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  1. Black Friday has become a huge bonding experience for my daughter and myself. We spend more time planning than eating on Thanksgiving Day then spend Black Friday working together to score the best deals. That night we share our conquests and start planning for the next year. GottaDeal.com is an important part of our strategy and we call each other as sales post. Thanks!!!
  2. I bought one at my local Wal-Mart yesterday for $250 and they had several others on the shelf. Before that, I went to Circuit City and was told they get shipments in a couple times a week - sometimes with none, sometimes with 15. However they said that Circuit City has some sort of agreement with Nintendo that no matter what day they come in, they are not made available for sale until the following Sunday. For that reason, they suggested that if I wanted one, to be at Circuit City on Sundays when it opens because they are first come, first served. Hope that helps!
  3. Does anyone know of a current discount code for DDD? Also they are out of stock of many of the things I'm looking for. Does anyone know of a similar discount dvd dealer out there I could try for a good price on such things as Band of Brothers, 90210 Season 1, Boondock Saints, etc?
  4. EXACTLY what I needed! My order will be placed today. Thanks and happy BF shopping!
  5. That's why I was asking - I need to know if there is a coupon code of any sort for Bargain Outfitters that is valid now to use when I place an order. It could be for the same offer as the one that expired on the 19th or it may be for something totally different. I was just wanting to know so I could save whatever I can. Know of anything?
  6. Does anyone have a currently valid coupon code for Bargain Outfitters? Thanks!
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