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Anyone ever go shopping Alone??

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Last year was my first alone BF - my sister and I used to shop together when I first moved here, but now we don't live close enough to make it worth while to either of us. It's a bummer - cause I love going with someone. DH stays at home and watches our daughter - and there's really no other family that will go. My neighbor was supposed to go with me last year, but she backed out at the last second - so solo I was. It was ok though, since I made friends with people while I was waiting - and they actually helped me get the things I wanted at WM.


I'd say go for it... it's really not that bad.

I always go alone, for me, that's the most efficient way to go; have my list, only need to spend the exact amount of time in a store that I need to, can modify my list on the fly if necessary, and I'm usually done before noon.

I always go it alone, no one wants to go with me. Actually I prefer this too. I drop the dead weight and don't have to worry about looking at something I have no intention of buying. Last yr, dd had a soccer tournament that started on BF. Her game was at 9am, I was up and out at around 4:30, went to about 6 stores, did what I had planned to do and was sitting at the game by about 8:45 and that included stopping to get something to eat to bring with me. I could of never have done that if I has someone with me.


For Christmas last yr I got an ipod, so this yr will be great. I will just put on my ipod and listen to music while I wait in line. It will be nice to flush out all the "noise!"


I go alone because I usually only go 1 place and pickup a couple things, and it's just easier for me because I don't have to worry about losing somebody in the crowd.


Maybe I'll get the wifey to come w/me this year.:yup:

I only shop alone for the most part, nevermind if it's BF or not. I don't like waiting on someone else, being rushed, or stopping for something to eat every hour or two. I know how to entertain myself in line: pda w/new game and music loaded, and a cellphone. I love it! :)
I go alone and prefer it that way. Of course, I live in a small town and usually end up bumping into my friends there. I'm not a very patient person and like to get in and out of the frenzy with my winnings as soon as I can ...

If the kids spend the night with grandparents, then the hubby and I like to go together. He waits in the lines to pay, and I rip through the store and fill the cart.


So far, we have a pretty good track record for meeting up right at the cash register. :gdthums: but it sure does piss people off behind him! Oh well...:gdlaugh:

  elena_398 said:

Im alone every year. On Thanksgiving too. Im out on BF by midnight and Im fine. I actually like it. Don't have to wait for anyone to check out, etc. I can get in a store, get my stuff, and get out to the next one. Its not bad at all. You'll be fine


EXACTLY!!! My friend went last year with 3 other friends and she said NEVER again! LOL! I would rather go by myself and get what I need and move on to the next store! Dh helped me last year by going to 2 stores with ds. I am sure he will do the same this year. I LOVE going solo!! :D:D

  able said:

lots go alone...even some who go as teams split up to hit more stores///dotn worry yopu wont be standing ALONE... start a convo with the others in line.

thats what we do..we split up and divide stores..so sometimes we are alone and sometimes we arent...its nice to be alone that day

i always go aline too.my friend wants me to go with her but she has 2 other pwople going and they always have a list of stores to go to and when and i usually juast go to a couple stores. by myself i can do what i want and then i treat myself to a present that day and something good to eat
I've always gone alone; I don't have any friends that are interested in Black Friday sales (or any other sales for that matter)....hmm.....I think I need new friends........
In the past I have gone with some one and I have gone alone. Either way it always seems to work out I get my deals and that is all that matters ;) .

We go to FIL's Thanksgiving weekend where we know no one else. Paul, Beorn, and FIL have no interest so I always go alone. I love talking deals with the other shoppers while in line, but once the doors open, or the pallets are unveiled, I like being able to go at my on pace.


I think it would be nice to have someone to meet up with between stores to share deals with, and to go to breakfast together after. But, that's part of what GottaDeal is all about, sharing your finds!

I usually start the morning shopping with my sister and then she had to work (retail...ugh) So then I went off by myself. This is the first year she is out of retail so we will shop together all day!!!! I am so excited!!!:g_dance:
I usually go out on my own (mostly because I can't find anyone enthusiastic enough to go with me). I hope to convince my best friend to go with me this year..:)
Guest mldepalma
I'd say go, even if you have to go alone! You can't beat the deals and if you go alone, you might find it rewarding in a different way. The only time I go with someone is if my Mom and I are together (she lives in GA and I live in CT so it would have to be if one of us travelled for Thanksgiving). We both understand each other and we shop well together on this day, but otherwise I don't WANT anyone with me to slow me down. I can get in and get out EXTREMELY fast and head to the next store on my list. I only get what is on my list and then go to the next place. It works out well. Granted, you don't have someone to talk to during the long wait for the first store to open, but after that, it hardly matters. Whoever else is crazy enough to be out as early as you are, probably has something else in common with you, so you might as well converse with him/her. Have a great time!!! :D
The first year I ever shopped on BF I went alone, but since I have a big mouth I easily make friends in the line so it is not too bad. But now I volunteer people to come with me, usually it is my poor mom who hates standing in line but loves me enough to do it. ;)
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