supershopper1 Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Both baby leap & my 1st leap were on clearance.75% and some games to go with them also 75% off. My 1st was 6.25 (cars version includes 2 games) and not sure of the price on the baby leap my daughter has it, I do know it was less than the price of a game! We were lucky enough to get both the day the sale started. Now I just need to find & sort out all my reciepts!
eicats77 Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 aserekede said: Big 30 pack of toilet paper went down to 6.50 today!What brand? Also anyone in Kansas City seen this yet? TIA
aserekede Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 dtwdmaty said: Found a few 75% off things today that I haven't seen posted yet, so I thought I'd share..... This was 4 Target's worth.... :)WOW that's ambitious!
Mirandamoes Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Camkian said: including a Step 2 Bistro Grille that was not there before. I picked it up for $27.xx,anyone have the number to look this up? my dd would love this to go with her step 2 kitchen! thanks!!miranda
ellen zachariia Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 I found the my first leap pad Dora version for 75% but have not been able to find any more cartridges.
smjrm Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Mirandamoes said: anyone have the number to look this up? my dd would love this to go with her step 2 kitchen! thanks!!mirandaHere's the DPCI for the Bistro Grille: 204 09 0046
eicats77 Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 aserekede said: CharminI went to the Ward Parkway target in Kansas City MO and they didn't have any toilet paper Charmin on clearance it was $10. for 48 rolls.
o_arlene Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 My store finally got the toys 75% they most have markdown yesterday because today was almost nothing left. But I got the vsmile that I have hidding!!!! :) it wasn't hidding anymore it was in plane site still with the 30% sticker but it scan for 75% also find the last vsmile game for 75% it is elmo. Got a toy for 12months old. Also baby stuff that have been 30% finally went 75%. Didn't have time to check bulk items I would have to go back tomorow;)
lovetoshopCA Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 smjrm said: Here's the DPCI for the Bistro Grille: 204 09 0046For those of you looking for this item, at least 2 of the stores I have been in have had them up high on those shelves over the top of the games. They are marked 75% off, but you have to get help getting them down. I also noticed several other larger items up there on clearance including some basketball hoops (for little kids, but bigger than the Little Tykes kind), and some battery operated ride on toys like the Spiderman motorcycle and some other motorcycle. I also saw some of those kid chairs they had on sale up there. So, be sure to look high if you are trying to find some of the big stuff!
dmmiller Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Humm, it looks like there is a "limited availability" of the Bistro grille at the store near me. :)
nat77 Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 If anyone happens to see any Disney princess dolls royal nursery on clearance i am missing Belle & Cinderella and my collection will be complete i will send you money paypal and extra for gas and shipping of course please let me know thanks
sfven Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 woo hoo! the playwonder stuff was 75% finally at the goldenrod store. i was scared at first because they removed the entire aisle from the toy section so i thought they got rid of it all. they moved it near automotive, and must have just marked it down this morning because they had a lot of stuff: umbrellas 1.24 water squirt guns .98 various bubble guns .74-1.74 shovels .74 picnic table 14.xx wasn't able to get the box of pampers cruisers for 13.00, but that's okay because i got all the playwonder stuff i had been waiting for. also, the father's day stuff (binoculars, magnetic dart set, alarm clocks, shower radio, etc.) was 75% off too.
Mirandamoes Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 thanks! i went to three store today to look for the bistro! The one that had it was still 30% off! at $76 it was not a great deal!
julielhutt Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 I found two of the bistro grills but they were still $76.XX I couldn't believe that they are still that high! Darn! My twins would absolutely love it! I checked Northgate in Washington State. Does anyone have the DCPI on the Little Tykes Slide?
nelly Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Went to my usual target this morning around 10:20 and they were marking down toys. The playwonder, I think most of it, if not all of it went 75%. Also got some great deals, 75% off, on water guns and slip and slides. Great finds!
jmm1014 Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Scored in Phx, AZ!! Got 4 MM juice packs for .69 and some playwonder items for 75% off!! Yipee, happy xmas shopping!!!
PugMama Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Lynnwood WA Target: Slim pickins for clearance toys, although they were all clumped together in one aisle near the bicycles. Most were 75% off. Did score some kid's sunglasses, 2 pack, for 48 cents. Best score was in the Beauty section where the bulk packs were hidden. Degree women's 3 pack - 50% off down to $2.50 (plus $1 off coupon from Sunday's paper) Degree men's 3 pack - 50% off down to $2.50 (plus $1 off coupon) Old Spice High Endurance Hair & Body Wash 2 pack - 50% off down to $2.98 (plus $1 off coupon) Olay Body Butter Ribbons body wash 2 pack - 50% off down to $2.98 (plus $1 off coupon) Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse BONUS VALUE PACK - 75% off down to $1.50 (plus $1 off coupon) Makes my total $7.50 + tax for 6 deoderants, 4 body washes and 2 mouth rinses!
PugMama Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Oh, there was also a bunch of the Animal Planet brand pet supplies on clearance as well, most 50% off. Small animal foods, fish supplies, hamster cages and accessories, etc... Cute stuff too!
shawna629 Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Went to Target today and Struck it big. Got a Step 2 Bistro Kitchen set(the last one), Bubbles, Chalk, Play wonder food(the last ones) and oven mitt set. Also Snagged a big box of Papmers swiper wipes for 4.50(they were missed marked) I am so happy I am always to late for the clearance stuff.
krissy904 Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 bfshoppergirl said: Which Target do you shop in? I have checked Towncenter and the one on Hodges and Beach and both Toy clearances are pathetic.I shop Town Center occasionally but mostly the one on San Jose in Mandarin. Totally pathetic. We have a Target, Super Walmart and a Kmart all within just a few miles (5 at most) and none of them have clearance worth woo-hooing. I might have to gather up my courage and cross over the Buckman Bridge to see what Orange Park has to offer. Darn, don't they understand that christmas is almost here!
klastar Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 If anyone shops at the Middle River, White Marsh or Towson stores in Maryland please let me know if you see any of the First Leaps or Bistro Grills at 75% off. I am wasting so much gas checking on these daily. The one I found at the White Marsh store was only 30% off. Thanks and happy shopping.
supershopper1 Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Every time there is a new markdown we seem to have storms or here in N.E. Ohio. DH must now have God trying to stop me from going to Target!
momformany Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 Yeah, Play Wonder 75% :) I got: Yard puzzle $3.74, Teepee $6.24, Wood bowling $4.98, Monkey Bars $24.98, tube sunglasse .48, jump ropes .74, Little Tykes Bubble Blower party $4.98, wooden bike $12.48, and the Batman sprinkler $2.48 I'm saving some of this for Easter Baskets.
supershopper1 Posted August 9, 2007 Posted August 9, 2007 I purchased the Graco Zephyr car seat the other day on clearance. Does anyone own one of these??? I have read both good & bad reviews on Targets website. Not sure if it is worth keeping.
shopping mom Posted August 10, 2007 Posted August 10, 2007 I got the styrofoam plates for $2.40, the sunglasses for .48 jumproap for .74 the large throwing disk and the egg and spoon relay game(the last two I am giving to DD's school). I probably have enough stuff put away for ten stockings but no gifts for under the tree yet. I think I know what I want to get people but I will probably change my mind a dozen times.
shawna629 Posted August 10, 2007 Posted August 10, 2007 Went back for more ... got the wood bowling set, some bubble machines and some deodorant and body wash.
bfshoppergirl Posted August 10, 2007 Posted August 10, 2007 krissy904 said: I shop Town Center occasionally but mostly the one on San Jose in Mandarin. Totally pathetic. We have a Target, Super Walmart and a Kmart all within just a few miles (5 at most) and none of them have clearance worth woo-hooing. I might have to gather up my courage and cross over the Buckman Bridge to see what Orange Park has to offer. Darn, don't they understand that christmas is almost here!I have heard the OP and the one by NAS have good stock but it such a looong drive...I may have to check them out this weekend though.
mahalia52 Posted August 10, 2007 Posted August 10, 2007 PugMama said: Lynnwood WA Target: Slim pickins for clearance toys, although they were all clumped together in one aisle near the bicycles. Most were 75% off. Did score some kid's sunglasses, 2 pack, for 48 cents.Best score was in the Beauty section where the bulk packs were hidden.Degree women's 3 pack - 50% off down to $2.50 (plus $1 off coupon from Sunday's paper)Degree men's 3 pack - 50% off down to $2.50 (plus $1 off coupon)Old Spice High Endurance Hair & Body Wash 2 pack - 50% off down to $2.98 (plus $1 off coupon)Olay Body Butter Ribbons body wash 2 pack - 50% off down to $2.98 (plus $1 off coupon)Listerine Whitening Pre-Brush Rinse BONUS VALUE PACK - 75% off down to $1.50 (plus $1 off coupon) Makes my total $7.50 + tax for 6 deoderants, 4 body washes and 2 mouth rinses! Went to acworth,ga tonight here is what I got: secret: 3 pack $2.50($1.00 off coupon)2 big pack listerine $1.50(75% off)2 pack softsoft $2.50(big pack)crystal light ( 3 pack --14 in each pack) $3.98--one pack with 10 in pack normally sell for $2.50. All in all a good trip!!!
jdflores Posted August 10, 2007 Posted August 10, 2007 No more of the bulk deals. I'm glad I bought some stuff when I did. I also noticed the Downy softener clearanced at $4.02 for the Tahitian waterfall and the cashmere scents. Hope they don't just do away with them. I love the Tahitian waterfall one.
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