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Wal-Mart says "Merry Christmas"


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Happy or Merry what ever you want to celebrate I don't care. I'll say Merry Christmas because that is what I celebrate. You can wish me Happy Hanukah if you want. It is the thought that counts.

I agree. I don't care what you say as long as you say it happily :D .


How about an article that says "Wal-Mart will have all registers running through Christmas to make checking out easier" instead of 4 out of 30 registers open.

And here I always thought is was just our WalMart that NEVER has enough registers open :lmao:
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I don't get offended. If someone said happy Chanukah, happy solstice, happy romadan, I would simply reply by saying 'Same to you'. How anyone can be offended by someone extending a greeting of any kind is ridiculous? Now adays if someone can at least aknowledge your presence without a dirty look or a bad word we should be happy (sad but true) ..... Too much PC :( and not enough politiness and common sense.:yup:


P.S.- Merry Christmas :D



This is exactly how I feel. The world has just gone overboard with political correctness.

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Personally, what offends me is when a store chooses to promote a single religion's holidays. That's why my feeling has always been keep it generic or celebrate them all.


Other holidays, such as Hanukkah, had nothing to do with giving presents until the 20th Century, I believe, when many wanted an equivalent to Christmas. It's really a pretty low level holiday in the grand scheme of things and that is why you will likely not hear many people wishing others "Happy Hanukkah" or taking the days off work or keeping kids home from school. That doesn't mean there aren't many people celebrating it.


Just something to keep in mind when forming opinions about how many people celebrate this and that and what's appropriate to say to others.



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I think that it is great that they are saying Merry Christmas. It does not offend me either way really though.


As far as walmarts and registers. I don't get why they have so many. They hardly ever open more than half of them anyway. It is all over not just your store. I promise.

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