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Christmas Bonus- Did you ever ask?

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For starters I know we'll get a Christmas Bonus. This will be my first holiday at this job- though I've been here most of the year. Our boss (there's only 4 employee's) has told us we'll be getting them next week-- though she didn't say what day. I know that the bonus check's are coming w/ the payroll checks next Tuesday- what I don't know is if she'll give them to us that day or if she'll hold them to the end of the week. That much she hasn't said. Doesn't really matter, because as long as it's before Christmas it's fine.


The thing is she keeps saying the "partners" who own our practice are "very generous". Well that could be taken most anyway. I mean I've gotten Christmas bonuses as low as $50.00 and as high as $1000.00. I was grateful for each, but everyone's interpretation of generous is different.


So, for my holiday budget I was counting on a check from the state (my husband had a claim w/ the Department of Labor for a former employer that got settled). Anyhow, we got notice in October of the check and the amount we'd receive. We were told in middle of October it would take up to 30 day's to get the check. Well, in those same 30 day's we moved. They sent the check 11/14- to our old address. They don't forward those checks. So, now 10 day's ago they located the check and it's back in the state's possesion. We filled out some paperwork the same day- and they said they'd send it to our new address. Well, I'm still waiting and I can never get the guy at the Labor Department to call us back. I'm really starting to freak because w/o that check--- I don't have gifts. Everyday I pray to let this be the day it come's and each day it passes w/o the check. So, I'm really starting to stress a lot about if it will actually come before the holiday or not.


So, I'm trying to find a round about way of just asking what the bonuses will be for. My boss is really easy going for the most part- but I don't want to come off as rude and ungrateful. I'm the only one w/ kids in the office-- they're all older w/ no kids at all (ever). If I found out it was at least $500.00 I'd be set w/ the money I have coming in from my last payroll check. I'm thinking it will be that amount, but you never know and it's really coming down to the wire.


So, did anyone ever ask the amount ahead of time. I can kind of drop some subtle hints today to see if she offers up, but man I could really use some of this stress off my shoulders, and just by knowing it will at least help me set up a back-up plan in case that check doesn't get here.

Nope I never asked the boss but if I had a friend at work I have asked them what the company did for them their first Christmas Bonus. The company I work for does $100.00 the first year and then it goes up $100.00 every year until it is a whole week salary without tax then stops. Hope that helps.
My husbands company gives a percentage of profits or something like that (not sure how they figure that out). Anyway, last year it was over $3000 so hoping this year its around the same. Mommy needs a new stove. haha.
Can you ask the other 3 people you work with what they have gotten the last few years? Normally we do 50 if you just came this year and everybody else gets $250. We have been trying to talk DFIL into doing it on a scale depending on how long you have been here but hes not going for it! Make sure you come back and let us know!

The thing is-- the boss is actually 1 of the 4 people. The other girl started 2 weeks before me. The other one-- she'd be perfect because she started last year the same time as I did this year- but she's not talking.


The thing is- they are very generous. They had a meeting last week w/ their accountant and attorney to figure out bonuses. Basically- figuring out how much they should give to help improve their taxes due situation. Kind of amusing.


My grandmother passed away a few weeks ago- and they sent me a $100.00 donation check for that because she didn't have a charity specified (I put it towards flowers). I got elected to do the gift basket shopping online for the "associates" they come in contact w/. They are each getting $100.00 gift. This includes some people like security officers and cafeteria workers that they see often. So--- I tried dropping some hints- but they went unnoticed. I'll have to see if I cannot hint harder to the other employee. I don't know I can just come right out and ask.


Personally, no, I wouldn't ask. And definitely not since they have now made it obvious that they do NOT want to tell you.


Besides, if you find out that it is less than you need, it's really not going to help you. I would just plan my Christmas without it and let the check just be a last minute bonus, like they intend it to be.


I'm sorry your budget's taken a hit because of the state check. With two weeks to Christmas, I think that I would pursue that one. Good luck with it!


I'm not going to ask.....It just seems inappropriate. Hard to just plan- because bottom line- it won't cut it. The thing is I'm trying to figure out what I will for sure have so I know what needs to be cut out. But If I think I'll have $800.00 total left to spend and only have $400.00 .....ahhhh it's just hard. We have no credit cards-- and if the stupid state check would get here that we've been playing around w/ it would all be fine.


Ya know what get's me......if I owed the state money I'd have to pay penalty and interest for each day I was late. They get the check from the employer- have held it for 30 day's and now the got an extra 30 day's off of it from all the address changing rig-a-ma-roll!! Makes me mad because this is why I'm stressing. Unfortunately, the check is a nice chunk of change- should of been here....and could still come-- but what if it doesn't then I'm up a a creek.


Don't ask ...no matter how sweet you think it sounds, it won't sound right. And do you really want your employer to know that your entire Christmas depends on that money? What if you worked a job without a bonus ? (like mine, BIG company no bonuses)


Buy what you need and be sure to put a little away for next year, so you aren't in this predictament!

  AndreaInNC said:

What's a Christmas bonus ? I guess getting off 12/25 is what my company considers a bonus.

We are one step up from you... we get 12/25 off and a HALF of a small ham. Not a whole one or even a half of a big one... I mean we wouldn't want the company to go broke from supplying more than 1 1/2 pounds of meat per person.... LOL


I dont get a xmas bonus. I'm almost 100% the rest of the employees get one,

but I think they see me working from home as a perk for me, and an excuse not

to give me but the bare minimum.

I get 1/2 day on Xmas eve and xmas day off, (paid), so for that I am grateful. :)


Well I think I got it all straightened out. I didn't ask, and don't intend to. Just doesn't seem right.


Anyhow, I believe if the state check doesn't come (and I still have 2 weeks)- then I guess my MIL will wait on her rent until it does come or until our payperiod right after the holiday. Whichever is first. This makes up the exact difference of what I need (the check from the state is for double what I needed). So, I guess thank god she's the landlord and doesn't mind. The good news is #1-- I really think the check from the state will be here anyday. They've had the paperwork for about 10 days w/ the change of address and the guy implied it should be anyday, so we'll keep our fingers crossed. #2-- and I'm not counting on this- but I'll hope--- I really believe our Christmas bonuses will be in the $500-1000 range. That is the impression I'm getting. Ironically, I just sat down at lunch and budgeted everything w/o the bonus check and w/o the state check-- shuffeling the rent off our paycheck today is what freed up just enough to get what we need.

I consider a bonus as that, a bonus. We have gotten them through out the years, and never quite the same from year to year. Some years it was enough to buy a new car, others....not enough to even get excited over. I have to never "need" it in my budget. then if we do get one....we are doing something fun with it. I hope you get through this holiday season, and hopefully next year you can enjoy a"bonus" if you get one!!!

I'd ask a coworker if I were close to someone, just asking around what amt they are usually. Otherwise, I'd wait.


Glad to hear things will work out. :)

  citrixguy said:

bonus???? what the heck is that my husband is an independent contractor so any thing we make is the pay he gets. Also no paid days off ... ever.

:yup: Same here.

  conj said:

I wouldn't ask. The few days knowledge will not buy you more comfort in knowing than it will cause you discomofrt in asking.

agree. it's called a bonus for a good reason. when and if you receive one, be especially thankful and make certain that you make your gratitude known to the person that was kind enough to be so caring. A written thank you note can mean so much.

We will definetly get the bonus, that's a given. It's been told to us, pretty much everyday for the last month. I wasn't counting on the bonus....it was the state check that was supposed to be here a month ago that I was counting on. BUT....leave it to the government to not get it here. So, I when I began to look over my finance's- that check was included, and not being able to depend on them I was freaking. Knowing I only had 1paycheck left plus the bonus. So, I was trying to figure out if it was going to make it or not.

Bonus?? What's that??


We USED to receive them until our parent company decided they would take as much away from us as possible and see how long our dumba$$es would hang around.


They really screwed us this year. They decided to pay us our week's pay for Christmas during the week of the 4th. Before the 4th I had been laid off alot so my vacation weeks' pay sucked. We went on overtime after we came back from the 4th. Now we are screwed out of the extra $$ from our hours going from 32 to 44.


I can't complain about hubby's bonus. He gets a nice one each year.

My DH and I own our own ambulance service, but we had a very bad year and it doesn't look like there will be bonuses this year. I've given one every year since we've had the company. There are about 5 people who I will manage to swing some type of bonus because they go above and beyond. They'll surely be a revolt when they all discover no bonuses this year. On the other hand, we are having a Christmas luncheon on Wednesday..and paid day off on Christmas and time and a half plus pay for the day for those that are working "on call" on Christmas. On call, might mean they get calls, or just sit and do nothing.
  shopping4my3son said:

We got a Christmas card from the owner (picture of him and his family) of where my DH works. I tore that envelope apart looking for a bonus. Nothing. ROFLMAO




Sorry... but that's funny. LOL!!!!



This reminded me of the Christmas card that I received from Jackson Hewitt Friday. (I took their tax class & will start working w/ them in Jan.)


They sent me a very pretty popup Christmas card with a ink pen that says Happy Holidays from Jackson Hewitt. I thought Ohhh.. that was sweet of them.


My mail carrier left a yellow envelope w/ the card wanting .89 for postage due. So I ended up paying .89 for the pen. :lmao:

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