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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2008

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  snausages said:

Also could not find any Speed Racer gift cards :( the slot was empty...but I did find one Nighty Night Light Gift Card. It's pretty cool, it looks like a gift card with two prongs for you to plug into the outlet and it lights up :)

I'm so sorry about the "egging." That's just awful. Aren't those night lights the cutest? I picked up a few of those too. The Speed Racer cards were very new, so maybe your store will get them next week.

  myboyzr2 said:

I had to share this bargin....I was perusing the vacuums and had to pass by the Dysons for my weekly visit....


I keep looking and spot one of the Dysons further down the row, alone, and looking a bit desheveled. I found a salesguy and asked him about the vacuum. He told me they weren't going to carry this one any longer and it was the last one, floor model.




He gave it to me for $ 99.xx! That went into my cart so fast....who woulda thought I'd get excited over a vacuum!

WOW, what an awesome deal! Congrats!


I went back to Target last night with my sister.... around 8:30pm. They must have put some more stuff on endcaps as when I was there earlier these items weren't there....


Mighty dog cans of food... clearanced to .52 (roughly 50 cans on endcap so hopefully I can buy them at the next markdown)

TONS of laundry detergent. I got a Target clipless coupon card in the mail for $1 off any Purex laundry detergent. Target last night at the 50% more liquid containers (HUGE container) clearanced to $3.81. That in itself is great... BUt, with the clipless coupon I got it for $2.81!

Also had Tide (different varieties) and Era.


Brought out TONS more paper products on clearance. Napkins, plates, cups, etc. All brands. Only 30% right now.


Even had a lot of the Ben Gay pads for sore muscles on clearance. Besides that brand, about 4 others. Whole section on clearance. I have an injured back and use these pads religiously. Of course a tad too high right now. Hopefully will be marked down in a week or two.


My sister bought up the Easter shirts. MY nieces age 5 love the rhinestone thing so she bought 2 of everything in their size. They seem to run small so she bought the bigger size. Scooters all sold from the time I was there yesterday afternoon.


Found more bras on clearance. You just can't beat a bra for $2.48! First time in awhile I now own 5 bras. LOL!


My sister found several pairs of panty hose for herself. Seemed like the entire section was clearanced. She only paid $1.48 a pair!


Also found a large lighter (for like grills, etc) that someone must have hid.... Regularly $9.99 and red tag said $3.48. I scanned it and it came up .98! I was happy. The lighter part is moveable. Does that make sense? I remember seeing them awhile ago when I bought the clearanced grill cover so they were in that section at one point.


I also found a LIttlest Pet Shop figure set that must be in the Easter clearance. Scanned at $1.24. My daughter will be happy.


In the dollar spot, I found my daughter some cute hair stuff. Jeweled barrettes and hair ties. My daughter is all about the sparkly look. LOL.

Quick question on the clipless coupon card.... You can only use it once per item listed? OR once per visit. I would love to go back to get more of the Purex detergent, but if I was understanding the cashier right, I can only use it once for the Purex. Can anyone explain this? She told me the registers remember what was used on my card. So she told me the easiest way to remember what I've used on the card so far is to slash through the product picture to remind me I couldn't use it anymore?? IS this right
Also forgot to add they clearance the Colgate Total full sized toothpaste to $1.70. With the printable coupon for $1 off, I bought ALL 8 toothpastes they had. You can't beat .70 for Colgate total. Needless to say Im stocked up on toothpaste for while! Glad something told me to print out 10 (I always print out that many and keep it in my coupon holder). Coupon is located on the "other site" from which we all get the Target generator
  elena_398 said:

Quick question on the clipless coupon card.... You can only use it once per item listed? OR once per visit. I would love to go back to get more of the Purex detergent, but if I was understanding the cashier right, I can only use it once for the Purex. Can anyone explain this? She told me the registers remember what was used on my card. So she told me the easiest way to remember what I've used on the card so far is to slash through the product picture to remind me I couldn't use it anymore?? IS this right

Yes, what the cashier told you is true. You can only use it once per item listed. I just put an X through the item after I've used the coupon. Also, make sure you check to be sure the coupon came off. I had some problems with that on a clipless I had a couple of months ago. They may have fixed that problem now.

When I tried to use the clipless coupon on the same item more than once, the register automatically denied it. The register clerk didn't know why the discount was not coming off the total and called over the manager for help. The manager acted like I was trying to get over on her, but
oops...hit the wrong key! Anyway, the manager acted like I was trying to get over on her, but I didn't know about the 1x per item rule - neither did the sales clerk.

ok, I spent almost an HOUR in dollar spot today (75% off) and ended up with 60 dollars worth of stuff, which means at 25 cents each that's 240 items!!! My poor kids were so patient with me for all this but I felt bad that I got so obsessed with the deals! :) I even had a nice old lady helping me find stuff - I didn't ask her, she just wanted to for fun. They had all sorts of blue dot stuff and I got about 16 of everything for future party favors. I got little girl purses, gloves, socks, kites, wooden tic tac toe sets, ladybug and butterfly puzzles, ring toss sets, paddle balls, wooden memory games, wooden block sets, Easter cards, baseball playing cards, and cello bags. I probably would have gotten more if I had been alone. I just dawned on me that ONCE AGAIN, even though I remembered to put it in my purse, I forgot to use the darn $5 coupon! I give up on my memory! :)


the BEST deal of all, if you ask me was the 4 pack of AA batteries, which were blue dot and also rang up at 25 cents! I grabbed 20 packs (they had a ton) and probably should have gotten more - we go through batteries around here like water!


The green sports-themed $2.50 stuff was 75% off too so I got a nice hand towel with sports balls on it for 62 cents.


In the regular Easter section I also got picture frames, a cute Disney Princess dress up "basket" which had a costume and jewelry, hair ribbon in it, as well as some Batman egg containers. In the regular toy section I found the last of the hidden Enchanted nursery dolls. It was a FUN trip, but now - where to store it all?? :) :)

  raycesmommy said:

I know this is asking a lot but if someone has a camera phone in which they can download pics to the computer, I would love for someone to take a picture of the monkey/jungle dollar spot stuff or if you have bought or are going to buy some for yourself. I just don't want to drive an hour and find it doesn't really work with our theme. PM me if you could possibly do this for me. THANKS A MILLION!!

The stuff is REALLY cute, especially for the price. Most items in that line are $2.50. It is all done in lime green and bright blue. It is very cute. There are pillows and alot of different items. I think they will go quick as they are so nice. Sorry I have a camera phone but won't be going again until next week. I think you would like it, if the colours will work for you. It is very whimsical....

  JackJack said:

The stuff is REALLY cute, especially for the price. Most items in that line are $2.50. It is all done in lime green and bright blue. It is very cute. There are pillows and alot of different items. I think they will go quick as they are so nice. Sorry I have a camera phone but won't be going again until next week. I think you would like it, if the colours will work for you. It is very whimsical....

Well that sounds awesome as we just did my son's room in lime green and bright blue. LOL Now I really want to go... just hate the hour drive!!:eek:

  lynnb said:

I'm so sorry about the "egging." That's just awful. Aren't those night lights the cutest? I picked up a few of those too. The Speed Racer cards were very new, so maybe your store will get them next week.




The night lights are indeed the cutest ever! Too bad there was only one left by the time I got around there. It was in one of those inconspicuous corners so no one noticed I guess. There was an empty slot holder for the Speed Racer cards, and it was in the greeting cards section so I guess ppl grabbed that quick. I will keep checking other stores to see :) Looks very cute from the picture!

  lovetoshopCA said:

YIKES! Probably stupid kids on spring break!

Probably! I totally forgot they are on break this week. You would figure at the price of eggs these days, they'd not be so wasteful. Sigh... I surely am not walking down that block for a while!


If the Easter Dollar Spot is 75% off now, has anyone seen if the St. Patty's Day Dollar Spot leftovers are 90%? Or completely packed off to salvage?


Btw, can any one in the NYC/NJ area confirm 75% Easter Dollar Spot? Thanks for keeping me posted!!!:tongue1:

  raycesmommy said:

Well that sounds awesome as we just did my son's room in lime green and bright blue. LOL Now I really want to go... just hate the hour drive!!:eek:

They are very cute! And sounds like they are meant to be! Good luck and be sure to report back!!;)

Only the Easter dollar spot stuff was 75% off at my Target. All their Easter stuff was 75% off too and I got 3 girls T-shirts (one said Princess, one had a butterfly, and one had chicks on it) for $1 and $1.25 and 3 girls onesies for $1 each (one had a kitten on it, one had 2 rabbits, and one had cartoon bunnies). I also got a pressure washer for $49 marked down from $99!
  lynnb said:

Yes, what the cashier told you is true. You can only use it once per item listed. I just put an X through the item after I've used the coupon. Also, make sure you check to be sure the coupon came off. I had some problems with that on a clipless I had a couple of months ago. They may have fixed that problem now.

how did you guys get those clipless coupons?


I got a couple Furreal doggies for $9.94 (50%)......I added one more thing and used the $5 coupon......I had a little bit of a problem with the coupon, cuz the cashier said I couldn't use it since it says on the coupon that it's VOID if copied , but I tried to explain to her I didn't copy it, I PRINTED it...It says right on the coupon "print this coupon"..she had to call a mgr and he said they would take it this time, but corporate told them to look if it has that statement about being VOID if copied and that they couldn't accept it ,even if it's their own.....



Question!....If I bought Easter stuff for 50% off and found the same stuff today for 75%, can I return the 50% off and get back what I paid or will they give me the 75% off.....My receipt says seasonal items on clearance will be refunded at current selling price....

  buddypooh said:



Question!....If I bought Easter stuff for 50% off and found the same stuff today for 75%, can I return the 50% off and get back what I paid or will they give me the 75% off.....My receipt says seasonal items on clearance will be refunded at current selling price....

My store will not do this for seasonal. They have to put it back on the shelf first.

So we had a fun trip to the other target today (PA) after i picked DD up from school. Their Easter section was one side of one lane!!!! alot less than yesterday's target had! We still found the Hello Kitty basket she wanted as well as some yellow cake decoration stuff and a ball that was a bouncy ball but snowglobe like as well (kinda cool)...it was really worked over.


My excitement came in Electronics where i found Audiovox 9" portable Dvd players for 50% off!!! so $74.98!!!! I was so excited...then I saw the return of the SHUTTERFLY!!!! Several PILES of the 8x8 books, storybooks, keychains, ETC all 30% off!!! I picked up an 8x8 one for $20.xx (instead of $29.xx)...i'll keep watching, hoping it drops more! So heads up to look! Also, the sales associate told me they are clearancing out most of electronics in the next few weeks, so alot more would be showing up! I'm super excited :)

  buddypooh said:

Question!....If I bought Easter stuff for 50% off and found the same stuff today for 75%, can I return the 50% off and get back what I paid or will they give me the 75% off.....My receipt says seasonal items on clearance will be refunded

at current selling price....

As long as I have the reciept or if it was on a different credit card I've never had a problem getting the 50% off back at any of my Targets. Obviously, it a ymmv thing.

  raycesmommy said:

Well that sounds awesome as we just did my son's room in lime green and bright blue. LOL Now I really want to go... just hate the hour drive!!:eek:

I saw it too and it's darling! They have different things and it does all look very whimisical and playful. It would be very cute in a kiddos room (I'm sure that's where it's supposed to go...lol).

Thanks for the info on the Burt Bees. My Target in Grand Rapids (Cascade store) had a 3-pack that included 2 of the Burt Bees medicated lipbalms and 1 tin of the Burt Bees regular lipbalm for $2.48!
  maryjoe said:

how did you guys get those clipless coupons?

They come in the mail. I'm not sure how Target decides who to send them to. I do have a Target Red Card, but I have a friend who doesn't have a card and she got a clipless too.

  gezzmom70 said:

Is the Target brand juice clear like Capri-Sun. To tell the truth, that's the only reason I prefer Capri-Sun over the others: clear liquid means less chance of mess. DD is 9, but still pretty careless when it comes to stuff like that.

Yes, it is clear like the name brand ones. In fact, today I was the one who spilled it. How I didn't put my finger on top the straw when opening it is beyond me.....

  snausages said:

If the Easter Dollar Spot is 75% off now, has anyone seen if the St. Patty's Day Dollar Spot leftovers are 90%? Or completely packed off to salvage?


Btw, can any one in the NYC/NJ area confirm 75% Easter Dollar Spot? Thanks for keeping me posted!!!:tongue1:

they don't go to 90% on St. Patty's it will get packed off for salvage.

for those in my area, the Pasadena Madre store just keeps putting out more Easter stuff. I swear I don't know where they are getting it, but when I went back this morning they had put out more of the potato head sets, more of the small etch a sketch, those flat balls that pop, pull back thomas easter trains.....every morning I check and there is something else there. Yesterday I got a bunch of the LPS tubes that had just been put out. The day before they had an entire pallet of toys. I have also found a few other stores where there is just a random basket full of boxed toys that are just arriving on the sales floor. Crazy.
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