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The disney CARS dvd will be out on November 7th (next tuesday). I am going to my 24 hour walmart around 11:00 pm on Monday night and wait for them to sell them at midnight. Anyone else wanting this movie?
  Christy Garner said:

The disney CARS dvd will be out on November 7th (next tuesday). I am going to my 24 hour walmart around 11:00 pm on Monday night and wait for them to sell them at midnight. Anyone else wanting this movie?

Christy, this movie will probably be a BF special for under $10 so if you could wait, it will probably save you money. Last year CC had The Incredibles for $7 or $8 on BF.

Thanks for the input on waiting. I don't want them to be hard to find as a few other things will be. i am going ahead and buying it and then will return it if i get lucky and get one for black friday
You can still order on Disneystore.com and get a $10 GC towards a future purchase, so it makes it $10 if you think of it that way.....not sure if shipping is high for DVD's

I seriously doubt you need to worry about a shortage. I can't remember any time where a newly-released Disney movie was hard to find at all. Even on BF, these discs tend to be pretty easy to obtain.


Even more so, there is no need at all to be there at midnight for when it's released unless you want to. In fact, I'm pretty sure the 24 hour WMs typically don't have the electronics department even staffed at that hour, so you probably won't even get what you want anyway. Just go anytime on the 7th, and I'm sure there will be a huge display with more copies than you can shake a stick at.


I'm really not trying to rain on your parade, but trying to save you a potentially wasted trip.


As a side note, it may be just a little bit unrealistic to expect Cars to be as cheap as The Incredibles was last year. The reason is that The Incredibles was a Spring release last year, while Cars will be brand spanking new (longer availability = cheaper price, usually). Of course, BF doesn't always follow normal rules, but it may not hurt to temper expectations somewhat. I hope I'm wrong though.

  bluehutto said:

I preordered from familyvideo.com for 15.79 plus new members get 5.00 off first order and then shipping is only 99cents wound up paying 11.78 and one member said they received their order the day before it was released.



coupon code: newmem96


this was in another thread here.




I took advantage of this deal too. It's probably the best DVD deal I've gotten for this little work.

I ordered three copies of the Cars DVD on Amazon.com, along with two copies of The Little Mermaid. Free shipping, plus I went ahead and applied for their credit card which knocked off $30 off first purchase. I ended up paying $9 per movie. Only bad thing is that they are scheduling delivery for one week AFTER the movie is released. Wierd, but for the price, I'm ok with it. Good thing it's for xmas gifts!

If anyone has a Stop and Shop near them.....


Next week, if you buy 16 of certain food items.. you get the movie for FREE.



The food includes...

Chef Boyardee Pasta

Orville Redebacker Popcorn

Crunch and Munch

Peter Pan Peanut Butter

Hunts Snack Packs.


If you only want to buy 8, you get 10.00 off the movie.


I also took advantage of the familyvideo.com deal. The total price w/shipping was $11.97. Can't beat that! But, I should have thought about the BF deals since these are Christmas presents. Oh well, there is always next year!
  Catrin said:

If anyone has a Stop and Shop near them.....


Next week, if you buy 16 of certain food items.. you get the movie for FREE.



The food includes...

Chef Boyardee Pasta

Orville Redebacker Popcorn

Crunch and Munch

Peter Pan Peanut Butter

Hunts Snack Packs.


If you only want to buy 8, you get 10.00 off the movie.


WOW wish there was one of these stores where I lived. Would take that offer. :)

  Booterbunz said:

I think it was the Sears BF ad that has Cars listed for $9.99??? Or maybe I just need to get some sleep?!. LOL

DVDs (Click, Monster House, Sentinel, Garfield, Aquamarine) (from the Sears BF ad)

I hope it is $9.99 somewhere! I am waiting until BF

fye.com has Cars for preorder for $12.99 (after $7 rebate). It's scheduled to come out 11/7. I'm thinking of getting it there along with POC, but don't know if it'll ship soon as it comes out. Anyone familiar with fye.com? Do they ship quickly?

Hi. I tried ordering from family video, but it doesn't show my $5 off, so I backed out of all of it. We've never ordered anything from them before. Is there something special I should be doing?


  gregus28 said:

i went to walmart at 8 am this morning and its a bonus cars dvd with a music cd on sale for $13.99; regular $19.96. What a deal!!!!

It's 14.87 at my walmart for the dvd only. :mad:

Guest JeepMom
A local grocery store here in town had them for sale yesterday. I almost said something but didn't.

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