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Well, my dh is sacrificing shoulder surgery, lol. He will probably need shoulder surgery soon, but he is going out of town from Nov. 14-19, then its Thanksgiving, then BF shopping and the holiday weekend. So, he is not having his surgery til the week after Thanksgiving.


I sacrifice sleep. Last year we went to our nearby outlet mall which opened at midnight. Shopped there, then made it to wal mart in time for their sale. I think I got an hour or 2 of sleep before I got up with the kids and was up for the day. It was worth it though. I had a lot of fun and got some great bargains.




sacrifice savoring my turkey meal, sitting at home relaxing with a few days off from work. sleeping in my warm bed and lazily waking up to watch some tv or a movie.


why am i going? oh yea, i'm addicted.. =)

I guess the only thing I really sacrifice is sleep. I'm not one who will go and wait in line the day before black Friday. I don't care how good the deal is, I won't do it. I hate being outdoors. Especially if it's cold....and I live in Ohio, so it's almost always cold that time of year.
ok when you people say you start the night before are you meaning that you start to stand in line then or you actually shop then? Cause the stores around here dont open until the early morning hours. Am I just having a blonde moment?
  onecutemoocow said:

ok when you people say you start the night before are you meaning that you start to stand in line then or you actually shop then? Cause the stores around here dont open until the early morning hours. Am I just having a blonde moment?

We start camping out on thanksgiving day. Depending on the deals is how early we stand out.. Last year I went out at 3pm on Thanksgiving day and best buy doesnt open till 5am on Fri morning .. I was still like 20 in line. First person got there at 10 am.. This year we are going to eat Thanksgiving on Weds so we can go out earlier but again it depends on the deals of lap tops and plasma tv that we are searching for :gdparanoid:

  onecutemoocow said:

ok when you people say you start the night before are you meaning that you start to stand in line then or you actually shop then? Cause the stores around here dont open until the early morning hours. Am I just having a blonde moment?

I start the night before at 12 midnight. I hit the outlets in the smokies at 12 then I go to walmart and price match my regular stuff then scope out the pallets,run around the store like mad then move on to my other stores.


Alot of people do get in line though.


Ok I thought you must be refering to waiting in line. Esecially on thanksgiving day. I dont think that I will get up until about 3am what is shopping like online on BF? I always thought the monday (it would be the 26th this year) after BF was cyber monday and thats when all of the online deals were.


The ones that camp out early do you live in warm climates? Cause I dont think I could handle that, I live in western pa and its freezing here!!!

Would sacrificing Thanksgiving with your family be bad? Yes it would thats why I can't go BF. We are spending the holiday with friends in Michigans Upper Penninsula. I'm sure it will be fun but my thoughts will be with all of you that day!
I'm sacrificing going to South Carolina to have Thanksgiving with my husbands family. After we did that last year All i heard was a bunch of grumbling and complaining from him and his family that I must be crazy to go out shopping on that day I said I would never do it again, that is visit his family on such an important day as BF. Well, I guess its not such a sacrifice on my part after all. :rolleyes:
i just sacrifice sleep...i get up at 3am friday morning and go...but i guess dh sacrifices too he works lots of overtime so we have the money for me to go
Sleep seems to be a common thread here....I get up Turkey day early sometimes to check out K-Mart if anything looks good in the ad. If not just to get the turkey going and anything else that needs to be done for the company. Then I never see my bed till sometime around 9:00pm on Friday....
  christib327 said:

I guess the only thing I really sacrifice is sleep. I'm not one who will go and wait in line the day before black Friday. I don't care how good the deal is, I won't do it. I hate being outdoors. Especially if it's cold....and I live in Ohio, so it's almost always cold that time of year.

Same here! :D


I've been pregnant the last two years on BF, so I've certainly not been willing to sacrifice my health in the crazy mob! Last year I went to Staples first and the year before to Kohl's. Those are both relatively "safe" places.


The most sacrifice you'll get out of me is some sleep. :tongue1:


I sacrifice some sleep and usually a pretty good chunk of money. However, there's one thing I won't sacrifice - my Thanksgiving with my family.


In today's hectic world, there only about two days that people pause and take a break from the madness - Thanlsgiving and Christmas. They are the two days each year that at least in my case the family can get togther, visit, work together on the dinner, and just enjoy each other's company. Even Easter has kind of lost this purpose, at least in our area. On Thanksgiving itself, I may hit KMart real early if they have something good, but the rest of the day is family time. I'm sorry, but there's no bargain that BB or WM could offer that would make me consider giving up my Thanksgiving to wait 12+ hours in line for.


This year I am sacrificing a vacation to Disney World! Ok, actually, I just scheduled it around Black Friday! :cool: We were supposed to leave the day after Thanksgiving (we were going with some friends and that's when they are leaving) and we said no way! We'll be a few days late!


I also sacrifice sleep but won't sacrifice Thanksgiving dinner with my family. We get up around 2 or 3am and head out for shopping.

Every year, my parents want to go visit my brother in Texas for Thanksgiving, but I won't go. Who will I shop with? So, I guess I'm willing to sacrifice a trip to Texas, seeing the family, and 8 hours of vacation time.
  Kayakmom said:

I've been pregnant the last two years on BF, so I've certainly not been willing to sacrifice my health in the crazy mob! Last year I went to Staples first and the year before to Kohl's. Those are both relatively "safe" places.


The most sacrifice you'll get out of me is some sleep. :tongue1:

You must have nicer shoppers at your Kohl's.. it is not safe at all around here.... they are horrible and seem to camp out there very very early, of course we don't have a BB so that might be why they all go to Kohls.


As for me, I only lose sleep which I don't get a lot of anyway so maybe just lose a few hours, I don't consider that a sacrifice really. And since I enjoy it, if I had to use vacation time to go as I did before I became a salary employee, that is not really a sacrifice either....


So I guess I don't really consider much that I do sacrificing for it. I would never give up Thanksgiving with the family and if my DD19 goes into labor I won't give up being at the hospital... but I have asked very very nicely if she can hold off until at least the afternoon on that day if she insists.... :-)

I'll be sacrificing sleep this year. I'll leave MIL's around 9:30 and make the trip to the outlets for their midnight opening. I'll pretty much be awake all night, but i'll get a nap in around noon.

It's funny. My boss came to me last week and asked if I needed off for Black Friday:D


My regular days off are Tuesday and Sunday. He was estatic that I would trade my Tuesday for Friday. So the only thing I have to sacrifice is my sleep, sanity and patients.

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