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Wii on eBay

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I need to buy one of these for my nieces and nephews this year and I refuse to pay $600 for one (I'm not so much cheap as I am poor with good intentions)! The only option seems to be eBay, but I wonder if anyone has had good luck with them.


There are several sellers who are selling them at pretty great prices and that include a receipt, but I'm a bit wary. I would hate to buy one, even brand new, and have it not work.


Any ideas or experiences?



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keep checking the forums here and eventually you'll find someone that has them in stock.


amazon was in stock for over an hour on wednesday, toysrus.com had them early this morning as well. you just have to be patient (and get a little lucky)

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I need to buy one of these for my nieces and nephews this year and I refuse to pay $600 for one (I'm not so much cheap as I am poor with good intentions)! The only option seems to be eBay, but I wonder if anyone has had good luck with them.


There are several sellers who are selling them at pretty great prices and that include a receipt, but I'm a bit wary. I would hate to buy one, even brand new, and have it not work.


Any ideas or experiences?



If you do try ebay always look at the persons reputation. If they are sellers that have been there for a while, they will not want to risk their reputation. Nintendo offers a 1 year warrenty as well.

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Anyone know if Walmart (online or in store) is only selling the bundles? I'm just looking for the basic console set that's been going for $250.

From my "stalking" experience Walmart online seems to have the bundles and the store has the basic one. I was able to get just the basic one from TRU online this morning they did have a bundle for $419 that lasted a little longer but still sold out.

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I just called the local Walmart and was told they would have the Wii in stock tomorrow, but not at midnight..."from what I understand it's 8am."


I keep checking all the online stores a few times a day...I think I'm becoming obsessed. :eyepoppin On that note, anyone have any idea when the online stores "restock" timewise (ie midnight, 8am, etc)?

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Becareful if you're buying from Ebay. I bought 3 from them which the bid ended up from $280 - $320 not mentioning the shipping which is also another $15- $30 dollars. I got burned twice, one seller cancelled because Ebay had them removed for some reason. Another one requested another payment after a payment was made through paypal. So that transaction was cancelled as well.


I picked up 2 WIIs from our local Game Stop. You're best bet would be call them and ask if they have them in stock or when the next shipment will be coming in.

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Walmart supercenters that are 24 hour stores should sell what is in the ad at midnight. The ad date is Nov. 4th, so the items should be available. Also, keep checking the ads for circuit city and best buy. If they are in the ads, they will be in the store. We found our Wii by getting up early on Sunday, 3 weeks ago. Circuit City had them advertised. We waited outside the store for 2 hours, and we were 2nd in line.
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I agree with the previous poster that eBay is a good option but you have to check the seller's rep. I sold one last year, included the receipt and all and had no issues.


I was able to score my Wii by casing my local Wal-Mart. I wandered in there every morning for about a weekand finally scoring one.


At my local Best Buy, I have seen signs lately that they have them in stock, so there is another option.


Good Luck!

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We picked one up at our wal-mart last night at midnight. They only had 9 but at midnight there were 12 people there.


That being said, I know several people who picked them up at Game stop and just happened to walk in and they were there. Call around if you have those stores in the area.


E-bay is fine if you see that the seller is reputable. but you will have to pay more.

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I was fortunate enough to find one at TRU. They had them in stock for their grand re-opening (after a total remodel). It was 10am on a Sunday morning, but they didn't have them in the case. They were stored in a back room, so always ask!:D
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Well, my 24-hr Walmart did end up selling them at midnight, contrary to what they told me on the phone...so I didn't get one. They told me later that they sold them all in 18 minutes.


I was just checking Walmart.com and the family fun bundle was just available for $548...I got excited, put it in my cart, went to checkout and "sorry, just sold out!" GRRRRR :gdparanoid:

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Sign up for updates on one of the websites that inform you of new stock, you will eventually find one. The local gamestop had a shipment the other day and they sold out in 1 minute, 31 seconds. Don't know exactly how many they had but was told it was more than a few. Manager said once he sliced open that box, people came pouring in.
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I talked with the manager of one of the Kmarts and she told me that they are going to be running a black friday special on the wii. Even if they have them in stock right now they can not sell them because they are stocking them up for this event. So you may be able to get one then! Good luck. I got one at a midwestern store called Pamida and I believe they will ship. You can try them too, its a small store but they did have them last time I checked.


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I need to buy one of these for my nieces and nephews this year and I refuse to pay $600 for one (I'm not so much cheap as I am poor with good intentions)! The only option seems to be eBay, but I wonder if anyone has had good luck with them.


There are several sellers who are selling them at pretty great prices and that include a receipt, but I'm a bit wary. I would hate to buy one, even brand new, and have it not work.


Any ideas or experiences?




read rule #13 and see you found one.

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I bought one at my local Wal-Mart yesterday for $250 and they had several others on the shelf.


Before that, I went to Circuit City and was told they get shipments in a couple times a week - sometimes with none, sometimes with 15. However they said that Circuit City has some sort of agreement with Nintendo that no matter what day they come in, they are not made available for sale until the following Sunday. For that reason, they suggested that if I wanted one, to be at Circuit City on Sundays when it opens because they are first come, first served.


Hope that helps!:smart:

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