kselzer Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 usually I'm out about 12 hours. Last year it was leave the house around 4 and back around 4. The year before we did the outlet and left about 9pm and back about noon.
blkfridaylvr Posted October 5, 2008 Posted October 5, 2008 I depart my home about 4:30am and get back by no later than 6...I get there towards the back of the line but I'm there for the non-electronic/big buy deals and the excitement of the start of the Christmas season.
stephbrent Posted October 5, 2008 Posted October 5, 2008 I usually leave the house around 3:00am and am back before lunch.
queenofshopping Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I go out in the wee hours of the morning, and like to be back home by about noon - most of what I go for is the Early Bird stuff anyway, and I need my post-insanity nap! Sometimes I'll go back out on Saturday afternoon to get the things I know will still be there.
BrandyJervas Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I'm out at least a good 12-14 hours I leave around 11p-12a and get home usually no later than 1-2p depending on where I go
Joyagirl1013 Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 It really all depends. Last year we were done by 11am...we kept looking at each other in disbelief we were 'done'! We are not ones to wait on the line. I can't stand nasty, pushy people and if you want that something that badly, you can have it. Normally we start at the earliest open date in our town. We've already mapped our route (not in stone) so we arrive 20 mins early and sit in the warm car (I absolutely can not tolerate cold and its cold on BF morn!) until the doors open. We do not push our way in, although last year my husband was pulled in, literally, by a random customer in line at Walmart so by the time I entered the store he was already in the electronics line, 3rd from front and able to get our camera, a laptop for the kids and 2 DS bundles. Now mind you, my then 17 yr old son wanted to shop w/us so he actually stood in the cold line for me and when I approached he explained his mom can't take cold and he was holding my spot. He is so anxious to come with us again this year. So after finding our deals (and then some) we head out for breakfast. Usually this is around 10 or 11 when early shoppers are getting cranky from being tired and late shoppers are cranky trying to navigate crowds. Some years we meet up w/friends for breaky, but like last year, our group of friends split up and headed out of town for the still early deals. My kids are older (younger still may believe...) so I don't even know what we are going to be purchasing this year...other than a laptop for our college bound senior! (I'm so busted if he signs on and reads my post <waving>)
austin944 Posted October 10, 2008 Posted October 10, 2008 each year people go earlier and earlier. This years going to be pretty interesting! ive very excited for the outcome! (and the day itself of course)
Mattfam Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 We normally head out around 4 am and are done by 7:30-8:00 am. We have it down to a science :)
SuperMommy Posted October 18, 2008 Posted October 18, 2008 I plan on leaving around 10-11pm and I probably will not be seen again until 3-4pm. I go get all the early bird deals then go back to stores and do some general XMas Shopping.
biggerbear16 Posted October 21, 2008 Posted October 21, 2008 this year it will probably be from 9amTG-2pmBF for me
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