krissy72 Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 Daughter 10- $300 +/- Stepson 18- $300 +/- Stepdaughter and Son in Law- $300 +/- total Father In Law- $100 +/- Husband- Varies, sometimes we don't buy for each other. My Mom- $100 +/- My Dad- $100 +/- Sister In Law- $50 +/- My Sister 23- $30 +/- My Brother 25- $30 +/- My Sister 33- $50 cash (we had agreed not to buy for each other but she is a single mom barely making ends meet) My Nephew 7 or 8- $30 +/- My Gram 86- This year we are giving her $100 because she can barely make ends meet. Then we buy for a few of my DH's friends but only spend about $10 each.
elena_398 Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 I don't really have a set price for each person. Its whatever they ask for OR what I decide to buy them I buy for My mom and dad My kids ages 13 (soon to be 14) and 8 My husband My mother-n-law My brother-n-law My sister My 2 nieces ages 5 (twins) My nephew age 10 My 3 dogs (yes, they get presents and a stocking each).
leefamily23 Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 We buy for our dog too- I forogt that one. He has a stocking and we just put those toys for $0.88 from Walmart in it w/ a bone and treats.
bugsette Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 Family about 14 Teachers - 7 Ups Driver/Mail Person.Garbage Man 4-6 friends
vsa3janes Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 I have a question - if your limit is $30 and you find a deal on a gift with the value of $30, say for $15 do you feel you need to spend another $15 or do you count the value not the dollar amount spent?
krissy72 Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 vsa3janes said: I have a question - if your limit is $30 and you find a deal on a gift with the value of $30, say for $15 do you feel you need to spend another $15 or do you count the value not the dollar amount spent?Depends on who it is for
krissy72 Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 leefamily23 said: We buy for our dog too- I forogt that one. He has a stocking and we just put those toys for $0.88 from Walmart in it w/ a bone and treats.Oh, I forgot my dog too. She loves presents.
bugsette Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 oh I forgot my 2008 Holiday Excahnge on here
ohitsunshine Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 I never really set a dollar amount, for our 3 kids we go by amount spent and number of presents. A $200 present for my 12 year old can mean the same as a $50 present to my 8 year old. This year each one is getting a laptop but it is not normal we would spend that much on each one- especially because I don't want them getting just one present. 3 kids My parents My other parents His parents My Grandma His Grandma 2 Nephews 1 Niece 2 Sisters 3 Aunts/Uncles My dogs
loves30 Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 im crazy,, i buy for everyone. but i dont set limits really .. i started to last yr. all the kids that i know i spend 25.00 so if the toy cost 10 they would get another usally most of hte kids always got two toys thanks to all the deals i find and gd finds for me. im usally almost done by oct but this yr money is very very hard to find so i wont be doing much this yr.good thing i hit target and got most of the girls stuff last yr. my kids last yr i had lots of extra money ( came into some extra cash ) so my kids were very spoiled and they usally are i usally spent about 300-400 on ds 8 but last yr he got wii and about 10 games new ds and two games and like 4 small things. have no idea this year. he did ask for his own ps3 i siad no. ds 5 he got alot of things incl the smart cycle spent about 200-250 on him this yr i have no idea as they dont ask for much anymore cause they all have it. and share them . ds 17 never really asks for much. i just buy what ever is hot that year for him cause hes not into anything but music. and movies. so last year i got him the ps3 80 gb. plays it ever day and so does my ds 8 with him. he is to get his dl tomorrow so i was thinking a visa card for gas. navigator, and he wants the tom delong guitar. that alone is 500. so im really not sure what im gonna do. i will be out of work (collecting) but wont be the same as me working. dh and i usally only buy something small. but last year he got me such great gifts. i dont think this year we will be doing it again
mcapel4444 Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Where to start? lol Family- Dh, 5 sons Extended Family- Mom, Dad, 2 Brothers, 2 SILs, BIL, 2 nieces, 4 nephews, 2 Aunts Friends- Too many to count right now lol Various Swaps that I will sign up for I know I am missing people too.
MathGirl Posted September 30, 2008 Posted September 30, 2008 Like a lot of people our list grows each year. We buy for (I do the shopping and wrapping DH does the working and supporting:gdinlove:) DH My Mom My Dad My Brother and his wife(Newlyweds) Niece (8) (Brothers wifes daughter, who he will be adopting) Niece (21) (Brothers wifes daughter, who he will not be adopting, she has a great relationship with her Dad) His Dad and his wife. His Grandma and Grandpa His middle Brother and wife Nephew(11) Nephew(2) His youngest Brother and wife Nephew(6 mos) My Best Friend His Assistant His student assistants (6) His volunteers (3) Angel Tree gifts (7) Wow:cheesy: I didn't realize we gave gifts to so many people. This year there are four new family members. My brothers family and his youngest brothers son. I'm not quite sure how much we spend. I always find great deals. When giving gifts to the inlaws I try to go by the value of the gift, instead of how much I paid for it. Most family members do not realize how great the deals are that I find. For example I decided to give one of my SIL's a certain cookbook that was released this year, the book is List Price $24.95 and sometimes on sale for $17.95 at the bookstore, but I found it at Marshals for $6.99! I LOVE finding deals like this. A great gift at a great price. You just can't beat that. And its why I try to shop early:yup:
sherril Posted October 5, 2008 Posted October 5, 2008 DS DD DH Mom Dad brother brothers gf grandparents MIL BIL Nephew BIL's Fiance Dhs cousins 4 kids Dh's grandmother
Katie811 Posted October 5, 2008 Posted October 5, 2008 26 peopleWhich I'm sure will turn into more before christmas rolls around!My Side of the FamilySon - 2 yearsBoyfriendBrotherBrothers wifeMomDadUncleFriend of familyBestfriendBestfriends son (1 1/2)Bestfriends daughter (2 months)FriendHis Side of the Family!GrandmaAunt LCousin JCousin SCousin AUncle DAunt NAunt AUncle SCousin JCousin MHis MotherHis FatherHis Brother - and I'm almost done with shopping!
Turtle Mommy Posted October 5, 2008 Posted October 5, 2008 -Dh -Ds#1 -Ds#2 -(2) MIL -(2) FIL -Mom -Dad -(4) Niece -(3) Nephew -SIL -BIL -Sister -Sister boyfriend -teachers -gift for $10.00 exchange
BabyBear24kGold Posted October 9, 2008 Posted October 9, 2008 6 kids mom mother inlaw father in law hubby 6 neices 4 nephews 1 godson 2 sisters
tbarry1974 Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 DS 10 DD 10 DH SIL SIL SIL BIL DN 5 DN 5 DN 7 DN 12 Mom Dad DN DN
childofsolitude Posted October 17, 2008 Posted October 17, 2008 My family is still trying to decide if we're going to skip out on gifts for each other and just participate in the Holiday Angels program this year. A couple of us want to do the Holiday Angel thing and a couple of us are selfish and want to receive gifts. Here's my list of people I'm going to buy for if we ditch the Holiday Angels thing: Mom Dad Sister (23) Sister (21) Sister's Fiancee Pets (2 dogs and 3 birds) 3 Friends One of my friend's kids (Gabby and Gracie are 1 and Emma was born in October) One of my friend's niece (Kloei is 1) My cousin and her two children (Sofia is 2 and Gavin will be born in February) Another cousin I might also participate in my Secret Santa at work
turtle_elf Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 DH DD DS DD DS DS Mom Dad MIL FIL StpMIL SIL BIL BIL SIL nephew nephew GM friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend friend teacher teacher crossing guard gardener houseboy husbands boss So that puts us at 36, plus my hubby and kids buy for me, lol.
avsfan Posted November 2, 2008 Posted November 2, 2008 (edited) DH Mom and Dad Brother Sister 3 nephews 1 nephew's wife 2 great-nephews 2 cats 1 vet hospital and/or animal shelter 1 boss, 1 office manager, 2 employees I supervise All done except DH, Mom & Dad, my boss, and the cats. I haven't spent more than $15 on anyone. Edited November 2, 2008 by avsfan
debbiedana Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 DD9 $200 DH $75 My Mom $50 My Grandma $50 My niece 3 $50 My nephew .5 $50 My cousin M19 $30 My cousin F12 $30 My Secret Santa name $30} HOPEFULLY THIS CRAP WILL DH Secret Santa name $30} END THIS YEAR!!!:banghead: His Mom $50 His Dad $50 His niece 9 $60 His nephew 7 $60 Our friend F $10 Our friend F $10 Kid F12 $25 Kid M11 $25 Kid F7 $25 Kid F7 $25 Kid F2 $25 DD's BFF $15 Girlfriend's Kid Secret Santa Thing $25 Teacher $25 Gifted Teacher $10 Religious Ed Teachers $10 My boss $40 Also my family is adopting a family through the Salvation Army. And I'm always running out on the 23rd because I forgot someone. I only have a couple of things so far, I'm a major BF shopper and I try to get 80-90% completed by then. That way I have December to NOT FREAK OUT shopping for everyone, just filling in the holes. It's much easier to be at the mall when you need two thing than when you need 50. Thanks for making this thread, I'm just finishing up my budget and this is helping me pull it all together.
floridasun5 Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 Here is my list: DD15 DH (Dont keep prices for DD or DH, but they usually wind up with the same amount of gifts) Mom ($50) Dad ($50) Although Mom & Dad are going to get a Omaha Steaks Dinner Pack this year so it will be a combined gift for both of them. Grandmother ($50) Mom & Dad In-laws ($50) 4 Neices/Nephews ($30 each) 2 Secret Santas from work ($30 each) Male Friend ($30) Female Friend ($30) 2 Dogs Plus, then I buy food for the local holiday food drive, plus food or stuff for the animal shelter and probably a large gift basket for the elderly which I'll drop off at our nursing home up the street.
jakesmommy403 Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 I have 38 people on my list this year!! Hubby gets off easy, I'm the only person on his list! lol Our son (4 1/2) - most important!Hubby My side:Mom and DadBrother (20)Brother (10)Gram and Pap Uncle His side:Mom and DadBrother and Wife Sister and HusbandNephew (6)Niece (5)Niece (2 1/2)Nana Great Aunt Friends AllisonDonna and MikeKevinJoshKennySusan Friends' KidsBoy (11)Girl (3)Girl (1)Girl (2 months) MiscMy bossMail CarrierSon's 2 teachers4 neighbors (we buy for families)
queenofshopping Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 Oh my... Parents (as 1)Friends x5GoddaughterNeighbors x2 on mom's side GrandmaAunts x2Cousins x2Cousins' kids x4Mom's cousins' kids x3? on dad's side GrandmaAunts x5 Uncles x3Cousins x 6Cousins' kids x3 So that's, what, 39? :banghead:
JohnnyLaRue Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 Hmm. I have no family. My list is: Me, myself and I Do a gift exchange w/ my 4 friends but it's now strictly $10 limit. I also just randomly give presents (DVDs, $20 gas cards...etc) for random people in December. I see someone doing something nice and give them a gift. Holding a door open for someone, a cashier who looks exhausted but still managed to treat the customer nice, returning the shopping cart to the cart corral...etc Also give a lot to Toys for Tots. I'll go to TRU and ask kids what is a good gift as I have no clue what are cool gifts. Though I also buy lots of nerf hoops, hot wheels and Barbie/Bratz dolls. Though I am at a loss on what to give this chick in my college class. Trying to think of something more personal than a generic gift card but not too personal that reeks of creepiness.
lcplwinkerswife Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 My list of people: My parents My 2 brothers Grandparents on moms side Grandparents on dads side My aunt Cousin and her fiancee My aunt and uncle and 2 cousins My husband- he already knows what hes getting but its on layaway and it will hopefully be paid off by Christmas, we hope. i still have my hubbys side of the familys presents from last year still. We werent able to go see them, so his aunt told me to kep them till we are able to. They live in brooklyn, ny. She told me to not do anything for them this year. So I feel bad , but we are tight on a budget this year. And she knows that.
littlezar Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 JohnnyLaRue said: I also just randomly give presents (DVDs, $20 gas cards...etc) for random people in December. I see someone doing something nice and give them a gift. Holding a door open for someone, a cashier who looks exhausted but still managed to treat the customer nice, returning the shopping cart to the cart corral...etc That's awesome. Last year I was the recipient of a random act of kindness. I was looking at wrapping paper in Walmart with my then 18 month old and an older woman came down the aisle so I apologized for blocking the aisle and moved the cart. She stopped and handed me a card and said I'd like you to have a wonderful holiday, I give cards out every year to people I come across while I'm out and about during the holidays. She told me not to open it until she left. I thought it was a little weird, but opened it after I finished picking out my wrapping paper and was surprised to find a gift card for a local supermarket for $50 inside a Christmas card. Anyway, my list to buy for:DHDS’s – 13, 11, 7, 2Parents – Joint gift with sisterMIL – Supermarket gcGrandmother – Supermarket gcSisterSIL & BIL –Joint gift, usually restaurant gc & small fun stuffNieces – 17, 5, 4, 2Nephews – 10, 2Friend – Family giftTeacherToys for Tots
shopping mom Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 JohnnyLaRue said: \Though I am at a loss on what to give this chick in my college class. Trying to think of something more personal than a generic gift card but not too personal that reeks of creepiness.How about a nice travel mug and a starbucks gift card.
loves30 Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 my list use to be really really long. but due to out of work and economy.we decided to only buy for kids this yr. ds17 ds9 ds5 god child god child sister 1friend daughter 2friend daughter 3friend daughter 3friend son neice 1 neice 2 neice 3 nef 1. that is it and i just need neice 1 &2 and nef .. and gps for my son. and then im done and i even hae wrapped all there gifts ..
Mikesgirl Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 DD8 DS12 DH MIL Mom Grandma & Grandpa BIL BIL's girlfriend and her 2 boys cousin 13
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