Brad Posted September 21, 2006 Posted September 21, 2006 This is the official thread for Black Friday related discussion of DVD players, regardless of if the items are actually in ads or not. This post will be updated with information about DVD players that appear in Black Friday ads as they are released. As this thread will likely get very long, if you are responding to a specific question or comment, please quote that post to keep the thread easy to follow. If you are looking for a deal before Black Friday on a specific DVD player, post in our Deal Finder Service board and others can help you out. If you are looking for gift suggestions, please post in our GottaDeal Gift Finder board. Threads posted about DVD players in the Black Friday Discussion forum will likely be merged into this forum, so to help out the admins and mods, please keep all discussion in this thread. =================================== Ace Hardware Curtis 7” Portable DVD Player w/ Accessory Kit (Limit 2) $69.99
Mara Posted October 18, 2006 Posted October 18, 2006 I need more $20 DVD players. You won't believe this but our pricey Sony died so were using the $20 one I got for the bedroom and the Kid's Dora one died so were using the other $20 one I got cause they were so cheap. My moms pricey sony 5 disk changer died but her $20 one is still going strong lol. PLUS I have noticed my cheapo DVD players tend to not care about region codes will play anything including anything I burn while my pricey ones were picky. Go figure right lol Mara
Brad Posted October 18, 2006 Author Posted October 18, 2006 Mara said: I need more $20 DVD players.I can tell you with 100% certainty that Kmart will have a $19.99 DVD player. And that's all I can say for now...
Mara Posted October 18, 2006 Posted October 18, 2006 Oh Brad you have another possible ad a brewing WAHOO. I love me some cheap DD players lol Mara
scriba-golfer Posted October 23, 2006 Posted October 23, 2006 I am looking for a portable DVD player capible of having two screens & headphones. I have two kids and would like to have the screens hang from front seatbacks. Anyone have information on these? Do these DVD players also play music CDs? Thanks.
stiltman Posted October 24, 2006 Posted October 24, 2006 has anyone head if the hd dvd players will be on sell?
stationchief Posted October 24, 2006 Posted October 24, 2006 scriba-golfer said: I am looking for a portable DVD player capible of having two screens & headphones. I have two kids and would like to have the screens hang from front seatbacks.Anyone have information on these?Do these DVD players also play music CDs?Thanks.Stores should have car DVD players w/ either one or two LCD screens for BF. They'll be able to play music CDs, and most seem to even come with video games.
jellybean051901 Posted October 24, 2006 Posted October 24, 2006 Our DVD player is slowly dying and I am hoping to get one at WM this year. Also, we are planning a trip to Florida and I am hoping to get a portable DVD player to occupy my 2 yo for some of the trip.
stationchief Posted October 24, 2006 Posted October 24, 2006 Gotta get a new $20 DVD player for the living room myself. My RCA DVD player, purchased back when DVDs were first coming out for about $200, is goin' out now. It lasted a good while, but it's time to move on.
DeMay1201 Posted October 24, 2006 Posted October 24, 2006 I'm going to need two portable DVD players this year.
xbatman Posted October 24, 2006 Posted October 24, 2006 Add me to the list for needing a portable DVD for the drive to WDW next year!
postamessage Posted November 2, 2006 Posted November 2, 2006 High definition discs are still a very niche market at this time, so do you think there will be any big sales on black Friday? I was going to wait out the format war with Blueray but HD-DVD has such a big head start, cheaper players, and an over-all better selection of movies.
Scott Posted November 2, 2006 Posted November 2, 2006 I don't think these will be on sale at all until the beginning of next year. The technology is too new. If they are on sale, it will be insignificant. There won't be any door busters on HD-DVD or Blue-Ray Drives. That being said, I will wait anyway until the standards get ironed out a bit more or one technology or the other takes a clear lead. I recently got an upsampling DVD player, and it was worth every penny. I bet there will be some good deals on those this season.
damac Posted November 2, 2006 Posted November 2, 2006 Scott said: I don't think these will be on sale at all until the beginning of next year. The technology is too new. If they are on sale, it will be insignificant. There won't be any door busters on HD-DVD or Blue-Ray Drives. That being said, I will wait anyway until the standards get ironed out a bit more or one technology or the other takes a clear lead. I recently got an upsampling DVD player, and it was worth every penny. I bet there will be some good deals on those this season.With the 2nd generation of HD DVD players coming out before Christmas, I was hoping to see some Black Friday deals on existing stock of Gen 1 units. The Toshiba HD-A1 is already available online in certain places for around $350-370. I wouldn't rule out a BF deal on the HD-A1 for something between $300-350. But who knows.
Scott Posted November 2, 2006 Posted November 2, 2006 damac said: With the 2nd generation of HD DVD players coming out before Christmas, I was hoping to see some Black Friday deals on existing stock of Gen 1 units. The Toshiba HD-A1 is already available online in certain places for around $350-370. I wouldn't rule out a BF deal on the HD-A1 for something between $300-350. But who knows.It is possible I suppose. But I doubt that you will see many deals in the B&M stores. Definately nothing of the doorbuster sort.
Adamtanderson Posted November 2, 2006 Posted November 2, 2006 Scott said: That being said, I will wait anyway until the standards get ironed out a bit more or one technology or the other takes a clear lead.I don't think that it will be the case that one standard will take a clead lead. I think that they will go the rout DVD+R and DVD-R went with players able to play both standards. Samsung is currently working on one. I think you will have a major movement when that happens. Most people are hesitent to buy right now for fear of owning a player that goes the way of the Betamax.
josetann Posted November 2, 2006 Posted November 2, 2006 Blu-Ray is more expensive, but with the PS3 coming out for $500 with a built-in Blu-Ray player, that's going to give a big boost to Blu-Ray (yes, I know the premium PS3 is $600, but the lower model still has Blu-Ray and isn't that crippled compared to the low-end Xbox 360). Yes, you can add HD-DVD to an Xbox 360 for just $200, making it the same price as the PS3, but not everyone who has a 360 will get the HD-DVD upgrade. Everyone with the PS3 has Blu-Ray. Personally, it doesn't matter to me, I'll either have a player for each format (if I keep a PS3 and get the HD-DVD upgrade for my 360) or I'll wait for a player that handles both. It's a bit different from the betamax vs vhs wars, it wasn't possible for there to be a player for both (unless it had two separate mechanisms, ala a dvd and vcr combo).
Adamtanderson Posted November 3, 2006 Posted November 3, 2006 josetann said: Personally, it doesn't matter to me, I'll either have a player for each format (if I keep a PS3 and get the HD-DVD upgrade for my 360) or I'll wait for a player that handles both. It's a bit different from the betamax vs vhs wars, it wasn't possible for there to be a player for both (unless it had two separate mechanisms, ala a dvd and vcr combo).I agree that the difference between the Betamax vs VHS wars and the Blueray vs HDDVD is that it is possible to create a player that will play both formats. I think that most people will wait till players come out that play both formats because they don't want to be stuck with a machine that only plays half the HD movies out there.
zgamer Posted November 12, 2006 Posted November 12, 2006 Adamtanderson said: I agree that the difference between the Betamax vs VHS wars and the Blueray vs HDDVD is that it is possible to create a player that will play both formats. I think that most people will wait till players come out that play both formats because they don't want to be stuck with a machine that only plays half the HD movies out there.Agreed and also dropping the price to the sub-$200 range.
kaestu Posted November 13, 2006 Posted November 13, 2006 I am looking for a deal on a DVD player/recorder to go with our HD plasma tv. This is what I want: DVD player/recorder dual deck with VHS and I want it to have Upconverter. Will such a thing exist on BF for around $200? The best deal I have found is a JVC unit for $229.
Pigsmama Posted November 13, 2006 Posted November 13, 2006 Anyone see a deal on mulit-screed portables? Was hoping I just missed it, but we're needing one to put in the SUV for those 8hr drives that we do periodically to visit family. Thanks!
April1234 Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Best one I have seen was at CC for $99:) I was hoping to find a good deal too!
Pigsmama Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 April1234 said: Best one I have seen was at CC for $99:) I was hoping to find a good deal too!Found it, thanks!!!
koalamom Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Portable DVD players needed here too. Two of them to be exact. I am torn now between Ace Hardware and Best Buy. The ACE store near us is locally owned, I think, so don't know if they will have a BF or not. Or if they will even have them. Best Buy is two hours away from me and not sure yet that I will even be able to purchase two of them by myself. I have always done Wal-Mart on BF but to get a good deal on the players, I thought I would shop around but this is confusing.
g21amber Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 anyone know if the dvd player w/20 dvs on Toys'R'Us is an early bird or if they have a certain limit of them available?
raymacfla Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 The $30 dvd player at bestbuy should be the number one target for this has DIVX included for the same price. For those not familiar with DIVX, it allows you to watch movies that have been downloaded from the internet in the comfort of your livingroom! Divx takes video and compresses it so that a 4gig video is now 700mb, and storable on a single cd. The video quality is still outstanding, and your TV shows purchased through the internet can be burned to a single dvd for archiving, watching, whatever you need these files for. I only wish a divx player was in the portable section! Now that you have a taste of what Divx can do, go get one and double your fun!
v_krishnan24 Posted November 20, 2006 Posted November 20, 2006 BB 30$ dvd player won't play divx, but CC 30$ dvd player will. both are philips, but model nos are different
kren Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Quick help anyone? We have an OLD DVD player (2000 -- ack!) and my dad, who's well-meaning but electronically clueless, bought us a Coby portable model so he could show us his recorded home movies on DVD. Well, it read the format fine, but it's such a cheap-o model that it's already not working half the time. So we need a real DVD player -- not a cheap one, preferably upconverting, and one that will read all the DVD flavors (well, not HD -- we don't have a TV worth worrying about that). I've checked the ads and just don't see one that looks decent for a decent price. Plenty of portables -- don't need 'em. Plenty of not-so-well-thought-of $20/$30 ones that don't appear to support DVD-R AND DVD+R ... And then there are $100-plus ones that are too much. Any advice? TIA!
polly1947 Posted November 21, 2006 Posted November 21, 2006 Looking for a portable DVD for 2-year old grandchild. Is Audiovox better than TruTech? Any suggestions or advice re. best brands. Target looks like the best bet thus far...but I'm open to suggestions. Hope someone out there has the time to answer this....I'm one confused granny!! Thanks
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