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Best And Worst Places To Shop Bf (poll)


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What are your picks as the best and worst places to shop on BF?? Mine are:


Online stores-(No-hassles and stay at home),

Walmart 24 hrs (able to satnd next to what you want),

and Drug stores (not many people).


Toys R Us-(Other customers and low number of registers),

Best Buy (mass of people),

and KB Toys-(limited supply and low number of registers).

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I actually like shopping at the non supercenter Wal-Mart. I drive out in the country to a small one and get inline first, I can run in when the doors open and get my stuff quickly that way. At the supercenters the aisles are all blocked with people waiting to get stuff but if you are first and quick you can get everything, no crowd, they are all trying to keep up with me, and get out and drive the 30 minutes to get to the 6am sales at other stores. This has always worked for me in the past and I expect it to work this morning too.
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Our best store of the day was Target. We were able to get what we wanted and get out within 15 minutes. The worst was Toys R Us. I didn't see any of the things we wanted to get there and their check out line went all the way around the store. Even if I did find what we needed there is no way I was waiting in that line for one or two things. I definitely recommend price matching instead of going to TRU.
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Best: Target because they open ALL their cash registers. CompUSA because they open at 9pm on Thursday, get that out of the way.


Worst: Circuit City. By far the worst BF experience ever. Waited in line for 2 and a half hours. I wanted this projector but apparently they only had one in the store but failed to mention it in the ad. So I got my shopping done within 10 minutes, then had to spend TWO HOURS in line!!!!! They only opened 3 registers I thought WTF. Customers from Best Buy were coming in after they got checked out within 20 minutes...needless to say I am not going there next year if they don't fix the way things are run...

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WORST -- Circuit City. I stood in line for 50 minutes for my piddling DVDs and only moved maybe 10 feet! Then I had to leave because my daughter is in the Nutcracker and they have dress rehearsal today. I was bummed.


BEST -- Our Best Buy. Very friendly and helpful and quick lines. I heard the people who camped out were also treated well.


Also, Shoe Carnival. Just really easy to get in and out.

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Best-WalMart. Our supercenter is the best WM to bf shop at. There weren't that many people and we got everything that we wanted and then some. The only items that there were long lines for was the PSP and the Plasma TV. They still have a ton of the other electronics left. We got there at 4 and left by 6. The only reason it took us so long was I was afraid that they wouldn't let me PM Target's ad because it wasn't 6 yet so we waited about an hour and then checked out.
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Best ~~~> Best Buy was really happy with walking in late and still getting 90 % of what I wanted ... also gotta love bath and body works where else do you go that you have that many people helping out?

Worst ~~~~> Would have to say it is a close tie with the major discount chains. Kmart had nothing and was set up just wierd and dirty as always. Target I have not been to in years because of lack of ad items. Walmart well Walmart is Walmart even on BF and the only thing they had going for them before was layaway and now that is gone. sigh

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Best: Staples....by far...smooth process, prior to opening you knew if you were getting a doorbuster based on the tickets.



Worst: CC and Best Buy whose lines were around the store at 8pm last night. Our Walmart Supercenter were not bringing out pallets for Black Friday until 4:30.....don't think everything was out by 5 am. Surprised to see Target (which is right next to Staples) selling coffee to everyone in line!?!?

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Best by far was BJ's. Because they did not advertise I walked in and got a 42" Plasma for $949. Total time: 15 minutes! Only two other customers there at 6am.


Worst: Best Buy and Circuit City; the thousands of cars got in my way to BJ's! At Kohls the people waiting to checkout wrapped around the inside of the store by 5:30. (But the checkout at Kohls is aways slow!)

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Best Walgreens, Target, Gymboree


Worst Staples - they moved all the stuff including DVD burners and hard drives behind a counter and you had to line up there and then again in another line to pay while the 3 registers in the front of the store were empty- because they had "high risk".

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Best was Best Buy.....great service, excellent crowd control, very helpful staff


Worst, from what we heard, was Circuit City....computer crashes again with the Vonage signups, similar to last year's AOHell crud. Staff was not exactly helpful and the crowd became a tad unruly....had two arrests of people during the night just before the doors opened there.

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Walmart and Target were good here. Both were crowded but the lines to check out were managable.

At Kohl's and Menards the lines went almost to the back of each store. I left both with nothing due to the hours of waiting in line when there were other deals to be found.

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