift cards for next AFTER I ship all of our boxes to family/friends!!! So far shipping has been a little less, but not by much. i will be shipping DS gifts home after Christmas, since airlines now charge for luggage. So far about $100 for 4 boxes!!:eek:
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My daughter and grandchildren moved to the other coast so I am buying online and having it sent there and my daughter will wrap. For her and SIL I will buy and mail. Also have another daughter out of state that I need to send something to. I mailed a photo album a few weeks ago. Wasn't that big or heavy and it cost $15.
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I only have one to ship, but it's on the other side of the states! Last year I offered to send the box to my brother for my parents and stuck my gifts inside....OMG I almost died when they told me how much it was to ship! It was over $50!!!! I only spent maybe a total of $50 on the gifts I bought!


I swore that this year I would send gift cards too...well....I bought gifts...smaller ones...next year for sure...maybe...lol

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ZERO BOXES!!! After tiring of spending so much on shipping ($100+ each year) gifts that extended family didn't use, we decided to tell them all to donate to charity in our name and we'll do that as well. It's been the best XMas ever and it's not even Thanksgiving yet! We've really taken the season back to what it should be: about spending time with family and friends, and doing charitable deeds. :yup:
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