PeachieKeen Posted October 25, 2006 Posted October 25, 2006 From Louisville, KY, new member here. Just discovered the site last year and decided I'd actually join the conversation this year. I have no kids of my own, but have two nephews and a slew of children in my extended family, so there's plenty to buy on BF!
peekaboo Posted October 27, 2006 Posted October 27, 2006 Hi everyone. I am from PA and a newbie. I have been a member since last year but just took it all in. This year I decided to join in on all the fun. I love this website, alot of good information and great finds on here.
nutbrown Posted October 27, 2006 Posted October 27, 2006 What a great place to be! I live in SC and will be shopping in the Greenville area. My friend and I head out at about 5 am and go until around 11 pm. Kohls is usually the last place we hit since they are open pretty late! BF is my favorite day of the year! Anne
dgleason Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 SuperMommy said: Welcome new members and welcome back to those that were with us last year. It's exciting to see the BF crowd starting to pop up!But remember GottaDeal isn't just a Black Friday site. It's a deals forum that is open all year long. We hope to see some of you sticking around after BF and becoming "regulars"!! See my userpage for pics of my girls! SuperMommy's Page I heard last year Thanksgiving Eve the BF ads were leaked and thanks to the wonders of Google I found this site. What a thrill it was to get a sneak peak at the deals and begin my shopping lists. I didn't come back to the site after BF as I just assumed it was over until this year. It wasn't until I came back this week and had much more time to puruse the site I discovered the whole GottaDeal side. What have I been missing!!! I always thought I was the Queen of Bargain Shopping but now I'm afraid I've by outshopped by all the regulars here. My husband and I have been married 21 years and live in the Twin Cities area "south of the river" in Minnesota. We have 2 boys aged 19 and 18 (my "baby" just turned 18 last week and I still haven't recovered from the shock). I telecommute for a travel agency and the only client account I work with is Target. So I was extremely busy last spring booking those shopping trips for the Target buyers searching for the products we'll be scrambling for on BF. Unfortunately I don't have any idea what those items will be.
kim9636 Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 My name is Kim and I am a blackfridayaholic. I now reside in Kingston TN so that means all my shopping is done in Knoxville, usually Turkey Creek. I have been visiting the gottadeal forums I think for three or four years now but this is the first time I have ever posted. Welcome Me!!! Why thanks pleasure to be here and hopefully find the good deals with my other knoxvegas dealhunters.
kim9636 Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 kim9636 said: My name is Kim and I am a blackfridayaholic. I now reside in Kingston TN so that means all my shopping is done in Knoxville, usually Turkey Creek. I have been visiting the gottadeal forums I think for three or four years now but this is the first time I have ever posted. Welcome Me!!! Why thankspleasure to be here and hopefully find the good deals with my other knoxvegas dealhunters.I cant figure out how to edit but i just wanted to add that I keep forgetting my log in name every year so I have to keep registering that is why it says i have only been here since this year
sunkisses Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 Hey ya'll! I am in NC as well. This is my 2nd year at gottadeal and 3rd bf shopping. If it wasn't for this site I probably wouldn't have been able to get 2 of the $149.00 emachines last year and a few other deals. I saved some cash last year, but I am hoping to really maximize my dollar this year by utilizing some of the helpful tips yall have posted.
NikiH Posted October 28, 2006 Posted October 28, 2006 I live in VA. I will be doing BF in Delaware/Maryland while visting my mom. I'm married to my high school sweetheart. It's been 13 years and we have one five year old boy. We just found out yesterday that I'm pregnant with our second a very pleasant surprise. I'm a little worried how this not wanting to get off of the couch feeling is going to make BF. lol This is my first full fledged BF where I have the money to do anything more then run into one store and grab a few bargains. I'm hoping it will be fun.
thedizzyfamily Posted October 29, 2006 Posted October 29, 2006 Hi all...I live in the midlands of SC...GO COCKS!!! (even though we got beat last pm) Will be shopping in the Cola and surrounding areas...a group of girls and I have been BF shopping gor well over 20 yrs now and just amazed at how things have changed:shock: Wish everyone safe and fun shopping and thanks to all for the wonderful ads and helpful hints. Never too old to learn a thing or two!! Found your site last year from the Disboards and this year have paid a little more attention. Thanks again!!!!
luv2shopnc Posted October 29, 2006 Posted October 29, 2006 Greetings from Raleigh NC. This is my first year on this site and I must admit that I'm addicted!!! I have DD 5 and DS 2 in a couple of weeks. November is a great month for me b/c my DS birthday, my birthday and of course BF!!!
noehlp Posted October 29, 2006 Posted October 29, 2006 to GottaDeal everyone!!! This truly is the BEST Black Friday site ever invented! And like others have said this site remains open YEAR ROUND as you won't believe the deals that are to be had besides during this holiday season. ******************************************************* NikiH - I hope you have a very happy & healthy pregnancy.
best4less Posted October 29, 2006 Posted October 29, 2006 Hi all :) Was here at Gottadeal last year and back again this year (because this site is EXCELLENT!) I love shopping on Black Friday but this year will be a little different for me....I have to work Wally World of all places. Should be an interesting switch!
MICKEY3601 Posted October 29, 2006 Posted October 29, 2006 Hello all. This is my 2nd year on the site and I LOVE it. I love getting all the heads up on info from everyone. Hopefully one of these day's I'll have somethin' good to contribute. I am in Phoenix and have been here for over 20 years. I love it & don't see myself living anywhere else. I have a beautiful 5 year old little girl. She is the #1 joy of my life :) , 2nd would be....SHOPPING...especially BF . I have been a BF shopper for over 10 years now!!! Can't wait for the ads so I can really start planning. Happy shopping everyone!!!
Crue2001 Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 Hi everyone, my first post here on the forums...just wanted to stop in to say hello! I live in little old Delaware and love to shop!! So far, I'm digging this site...cannot wait until all the ads start coming out for BF. I like to do most of my shopping online if I can, but I've been known to venture out awfully early on BF to catch some of the best deals!!
ajogg Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 Hi all, I'm here in Carrollton, GA. I get into the Black Friday shopping sometimes, this site helped out last year. Have a good day everyone!
sweetsali Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 Hi Everyone! I'm Originally From Nyc But Presently Reside In Maryland. This Is The Best Board On The Web; Always Sticks To Point Of The Board. Aol's Freebie Boards Are Full Of Personal Opinions And Arguments When One Person Does Not Agree With Another (just My Opinion Lol!) And Discussions. Thanks To All You All For The Great Posts I Really Appreciate It! Ts.
luvwdw Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 Hi! My name is Stephanie. I am originally from Michigan so I never BF shopped (too cold) until 4 years ago when I moved to sunny Florida! It has now become a new favorite tradition for me and my husband. We make a great BF "blitz" team. I just discovered this site a couple of weeks ago and I LOVE it!! A BIG thanks to all of you!!
g-man430 Posted October 30, 2006 Posted October 30, 2006 Hey everyone. My name is Jacob and I live in Greenville, SC :) Went to Radio Shack last year and BestBuy the year before that. Plan on going to BestBuy again this year and getting there at 11 PM hoping to get a LCD tv.
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