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How many gifts for your children

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This is the first year i am faced with this: My son has turned 11. His gifts are expensive. He wants a kayac. that will mean one gift or maybe a few small ones to go with it. Who has faced this as their children become teenagers. I love all the presents. I have other children 8 and 3. They will still have lots of small presents. Am I suppossed to spend more as they get older? Are they happier with less when they get the things they want the most? We aren't parents that spend spend spend, but last year he still liked staw wars and he had a lot of presents. just wanted to know how other people spend and buy for thier kids thanks
Mine make a list at this point. I have them note which are the things they "have to" have. They are 16 13 12 and 10. We set a limit each year on what we spend on each child and I try to keep it even(money wise) then I buy "all together" presents like last year it was the Wii that get put to: everybody. The older ones no longer believe in Santa(but they are not allowed to talk about it) so they know that if they ask for one present and its their whole budget then are old enough to realize what they have to sacrifice. Luckily our budget has been able to keep with the growing cost pretty well. Things just get so expensive as they get older!
At our house, we spend "X" number of dollars per child. If the gift request is not within the spending limit, they do not receive that gift. We emphasize the real reason for Christmas. We explain that there are many people less fortunate than us, too. Also, in the past, we have given each child a gift card from Wal-mart and taken them to the store and tell them to pick out anything they want with that card. Then we explain to them that the toy(s) will go to the local women's shelter or underpriviliged children. Our children have a blast doing this once they get used to the idea that Christmas is not all about "me, me, me".

I honestly don't have a spending limit or amount of gifts set. I go by their lists and what catches my fancy. (haha). We bought too much already, but all well. My oldest will be 13 next month. His stuff is pretty expensive. My daughter is 7. She would be happy with anything Hannah Montana and girlie stuff (purses, makeup, perfume, etc). Top of her list is a portable game system so have to be on the lookout for that on BF.


Im having a hard time with my son this year. He'll be 13 and really has too much to begin with. Im running out of new things for me to get him. haha (he already owns: PS1, PS2, X-box, Gamecube, nintendo 64, Gameboy Sp, and PSP, computer w/ printer, electric guitar w/ amp, stereo system, I-pod, cell phone, etc). A lot of the stuff though my mom goes nuts and buys for him on a whim.


The only thing he has asked for was the guitar hero. I already got that. He also wants a new gaming chair. Hopefully there will be one on BF. Although I still can't figure out whats wrong with the one he has!

My younger set are 7, 4 and 2. The 7 year old is asking for more expensive things now (nintendo ds) and the 2 year old really couldn't care. What we do is the kids each get one big present from Santa, then have a certain number of presents under the tree each, usually around 5. If the 'big" present uses up most of their budget - well they will get $5 gifts under the tree LOL but I try to have them the same number of gifts, but spend about the same amount.

At our house, we spend "X" number of dollars per child. If the gift request is not within the spending limit, they do not receive that gift. We emphasize the real reason for Christmas. We explain that there are many people less fortunate than us, too. Also, in the past, we have given each child a gift card from Wal-mart and taken them to the store and tell them to pick out anything they want with that card. Then we explain to them that the toy(s) will go to the local women's shelter or underpriviliged children. Our children have a blast doing this once they get used to the idea that Christmas is not all about "me, me, me"



Thanks for the input y'all. We also have a set spending limit. It will just be the first year he doesn't get a lot of presents because of the cost of kayac. We do not do santa because we celebrate the birth of Christ although it is easy to get caught up in the hype. My husband has been saying we need to do something similar to what you are talking about. We have a country santa that could make good use of toys for underpriviledged children. Do you give them the card before Christmas and let them pick out the gifts. I think if we let them shop for stuff they would have more fun then just telling them we are spending less on them.

This is a toughy for me every year too. As my kids get older it's worse...the gifts get smaller and more expensive. Add Santa to the equation and its even more difficult. I get carried away spending more than I planned (although I expect this every year and stash away more money). A friend of mine does a 3 gift limit to symbolize the 3 gifts for Christ.
In our house it is X amount of $$. My boys are almost 7 yrs apart. My oldest is 13 and his things are more expensive. We had to give him the talk last year because ds#2 has a crap load more gifts. I remember my Mom having to have the same conversation around the same age(my sister and I are 7.5 yrs apart). We actually spent more on ds#1 last year and ds#2 had more gifts.
We also spend x amount of $$ on each child. So if ds17 wants a bigger item that takes all his $$ he might only get 1 gift while ds5 may get 15. It's all about spending the came amount of $$ on each child around here :)
I do try to keep it fairly even, but I've also explained to my boys that it's not about the money, it's about the thoughts that went into the gift. Also, some years one may get something more expensive and the next year the other one will (last year the younger one got a computer and the year before the older one got his---couldn't afford to buy them both in one year). Usually Santa brings the big gift (this year Zune for both) and then the small stuff, mostly clothes come from mom and dad. THe grandmoms and uncles fill in most of the rest of the "toys".
We try and spend the same amount and get the same # of gifts. :) This year they will have 1 gift under the tree ( will not fit in the stocking) and gift from Santa. Plus their stocking but that is it. They are 13 and will be 16 for Christmas. The big gifts are expensive :yup: , they understand. Of course they will have gifts from grandparents and aunts and uncles. Lots fewer gifts but same amount from what we used to spend on them for toys.
we face this each year as well. My stepson (he lives with us) is 16, my dd is 8, ds, 5 and dd4. So far I have bought each child 2 gifts (not planned I just looked at my list last night and realized I had got them each 2 gifts so far) step son has $115 spent, dd 8 has $75, ds 5 has $18, and dd 4 has $40. Clearly some gifts are smaller then others or more expensive etc. It is tough because we want to be fair. Usually I try to get around 6 gifts each--no particular reason why I choose 6--just usually ends up to be a good number. I try to stay close to the same amount on each child and may buy some smaller "fill" gifts if need be. My step son is old enough to know that his gifts generally cost more so he wouldn't be bothered if he got less gifts--honestly none of the kids would prob. care as long as they get something they are excited and happy with.

HOw do you get a Kayac under a tree? LOL


About your question.. I unfortunately, dont count gifts. I just keep picking stuff up.

thats why our tree looks like it exploded on xmas morning :(

Hoping to get this somewhat under control this year.

I usually use the same amount of $$ for each and get the same # of gifts (stockings are generally identical in filler). Mine are 6 and 4 so it's not hard right now, but they understand about why we celebrate the holiday and that some are not as fortunate as they are.
  jbrrmom said:

This is the first year i am faced with this: My son has turned 11. His gifts are expensive. He wants a kayac. that will mean one gift or maybe a few small ones to go with it. Who has faced this as their children become teenagers. I love all the presents. I have other children 8 and 3. They will still have lots of small presents. Am I suppossed to spend more as they get older? Are they happier with less when they get the things they want the most? We aren't parents that spend spend spend, but last year he still liked staw wars and he had a lot of presents. just wanted to know how other people spend and buy for thier kids thanks

We are in the same boat!!!!


DS 9, all of his stuff cost a ton!!! DD3, i can get away with spending less. I have all of her stuff put in the attic from Target's clearence sales. Thank God!!! DS wants a WII, they both want a new trampoline. DD is getting a kitchen from Santa.


This year, I'm doing 1 big (expensive) gift and the rest smaller things. I try to make everything the same. Size, price and number of gifts.


But I also know that as long as they get the main thing they want, they will be super happy.


Last year, DS got a Fizion, so we got Ally a Dora scooter. I try to match everything up.

we do a certian amount of money per child dd9 ds8 ds4. last yr. ds8 asked for hunting rifle so his present was 300.00, so i kept telling him that if he wanted a gun that would be all he got he didn't care he wanted to go hunting with his dad.(i don't think he believed me) so christmas moring he open up all his hunting stuff and gun while his sister and brother still had a bunch of stuff left to open needless to say he told me he was happy with what he got but next time he don't want all his money spend on 1 thing. but I don't include santa in with what me and hubby spend he is seperate he brings one big present every year.
My kids will have the same number of presents under the tree, usually 7-10 each. I don't try to spend the same amount on each child because they don't know what things cost, but they will know if one of them gets 3 gifts and the others get 7, KWIM.

The only thing he has asked for was the guitar hero. I already got that. He also wants a new gaming chair. Hopefully there will be one on BF. Although I still can't figure out whats wrong with the one he has!


Hey I saw a few really cool ones on clearence at Target the other day for less than $50 I think. Sorry I don't have more information but the nearest Target is an hour away.


For some reason my DS12 is into those techdeck skateboards.

I've seen them out for a while now, and for some reason, they're popular

with them in school now. Go figure. :confused:

Good thing is, they're pretty cheap.

  bayhaysay said:

My kids will have the same number of presents under the tree, usually 7-10 each. I don't try to spend the same amount on each child because they don't know what things cost, but they will know if one of them gets 3 gifts and the others get 7, KWIM.

Same at our house. Our kids, DD19, DD13, DS11, DS10, DS8, and DGD3 will all get 6 gifts each. Not sure how we ended up at 6, was supposed to be 5 but not sure where that number came from either. I don't count money because no one cares as long as it's not a huge gap on that end of the spectrum. But we take turns opening and you better believe they count. The $ spent is hugely different, however the "value" is about the same for each of them.


Of course I start shopping for Christmas on Dec 26 and continue throughout the year. All of our kids are done except DS8. That is because I was getting his birthday presents out last weekend and accidentally wrapped one of his Christmas gifts up for his party. It was a stressful day and I didn't look at my notebook... my fault.. lol....


Anyway, thanks to clearance sales and gottadeal listings, we end up getting the kids things they don't ask for. I live with them and I know what all of them like and don't like. Christmas wish lists end up being things that are advertised or "hot" at the moment. But for DS10, he loves to build and do art of any type. He has never asked for an erector set, but I've seen what he can do with legos and so he has an erector set for a car that has ground effects lighting, etc. and plays music. We know he will love it although he has not asked for it. This way Christmas is always a surprise, we don't get hit with a ton of disappointed faces if we can't afford everything they want, etc. They make wish lists for their birthdays though, which are in January, February, April, and October. And they make wish lists for grandma, grandpa, aunts, etc. DS13 did ask for a digital camera... she was smart enough to ask me in February when I called home and told DH to meet me at walmart because I found some good clearance deals and wanted his opinoin. She called back and said that all she really wants is a digital camera. Smart girl... found one on clearance shortly after that so she will be happy.


We don't want them caught up in the commercialism more than the meaning of Christmas so they are expected to ask for reasonable items or if they are wanting something larger they can say "I am also saving $ to buy ...... " That way they appreciate the big things more. I have never had one of them ask why they don't do a list for us or anything, they just accept it. And because they do, I think they enjoy it more than opening each gift hoping to find that one "have to have" gift and possibly being disappointed.


OH and everything at our house is from "Santa". They all know except DS8 and of course the 3 year old DGD. But they just accept it and they all say thanks to us in private but say how nice Santa is in front of the DS8. I am afraid it's his last year too :-( He is too smart.

I have to count presents (my kids are 6 and 3) they dont know too much about what things cost, so the money doesn't really matter to them, I usually try to allocate $500 each, give or take...but I always make sure they have the exact same number of presents. Just in case
We have six but 1 is married, 1 is in Reno, Nevada, and 1 lives on his own near us 1 in college, 1 senior in high school and a 4 year old. I have finally given up on keeping it even gift wise. I am getting the 3 older ones and DIL one outfit each and then spending between 75 and 100 on gifts. The one in college and the senior, I will probably spend a little more on. I really want to get the one in college a guitar but I have to see if I can budget it in. The baby I have done too much for and may pull some of it to save for birthday. Personally I would rather spend the money on one nice gift that a bunch of stuff they can't find a month after Christmas. (I don't always do it though!!)
we tryto set a limit per kid but the age range is so big that we also set a present number also , we try to keep it the same.. last year i had to go find stuff that cost bigg er amounts for the little guy because he was way behind....
I'm not faced with that yet since the kids are 10 and 1, but I think in the future each one will have a set limit. (Though, I will probably try to keep around the same number of gifts even if it's something from the dollar store)
Our kids usually get one big gift from santa, and lots of little things-clothes, movies,toys,etc-to open under the tree. I don't have a set amount that we spend on each child, but I do try and keep present number pretty even. I have a bike stashed away for my 13 year old. But he may end up with a new computer, if I can pick up one for real cheap on Black Friday. He really really wants an xbox 360, but it just isn't going to happen, unless I can win one. I will get him a few movies, and I already have some shirts & an axe-body spray, body wash & deoderant collection put away for him. My 3 younger are still pretty easy. We tend to buy more for them, because I am a big time thrift store shopper, and find Rescue Heroes, Power Rangers & cars for really cheap! This last weekend, I picked up a whole garbage bag full of the BC Builder Dinosaurs & cavemen for $10. :) I think it is harder, as they get older. My 2 oldest nephews-15 &17, will be getting money. lol
We also spend X amount per child. We have a 6 y.o DD and a 14 month old DS. The budget for our daughter is slightly higher then DS. Thankfully she is not into anything to expensive so each will get a fair amount of gifts, one from each other, a couple from mom and dad and the rest are from Santa.
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