rachealb Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 I have to say it is worth it- the one year I braved it they had Star Wars legos on a really great sale that I never would have been able to afford for my son otherwise. The lines were horrific, and when I first looked at the shelf all of the Legos I wanted were gone so I wandered the store for a bit and for some reason decided to just check the Legos one more time- someone must have put some back because one of each set I wanted was there! I stood in line with the grip of death on those boxes of Legos for about an hour and a half, but I got about 4 of the huge Lego sets for about $100 that would have been about $400 otherwise. It pretty much was one of the best Christmas's ever (son at perfect age, perfect presents he never thought he would get)!
afrey66 Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 Yes, they do. If you buy the items within two weeks (I believe it's two weeks), they will do a PA. You may want to check with your local store to be sure they do indeed follow this. I've done it the past couple of years and it's so much easier.
parkdt Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 I live in the pittsburgh area and yes you guessed it CRAZY!!! Last year i decided to go to target and got just as many toys and other things as well..
Illinoismom Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 We also did the one in line while the others shop
mom2maddynsky27 Posted October 19, 2008 Posted October 19, 2008 I have never been to TRU for BF. Now that I have a son I am def thinking about going. Are the deals really worth going for? How crazy is BF? I bet it is a mad house. last year toys r us was our first BF stop. We were 3rd in line, got what we went for and where in and out in mins. In years prior we tried going later in the morning and it was jam packed in their and the line wrapped around the store. So if you have to have something there go early. I will say that the toys r us in lafayette,la has wonderful customer service for black friday and a day they had wii in the sunday ad...they were awesome to us waiting in line outside and helpful when we got inside.
wnc_mom Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 my mom goes with me and she stands in line with a few "pretend toys" in a cart so no 1 gets fussy that we are doing it and a run get everything i need and im out in like 30 min depending on what i need to get i always feel like im on that old show super market sweep lol if my mom is still in line i run to the next store like khols or target i always MUST hit walmart and TRU/BRU every year 1st thing the good thing about walmart is you can go in the superstores at like 4 and there is no1 there and scope out all the items you need then just run a grab them when it turns 5am you can be standing at your most needed items. most of the items are taped off or covered in black bags but you can always peek lol
mum2luke Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 Last year my husband and I went on the Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving and got what we wanted from the ad. Then on BF all I did was go in during the doorbuster time and got a price fix and walked back out. The customer service desk has to wait on customer service guests first before doing check out so I was probably in there about 15 minutes and my stuff was already hidden at home. YIPPEEE!!!! I called and asked them if they did this before I attempted it though. GL
lakj98 Posted November 11, 2008 Posted November 11, 2008 My brother goes every year and that is the only store he goes to because he is usually there for at least 3-4 hours. I use to always skip it because the lines were so long and you could barely get through the store to even find what you were looking for. Then you could not tell where the lines even ended at. It was a mess. Now I wait until we are all done, then I go to the Toys R us by my house on our way home (I go to my moms area to shop with her). I have done that for the last three years,a nd every year when I go there I have gotten ALMOST everything on my list. So now I just wait and that is my last stop.
jodeee Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 I have done black friday for 6 years now, never once have I made toys r us my 1st stop. Normally I arrive around 2am and wait like everyone else. This year TRU is my 1st stop. I have heard that it is the store with the most"action" in the early a m. I am in Idaho and the other stores have been pretty crazy, so I was wondering how TRU compares? Anything I shouls know?
theboyzmom Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 I'm not sure how to link to another discussion, but I bumped up the Is It Worth Going thread...read it...TRU can be a nightmare...
kgm520 Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 TRU is definitely a store to have the tag-team approach going for you. One with a cart, the other making runs for toys. OR, you have a very short list that you can carry in your arms and have scouted out exactly where they are on the shelves so you can grab on your way to the check out line. Two years ago it was my first stop and I was in and out of there in 8 minutes flat. WEEE!! This year, though, I've done a lot more researching and finding the toys I want at cheaper prices beforehand or at other stores. For the first time, I'm not planning on making TRU one of my first 3 stops.
booga12345 Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 Toys R Us is the only store I refuse to go to on bf. The lines are ridiculous and I would be spending the whole morning at just this one store. If you have a lot of patience you will do just fine, I however do not
tlsikes1374 Posted November 23, 2008 Posted November 23, 2008 My Toys R Us will not do price adjustments on black friday. They say they will within 2 weeks of buying an item. However on Black Friday, the returns desk/customer service area is not open. The register is dedicated to only checking people out. Therefore, if you wanted a price adjustment on a doorbuster item, you're out of luck.
BridgeIU Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 The TRU in Dublin, OH last year had a nice orderly line, until they opened the doors. Then people were going in the exit, cutting people in line, using carts to cut people off.... it was nuts. The lines weren't organized very well either. Every register had its own line that went back into the aisles - I much prefer the "one line goes to every register" method. The electronics area was COMPLETELY stuffed with people. It was a mess...
princessbsl Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 I go to TRU as my 3rd or 4th stop usually and have no problems at all! I am usually able to get the items I wanted from the ad and the store is amazing at working people through the lines! This is just where I live though!
kimmie0712 Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 We went to TRU first last year and I'm not sure I'd ever do that again. The aisles weren't big enough and they weren't prepared for the amount of people that came in. It was far too overwhelming for me!
mom2maddynsky27 Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 toys r us was our first stop last year and we had no problems. we were in and out of the store in 15 mins. but we were 3rd in line to get in the door.
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