flychild7 Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 I went in for the wii games. There were only a couple left. I have to say, people were going crazy for the Wii's and the Guiter hero's. I was in and out of the electric section in minutes thank goodness. We got our Wii in Sept. and have been building our collection since then.
blssed2bme Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 I went to Kmart to buy the 32in LCD for $400 but when I got there they had a 37in on clearance for $537. Plus they gave me a 10% discount because the box was open even though it was new. So before taxes, it cost me $485 for this 37 in. AMAZING DEAL IMO.
parteejen Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 We showed up at Kmart at around 6:00...and there was only one person sitting there waiting (with a chair and a book...). He stated that he overestimated the popularity that day, so I wonder how long he was there! Luckily, our Kmart did the tickets, so I was able to get the Blu Ray player that I went for. They came out twice handing out tickets...and STILL had left overs. I got everything on my list, so I'm a happy camper!
zoemariesmamma Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 went to kmart today totally UNDERESTIMATED the popularity and they never even received the playstation 2 games..oh well it was for my sister and my nephew plays too many video games anyway! Kmart is just always the worst! Oh and I heard someone say that they were handing out the wrong tv's too!! Lots of unhappy people when they discovered the mistake..kmart ended up offering a 10% discount on the one they handed out.
bettyn100 Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 Went and got the fleece throws, 2 air hogs planes and some movies. The kmart here didn't have any of the zero gravity cars or the vulcan nerf gun. Lots of very unhappy people. So we went to walmart and price matched the vulcan and the zero gravity car.
left210 Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 MeMyselfI said: grrr...I just got back from Kmart I only went there for the nerf Vulcan. The toy at the top of my sons list that I told him he wasn't getting because it was just too expensive...but he said he was going to ask santa for it so I saw it in Kmarts Thanksgiving ad so I made sure I was there. There were a few of us there for it and they didn't have ANY This has happened to me a few times at Kmart so I really only shop there when necessary but I don't think I will do that anymore.Walmart is price matching and had tons of the Nerf Vulcan strikes this morning. You should try there but you will have to do it today with the Kmart ad in hand.
mom2thegirls Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 Our Kmart didn't have any of the Wii guitar heros. The line was no where near as long as it was last year. I wasn't impressed with the ad myself, but dd19 was training her bf on Thanksgiving Day shopping. We were approx. 10th in line at 420am. And DANG it was cold! There were plenty of BluRay players and the plasma tvs.
pbbjmom Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 Our Kmart shocked me this year. They had everything & plenty of it! Never has this happened before. We walked out happy :) I could have kissed one of the employees. Every year we stand in line for over an hour while others sit in their warm cars. Then when it's about 7:00 they get out & crowd the door. This year an employee made them wait til those of us who stood in line got in. I really really could have kissed him....LOL
sns128 Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 Hubby and I got to Kmart by us about 5 till 7 am when they opened and there was maybe 20people there. We went for the GH for Wii and the Vsmile games. Hubby went for the GH while I went for the games. They only had 6 of the GH for the Wii and only 3 people got them. One took two, another took three and that left only one for the guy in front of hubby. I had gotten the games by then so we left and went to Wal-Mart where we price matched the GH without a problem. He also decided to get the Vulcan for himself so we price matched it there also. Pretty good overall.
barrytuneup Posted November 27, 2008 Posted November 27, 2008 i was just a KMart in Mahopac Ny(about 1:00pm) and they are empty. I went for the 1/2 price mens pj's which they had tons of. However the store was not busy and they had all cash registers manned. I was in and out in 10 minutes. Also i surveyed the Doorbuster tvs and they still has about 20 Samsungs 42" tv on a skid in the front of the store along with the Element 32". Also for the same doorbuster price. The man in the electronics section said it going to be a bad season. The Samsung is the same tv that Best Buy and Sears and circuit city have tomorrow at 5:00am. So i do not think they will be busy. Who would wait in the cold especially if they can not sell them?
theboyzmom Posted November 28, 2008 Posted November 28, 2008 I was at ours this morning....there was a line that would have been over an hours wait! All I wanted was ONE $3.99 movie, but I was not going to wait in the same line as people who were there for tvs and gaming systems, etc so I bought some 2 liters of soda and left oh well, guess I didn't need it that badly
MeMyselfI Posted November 28, 2008 Posted November 28, 2008 left210 said: Walmart is price matching and had tons of the Nerf Vulcan strikes this morning. You should try there but you will have to do it today with the Kmart ad in hand. Thanks...the nearest Walmart is kinda out of the way for us and we had so much to do today so I didn't have time to stop there DH however did go back to Kmart and spoke with a manager. She was very nice and gave us a raincheck. She said unfortunately though that with it being a big sale item and them not getting them in that they probably won't get them in but you never know. Hopefully I can find a decent deal on it before Christmas.
dymplz8 Posted November 28, 2008 Posted November 28, 2008 For some reason I got up this morning thinking that Kmart was opening at 5am and I went to my local Walmart which is 20 minutes closer at that time and price matched the Vulcan. The lady there price matched it without really checking out the ad. If she had she and I both would have seen that Kmart didn't open until 7am. Then I drove on to Kmart and got a few Cd's and games. Luckily I had PM the vulcan because that didn't have many available.
lesliepear Posted November 28, 2008 Posted November 28, 2008 Hit our local kmart around 1:30. Wanted slippers for me, didnt fit. Saw snowboots for DS (been looking everywhere) got them. Left DH and DS in toys - they found 1/2 price hot wheels. When we went online, we had to wait for the person in front of us to have a price check. Then we we got inline, the 10 pack of cars rang up 1/2 price, but not the tricky track. Associate eventually got a price check and we got it at 1/2 price. Store was pretty dead, but probably had sign issues - another customer left complaining about signs for 1/2 price sweaters and not getting something that was near the sign. Our kmart tends to be disorganized a bit it seems. (I remember when Kmart first started opening on t-day in the late 80's or early 90's. It didn't go over to well with store employees - my ex-MIL was a store manager.)
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