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Target Customer Relations $3.00 Coupon


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I called Customer Relations and informed them how badly I was treated regarding a Target shopping experience.


They stated that Target DOES accept Target Online Coupons, but they leave it up to the individual stores to determine the amount of coupons you can use per item.


They are sending me (2) $3.00 off coupons for informing them of my experience and will be contacting the store for training and further investigation.


The both coupons can be used at any Target for any purchase with NO Expiration Date.


The coupon is for giving Target feedback on my visit, not for reimbursement.


So you may want to contact them about your experience rather good or bad and get your $3.00 off coupons. The Customer Relations number is 800-440-0680.

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Count yourself fortunate. I was yelled at and publically embarrassed for using 4 coupons at my local Target. I could have understood this if I was using 50 or 100 coupons but 4????

I did call customer relations and they even put me on the phone with a senior representative. I got NOTHING!!!! They apparently select who does and does not receive anything for treating some of us like criminals. I will have to say that I and several of my friends don't shop there nearly as often as we used to because of this episode.

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my mom recently opened a charge account at one store and they took so long to open it that they gave her TWO of these $3 off coupons that she used right there. So, she used the baby food coupons, pepsi coupons and picked up some diapers for me too and it all came to $14 with the coupons. However, they did give her some line about how she couldn't use the 10% off on first purchase with the new charge and coupons. But i told her not to complain since she did get $6 off!
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Yeah, I think it just depends on what their mood might be. I've complained about an experience I had with manufacturer coupons and got nothing. I also called and complained about an experience my mother had, nothing again. The time with my mother, I called back and spoke to the store manager because of a comment that I later found out the front end lead made that really could be grounds for a descrimination lawsuit and the store manager sent a letter of apology and a $25 GC.
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My experience with customer service at Target was not great either. I did a baby registry with them this spring and it was a total mess! The items and item numbers did not match up when scanned to be put on the registry. This resulted in some of the items I wanted being excluded from the registry while other items I did not want or scan got on there! I emailed customer service several times. They were absolutely no help. Now I am waiting for the 10 percent off coupons they are supposed to send within 2 weeks of your event date to purchase any remaining items you want. It has been over 2 months and I have talked to them twice and still no coupons. I do not recommend their registry at all.
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I just wanted to add that I worked at Target before and I always treated customers with respect, even the ones that brought in ridiculous items that were outragous to try to return and would yell at me or even throw merchandise over that counter at me. We experienced quite a lot of negative feedback with the registry both wedding and baby registries. I worked at the Service Desk and there were a lot of people returning items, they are super sensitve when you scan things, and we ended up realizing that sometimes items in Infants and throughout the store would have the wrong price tag/bar code on the shelf in front of the wrong item and if people that were scanning items for their registry didnt read the tag then it would scan as the incorrect item on the shelf. Its not your fault and Im not saying that this is what happened, but this is what was going on at our Target. I havent worked there since 1999, guess things havent changed.
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  • 2 weeks later...

My experience with customer service at Target was not great either. I did a baby registry with them this spring and it was a total mess! The items and item numbers did not match up when scanned to be put on the registry. This resulted in some of the items I wanted being excluded from the registry while other items I did not want or scan got on there! I emailed customer service several times. They were absolutely no help. Now I am waiting for the 10 percent off coupons they are supposed to send within 2 weeks of your event date to purchase any remaining items you want. It has been over 2 months and I have talked to them twice and still no coupons. I do not recommend their registry at all.

I've heard nightmare stories about their registry! I did it a few years ago, but not that many people bought there, so it turned out not to be too big a deal. Still, it is ridiculous that they can't get it to work out.

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I go to target once a week or more to use my coupons/sales to get good deals. I'll tell you though, I've heard so many horror stories that I start to sweat everytime I head to the checkout line! I'm starting to wonder if all my deals are worth the near-nervous-breakdown I have just hoping to get out of there without them refusing my coupons! :gdparanoid:
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we had problems with a wedding list, their stuff is so seasonal, that by the time our date came around, half the stuff was not in stock.


I have had good luck with our service, but have not tried a bunch of coupons. However, compared to what is here, ours is always a click behind in what is on sale.

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I would keep trying if you really want those coupons! It took me over 2 months and many many emails to get the 10% percent off for my registry completion. I finally got 2 sets of them in the mail last week. Seems ridiculous that you have to work so hard for something though! Good luck.
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I would keep trying if you really want those coupons! It took me over 2 months and many many emails to get the 10% percent off for my registry completion. I finally got 2 sets of them in the mail last week. Seems ridiculous that you have to work so hard for something though! Good luck.

I agree - sometimes it's just not worth the effort. And I'm sure that is exactly what they are banking on...most people will say to heck with it and they get to keep their $6!

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