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i won i won


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now my joy .. back in the end of dec i had post to you all how i entered the bank of america sweepstakes quarter back spending in wkend..



so i was picked for first place 25% of my spending up to 2500.00and i was pick for wkend 5.. well i filled out the papers and waited to see if i would win the super bowl. well never heared anything except i got a letter about a wk ago saying my winning would come in a ck in 6-8 wks. well by fed x today was my ck.. now when i won i looked at what i spent that wkend on my mac card total was like 380.. so i figured i would get 95.00 back.. woohoo for me.. and i had told my sister forget about the money for the little girl we adopted for xmas as i wont this money its a wash.. well in my fed ex


a ck for 2500.00 lmao omg i so did not understand this contest.. it must have been for all 6 wkends and my name was drawn for total spent in 6 wkend not just the one i was picked for.. woohoooo im so excited.. so on that note i want ot thank you all for helping me win also cause most of it was on here and in some stores lol.. thanks gotta deal.. this was the best deal ever. :cheesy:

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