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WSJ Article: "Holiday Sales, Sure -- But Don't Expect Steals"


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The economy is weakening, crude oil is near all-time highs and subprime mortgage woes are snagging home-buyers and Wall Street traders alike. Time for aggressive Christmas markdowns?


Not so fast. The annual stare down between consumers and retailers isn't a guaranteed win for consumers this year, industry watchers say.

Full article: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119500071588192076.html?mod=dist_smartbrief

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Boo, retailers! Another WSJ article says that some are predicting that consumer spending on electronics will be up 2% this year. I say that they will be DEAD wrong and regret it if they continue their stinginess. My prediction is that BF will be really bad this year with the sagging economy, and we will only stand to benefit in 2009 when they create better deals to lure consumers back.
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But the question for the retailers will be............ if they DONT slash the prices, will they still see and increase in sales or will they see a decrease. Consumers only have a certain amount of money to spend and will wait for the bargains.

The sad thing is Christmas wont wait for the bargains, so retailers have the upper hand.

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I was getting really ramped up for this years BF, a new BB and Staples opening in my area. But after seeing the ads, I think my bed seems like the best deal for me. I had wanted a new laptop, but am not enticed by the offerings shown so far. Oh well maybe I will go out and sell doughnuts to the masses in line instead and then buy a better laptop.
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