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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2008

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The Target in Crestwood, Il had the Roseart Smart Easel for $9.98. IT was 75% off. They also had an art desk for 75% off, also 9.98. The smart easel is a little flimsy but for that price, it might be worth it. I sure would not pay the $40 bucks for it.
  KrisinTn said:

Thanks again! Had to give you a update, right after I got the corp number my husband called. He works about 5 minutes from the Target I was at today. He wanted to know if I had been at that particular Target at lunch, I said I had... (frantically trying to figure out why he is having me followed... :sidesplit) He wanted to know if I had run into some trouble... (again, how the crap?!?) After I filled him in... he filled me in. One of his employees had been checking out at another register, and had of course taken note of this poor woman that the cashier was treating so badly... and recognized me from a picture my husband has on his desk of our family. She'd been in his office this afternoon and asked if he had talked to me... she wanted him to tell me (if it was me...) that she really felt bad for the way I had been treated. After he told me all that he asked for the information that was on the receipts, and said he would take care of the call... I almost feel sorry for the person he talked to ... he had that "calm" tone in his voice, you know - the one that always comes before the storm.... :eek:

That is so sweet of him to handle it for you, not that you could not have done it, but I think it is special that he wants too.

  mollymoo said:

The Target in Crestwood, Il had the Roseart Smart Easel for $9.98. IT was 75% off. They also had an art desk for 75% off, also 9.98. The smart easel is a little flimsy but for that price, it might be worth it. I sure would not pay the $40 bucks for it.

hmmmm...you did????/ may call for a trip!

I know... I wanted to do it myself. I had worked myself up pretty good... but he enjoys playing the "knight in shining armour" so I let him call. I suppose I'll have to come up with a good way to thank him :rolleyes:

Another day, another trip to target.


Cashier: "Did you find everything you were looking for?"

Me: "NO, but I found this stuff.";)


Today I found kid's stuff - pull-ups, wipes, and clothes.

Huggies wipes .37 for 2

pull-ups $6/pack * 2 (new coupons came yesterday, yea!)

4 pants, 9 long-sleeve shirts, 1 sweater, and 1 hoodie for kids size 24mo to 14/16.

all for $32.

  shopping mom said:

That is so sweet of him to handle it for you, not that you could not have done it, but I think it is special that he wants too.

I agree.

My hubby is way more assertive than I am so I would be happy to let him do it for me.

My mom just called. They stopped at another Target (I'll make a perimeter peruser out of her yet :D) and she said the toys weren't marked down there anymore either, but she overheard a conversation between an employee and a customer. The customer said she was going to wait for something to get marked down further in toys and he said "That will be Thursday, but you didn't hear it from me." I hope he wasn't just feeding her a line.
  mollymoo said:

The Target in Crestwood, Il had the Roseart Smart Easel for $9.98. IT was 75% off. They also had an art desk for 75% off, also 9.98. The smart easel is a little flimsy but for that price, it might be worth it. I sure would not pay the $40 bucks for it.

oh I have been watching those easels..does anyone else have seen these at 75%??

  fluffkin79 said:

Another day, another trip to target.


Cashier: "Did you find everything you were looking for?"

Me: "NO, but I found this stuff.";)


Today I found kid's stuff - pull-ups, wipes, and clothes.

Huggies wipes .37 for 2

pull-ups $6/pack * 2 (new coupons came yesterday, yea!)

4 pants, 9 long-sleeve shirts, 1 sweater, and 1 hoodie for kids size 24mo to 14/16.

all for $32.

Coupons for Pull-ups? Were they in the paper? I didn't see them. That's a great deal!

  KrisinTn said:

Thanks again! Had to give you a update, right after I got the corp number my husband called. He works about 5 minutes from the Target I was at today. He wanted to know if I had been at that particular Target at lunch, I said I had... (frantically trying to figure out why he is having me followed... :sidesplit) He wanted to know if I had run into some trouble... (again, how the crap?!?) After I filled him in... he filled me in. One of his employees had been checking out at another register, and had of course taken note of this poor woman that the cashier was treating so badly... and recognized me from a picture my husband has on his desk of our family. She'd been in his office this afternoon and asked if he had talked to me... she wanted him to tell me (if it was me...) that she really felt bad for the way I had been treated. After he told me all that he asked for the information that was on the receipts, and said he would take care of the call... I almost feel sorry for the person he talked to ... he had that "calm" tone in his voice, you know - the one that always comes before the storm.... :eek:

For another customer to actually notice the bad treatment, it must of been really bad. If I heard an exchange like that, I guess I probably would of spoken up to someone, if not that person. I definitely would of talked with the manager, I do not like seeing people whether employees or customers wrongly. The odds that someone else somewhat associated with you heard it too, well thats spooky. I hope your husband raises their attention to customer service. I have had really great experiences with Target employees and go to shop there because of that experience.


Thanks to all for the great holiday heads up. Today I found:

a pair of the Pooh Holiday "Robeez" for $1.39 on an endcap with the regular $13.99 ones

a large, red Smith & Hawken adult duck for $2.99 mixed in with all the $29.99 ducks

a travel case with the game "Trouble" for $1.99 in the holiday aisle

someone on my local moms board posted that all the Hello Kitty items had been marked down to $4.98 today - the popcorn popper, toaster, water thing, and more.....so they went from 30% to 75%.
Good day today, art desk 75% off $9.98, found a few Hello Kitty ornaments for 90% off. Toys were marked 50% off for about 4 days, I think they might go 75% tomorrow. I'm in WI.
  KrisinTn said:

Thanks again! Had to give you a update, right after I got the corp number my husband called. He works about 5 minutes from the Target I was at today. He wanted to know if I had been at that particular Target at lunch, I said I had... (frantically trying to figure out why he is having me followed... :sidesplit) He wanted to know if I had run into some trouble... (again, how the crap?!?) After I filled him in... he filled me in. One of his employees had been checking out at another register, and had of course taken note of this poor woman that the cashier was treating so badly... and recognized me from a picture my husband has on his desk of our family. She'd been in his office this afternoon and asked if he had talked to me... she wanted him to tell me (if it was me...) that she really felt bad for the way I had been treated. After he told me all that he asked for the information that was on the receipts, and said he would take care of the call... I almost feel sorry for the person he talked to ... he had that "calm" tone in his voice, you know - the one that always comes before the storm.... :eek:

That is so sweet of him. My husband would want to know why in the heck I was at Target AGAIN?!?! LOL! I am sure your dh has a few suggestions on how you can thank him:sib: ( I always wanted to use that smilie).


Coupons for Pull-ups? Were they in the paper? I didn't see them. That's a great deal!

I got some coupons from huggies in the mail yesterday. But there are some peelies on some pull-up packs and diaper boxes for $2 off pull-ups (might be just cool alerts, though). And any huggies diaper coupons seem to work for the pull-ups, too. These are everywhere. combined with the target $3 off 2 = good deal.


I was at my local Target today and found some good deals. I bought my DS 2 pairs of

Christmas boxers (1 simpsons, 1 peanuts) for 79cents each. I got him some slip on sneakers

black and white (looked like skateboard kind) at $3.49, I got some holiday earrings and

hair clips for 69 cents each and some nick and nora xmas socks 2 pk for 39 cents each.

Our toys are only at 30% here..nothing impressive at all:(


The one thing I was really mad about those was I had found a mens medium 3 piece

Grinch pajama set and it was ringing up at $19.99:eek: So I brought them to the service

desk and I was told "these are not Christmas" OK printed on the PJ's were the Grinch with

the huge printing in the shirt THE GRINCH WHO STOLE CHRISTMAS, and the pants and boxers

had the grinch, wreaths and ornaments all over them. I said to the girl "these are NOT Christmas?" and she was very snotty and said NO THEY ARE NOT!!! OK well I was sad but

I still got my other deals. BTW all our perfume sets here are only 30% off and the Rubbermaid

Christmas items are still NOT marked down at all..even though they have candy canes printed all over the labels. Oh well, you win some, you lose some

Also all the Hello Kitty stuff (toasters, popcorn makers etc) were $13.48 here


For the person who asked about he sleeping beauty castle it is not a book but a plastic castle that opens up . It was in toys and was part of the sleeping beauty collection. It comes with sleeping beauty, whoever her prince is and a couple of pieces of furniture it looks l

ike a little dollhouse but folds flat for storage.

I finally got to Target and found found one of the small Christmas Cabbage Patch kids for .99, a 2008 Princess calendar .59, and an employee had just brought over 6 Hickory Farms gift sets that has the beef stick, cheese and cracker, etc and it rang up $1.49. I got them all and asked if there were more and that was it. Employees were really straightening up the toy area, most was still 30% off.
  KrisinTn said:

Okay... I have to rant...

I normally only go to the Target that is 15 minutes from where I live, but today I thought I would go to the one that is about 20 minutes from where I work on my lunch break to check out any toys they might have on clearance...

Their toy selection is okay, pretty much the same thing that the other has left. However, I did spot two Cranium Turbo games on a shelf. Took them to the scanner and they scanned at 2.49. Put those in my buggy and went to look for the Classic Pooh Christmas blanket, no luck... but I did find a really cute soft stroller bar toy on one endcap "as is" item. It is still on line for $14.99 but it was priced with the "as is" sticker at $1.98. Nothing wrong with it, so I put it in my buggy for a baby gift for my cousin that is due next summer. I got a few other items that I needed and headed to the register.

The cashier rang up the first Cranium game, and it came up "item not found" I told her that's really strange, I scanned it about 15 minutes ago and it came up 2.49, I wish I could have had a camera on her face... just to capture the look she gave me. She said that is obviously a mistake, these games sell for much more than that. I said that they normally did, but they had gone 90% off with the Christmas items. She asked me why on earth they would do that, they weren't Christmas games... I told her I didn't know, but they had as I had read about it on a forum, and had bought one at the Johnson City store a few days ago. She said that's the problem with the internet, one person cheats the system and they share the information. These games cost us more than $2.49, a honest person would realize that.... By this time I was ready to climb under the counter. I asked to speak to a manager... The manager was nicer about the issue, but I could tell she couldn't quite believe the price either... but she did do a over ride and gave them to me 90% off. The cashier yells over at the girl two registers over... "Have you ever heard of us marking games 90% off?" By this time the whole front of the store is watching. Next comes the stroller bar toy... she has a hard time getting it to scan and looks at the "as is" sticker and says "what's supposedly wrong with this, it's never been opened." I said I dont know... looks okay to me. She said weird, I thought these only went on something that was torn up or broken....She calls the manager back over to ask if the tag is supposed to be on something that obviously hasn't been opened. The manager assured her that it was okay, and I finally got the rest of my items rung up and got out of there... As I was walking away the cashier yelled at me and said "were there any more of those games back there?" I said "no," and she said "good, I wouldn't want to have to give anymore away."


I was already 15 minutes late as it was, so I didn't want to complain to the manager... but now I wonder should I? What do you think?

When I scanned a cranium turbo game (also 90% off) last Saturday, the scanner said item not found. My heart dropped because I knew it was supposed to be on sale with Christmas stuff. I looked on the back and there were two barcodes!!! One barcode rings item not found and the other does the price. When I got to the registers, the guy scanned the wrong one and I had to tell him to scan the other one. Thank goodness I noticed this before I got up there because I would have hated to have gone what you went through! :(

  KrisinTn said:

I know... I wanted to do it myself. I had worked myself up pretty good... but he enjoys playing the "knight in shining armour" so I let him call. I suppose I'll have to come up with a good way to thank him :rolleyes:

That's great, but so funny. My husband would have had me do it. Just a personality thing, I guess. He is a big strapping guy, but he HATES confrontation. Whenever we need something returned or have a CS problem, he asks me to handle it. He says that if he has to return something that doesn't work, he'll end up coming back with the defective item plus two more they sold him. :no:

  4gr8girls said:

That is so sweet of him. My husband would want to know why in the heck I was at Target AGAIN?!?! LOL! I am sure your dh has a few suggestions on how you can thank him:sib: ( I always wanted to use that smilie).

Thanks for the laugh!! I don't think most of even knew that smile existed!:g_clap:


As for the issue with the cashier sorry you did not have more time. It happened to me before & I had a prior reciept with me! I actually made the cashier stop the line,while I went to the service desk to have the last selling price checked. The service desk then yelled accross the store to the cashier that I was correct!:D She was sooooo upset,I just smiled and said have a nice day!

  wortmanfamily said:

someone on my local moms board posted that all the Hello Kitty items had been marked down to $4.98 today - the popcorn popper, toaster, water thing, and more.....so they went from 30% to 75%.

Hmmm... I was wondering if they were doing that with some of the items in the housewares area. Those vacuum cleaners were just at 30% too, and someone said they got it 75%. I need to go check on the wine cooler I have been after! Ooh, and someone was looking for a sewing machine, those are in that area too.

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