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This is not a poll. Just a thread to express~

With all the excitement of BF, and trust me I am right up there with the rest of you. I use to spend my BF shopping alone and staying in a hotel (yes by myself) like a mini vacation from the kids and DH. But 2 years ago my youngest daughter (now 12) begged to come with me. So, of course with those batting eyelashes I agreed and gave up my vacation. Thinking gosh this stinks. How wrong I was. She stands in below -0 weather with me in the sleet and snow (last year for almost 8 hrs) singing songs and making friends with the people standing next to us. I no longer look at it as losing my vaction but with bonding with my daughter. She is right ontop of the shopping lists and I swear cks GottaDeal more than I do (if that is possible).

This yr will be her 3rd year BF-ing with me. And to tell you the truth, although I love BF spending it with my daughter is awesome!:)


What special meaning does BF hold with you?

Guest kathybmb
nice story kulkel..i would love to do the same with my fourteen yr old but im afraid of ruining christmas..im also afraid she wont get into it as much... im hoping my older daughter will join me again this yr she did last yr. It is much more fun going with others.. to me Bf shopping is theReady , set, Go... of the holiday season.. I love this site. I only found it last yr and it was so helpful and fun. Not to mention informative:) ..
BF-ing doesn't ruin it for my daughter. I don't buy for her while shopping. I hope your daughter shops with you again this year. My daughter calls it our BF tradition. She even told her grandma to have Thansgiving dinner enough this year so we have time to come home and prepare for our adventure.:razz::eyepoppin
For me, BF is a time of hanging out with my friends (aka shopping buddies), and also a time to get some of the things I really want for Christmas and can actually afford! I also like the rush of getting the ads before anyone else at home or work and showing them off to people... and letting them have copies. :)
BF for me is family time with a lot of bargains! Now that cellphones are a near neccessity in the world, BF is even better, my family splits up, two people at each store, getting the deals we are going after, checking in all the time on the phones and meeting up a little later in the day for lunch and in person bonding. It's fun for us, like a game in the morning, but it is definitely a special time.
Mine is pretty similar, but reversed. I think there was maybe two BFs that my mom and aunt did just by themselves. But since then, me, my mom, my aunt, and my cousin all go together and its just fine. There's something about the adrenaline rush of BF that really brings a family together! :smirk:
BF means I get some time to myself; it's the only day of the year I'm guaranteed this. I'm also encouraged to go shopping, which is not usually the case :D I enjoy people watching and taking everything in as much as, if not more than, shopping itself.
Bf shopping was the one day of the year that was just my mom and me. Almost ever year for 15 years. Then my brother's wife started coming which was nice. It was a special day that we spent together. Both Mom and I were big time shoppers. My hubby makes sure it has off the beginning of the year, because he knows it's like a holiday for me and he watches the kids. It's the second year without her and it's not the same. My 15 year old niece comes with me. She's so much fun. My mom's best friend said she would come every year with me as a tribute to my mother. She hates shopping, but loves BF. She recently traded her lease in and told her husband she needed the same car to handle our BF purchases. :)
  rbellville said:

Bf shopping was the one day of the year that was just my mom and me. Almost ever year for 15 years. Then my brother's wife started coming which was nice. It was a special day that we spent together. Both Mom and I were big time shoppers. My hubby makes sure it has off the beginning of the year, because he knows it's like a holiday for me and he watches the kids. It's the second year without her and it's not the same. My 15 year old niece comes with me. She's so much fun. My mom's best friend said she would come every year with me as a tribute to my mother. She hates shopping, but loves BF. She recently traded her lease in and told her husband she needed the same car to handle our BF purchases. :)


So sorry about your mom. I am sure she is with you on BF and everyday.

It used to be just me and my mom for the longest time but one year we talked my two younger cousins into it, now 18 and 15 and they are worse then me. I just got off the phone with the 18 year in college in NYC and asked her if she planned to go, she said"Hell Yeah!". It's cool that they want to do this with me every year. I also take them out for chinese when we are done.
My hubbie and I don't have kids yet, but I love BF shopping for my brother's kids. And my mom and dad do the BF shopping with me. We meet in the morning, have our ads and the list of stores we want to go to and then afterwards we go to breakfast at Baker's Square. It's just a great day for me to spend with my mom and dad and the complete rush of finding the great deals!
BF is "girls' day out". It started with my mom, me and my sisters. We made it a tradition about 10 years ago. Last year, my oldest neice went with us and she's excited to go again this year.
BF means the biggest shopping day of the year and all done before noon. Time to spend with friends and family. Also means campers, all nighters, and bargain hunters.
  pogiporkchop said:

BF means I get some time to myself; it's the only day of the year I'm guaranteed this. I'm also encouraged to go shopping, which is not usually the case :D I enjoy people watching and taking everything in as much as, if not more than, shopping itself.



I went with my mom and a friend of hers for years. Can remember when I was "allowed" to go hold the place in the checkout line and I thought that was the coolest thing ever lol. I didn't go for a few years after my mom died because it was just to sad. I finally came to terms with it will never be the same but that is no reason to not go and enjoy. My 13 year old daughter has gone with me the last two years ... she had been begging to go for years. We truely enjoy the day. That and the day after Christmas are our days to spend together and shop. It is really nice to be restarting that tradition with her. :)
years ago I went every once in awhile, nothing big nor exciting,. Then a few years ago when my oldest turned 12 we ventured out, not really for anything, The next year we added my mother in law, now she doesnt go all the time. One year we added my daughters 6"5 friend she was a big help getting DVD players from over the heads of others. LOLOLOL. With my daughter it has been every year since and one of her friends, My mother in law every once in awhile, but she has a hard time keeping up. My daughter brings a friend. Last year we added my son and my hubby. Not sure hubby will be up for it this year he hated it. My son, needs to learn it's every person for them selves, as when they opened the doors at target he was letting all the woman in before him, Till My daughter said go and started to push him. He wants to redeem himself this year, and now my 10 year old wants to go I might let her as I am done with her shopping and she still believes. My older one and I like to see how many stores and get things we can with in 1 hour and then how many times we go back to walmart before 11:00am last year it was 6 and we had been to Walmart, Target, Menards, K-,mart, and toys R us
Its A Family Tradition Thats One Day Just Like A Holiday That I Can Count On My Family To Get Together Even Though My Oldest Sister Don't Even Know What Black Friday Is . She Thought It Was A Club Can You Believe That
I love BF! My doughter loves BF shopping too and used to go out with me, but now she babysits in the early am while I go and get anything for her. Then I have to come home and pick up her and the two young boys so she can go shopping too. Maybe I'll get lucky this year and someone will want to sleep at my house and babysit by boys in the am, they are 20 mos and almost 5 mos. :D I miss not being able to take my daughter out with me, but it is nice to buy her stuff without her knowing. Last year we got her a portable DVD player that she was soooo not expecting. I love the surprises on hristmas and would hate to ruin that.
I went the first time the year I was married. My wife had always wanted to go, but her mom wouldn't go with her. She's in a wheelchair so she couldn't just go on her own. I took her to see what it was like and found lots of cool deals. Since then we've made it a tradition to go every year. I just don't think I want to go in the rain again.
BF means spending time with my mom, which I love to do. We've been doing this since I was a little girl. Even when we were really poor and could only go to look and hunt for major bargins. It really gets us into the Christmas spirit.
The bargains are definetly key to black friday. But theres no feeling quitew like the adrenaline rush as those doors open and you lower that shoulder and brace for the impact of 1200 frantic people bum rushing a 6 foot wide door !
This is the first year i'll have company on BF and i'm so excited. I've finally convinced some friends that it's worth the wait :D While it's nice to get out by myself, I have to admit it'll be fun to have some friends to share it with! It's also the offical kickoff to my Christmas shopping and, after saving all year, it's burning a hole in my pocket!
  pogiporkchop said:

BF means I get some time to myself; it's the only day of the year I'm guaranteed this. I'm also encouraged to go shopping, which is not usually the case :D I enjoy people watching and taking everything in as much as, if not more than, shopping itself.

My thoughts exactly. :)


I also love it for the family time together. Bargains are great too of course, that's why we started going originally. Me, hubby and before my mom moved a bit too far away she went too. Then when old enough we started taking one of the older daughters with. One would go one year and the other the next. The one that stayed home watched the 2 youngest ones. It is time well spent with family. Then when we get home, it's fun with the younger ones.. drives em nuts trying to find out what was bought for them.


I have great hiding places and they change year to year! Lol!

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