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Caption Classic Photos & Win a Black Friday T-Shirt [Winners Posted]

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First t-shirt contest of the year and it's one of the classics!

To be entered, reply to this thread with a caption for each of these 3 classic Black Friday photos:


Contest will be open until 11:59pm CT on Wednesday, October 9th. I will then randomly choose 5 members who entered and you'll each win a limited edition Black Friday t-shirt!

Good luck to everyone!














And in case you didn't see it, here is this year's shirt design:



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Photo #1      Look at all those people lined up for Black Friday! I wonder if they know we only got 1 of the X-Box door buster deals this year.


Photo #2      The deals aren't as good this year....but I think the lines are shorter.


Photo #3      3 hours in line waiting for the store to open... 10 hours shopping... and I still couldn't find the ONE toy that my child MUST have for Christmas.


Photo #1: "Len, we really like your brand new Black Friday is Dead T-Shirt.  Thanks for not covering it up with a jacket or anything."

Photo #2: "The credit card system is down.  We need exact change.  Anyone got any ones?"

Photo #3: "I miss Sears."


#1 “I don’t care what anyone says. Isn’t Bullseye the Bestest Boy ever?”


#2 “Bullseye might be in the running for Bestest Boy, but he still doesn’t beat out Best Buy for deals.”


#3 “Mo-OM! Enough with Target, Best Buy, and everywhere else. You promised us Denny’s for all-you-can-eat pancakes. LET’s GO ALREADY!!!”



See , if we are open they WILL come.


Wait, I think I have exact change,(girl in purple sweater)


I just need 5 minutes...you set the alarm .


#1)  I am on Target this year!


#2)  5,6,7,8, who do we appreciate, Gottadeal, that's who!


#3)  Set the alarm on the phone and let me take a nap till the next store opens, please and thanks!


1) "Ahhhh Black Friday is here again... All those poor suckers think they're getting these doorbusters? Oughta be great fun to watch 'em all fight over 3 TVs, 1 PlayStation 5, and 2 XBox consoles, then watch the rest drown their sorrows in the board game section when they're not one of the lucky ones..."


2) (Cashier at lane 6): [counting] "21, 22, 23... Well, so much for ending my shift on time... Been on since 3 am and probably won't leave till midnight if this keeps up... Ohhh my achin' feet!"


3) (Lady laying across daughter's lap) "Malls are dead, they said... The lines'll be shorter there this year, they said... TELL THAT TO THE [BLEEP]ING CROWD LINED OUT THE DOOR AT BATH & BODY WORKS STACKING ALL THEIR COUPONS!!! Kill me! Kill me now!!!" (passes out from exhaustion)


1. Alright, before we open those doors let’s get a group photo…on the count of three say “smile now, cry later”


2. Stood outside in line for 3 hours to stand in the checkout line for two hours to buy one thing!!


3. Just let me rest my eyes for 10 minutes and I’ll be good to go…


1.       The doors are stuck! They can’t get in! WooHoo, Best Black Friday Ever!!


2.      (Kid in letter jacket) “Hey! Is that a paper ad? Can I see that?”


3.      If your sister doesn’t hurry up and fight her way out of the Aeropostle, I swear I’m going to crash right here


1. The anticipation among employees at Target for Black Friday sales is rivaled only by the annual Karaoke Competition.

2. We can see in this vintage photo of Black Friday that Best Buy was on the cutting edge of retail technology by utilizing Windows 95 at the registers to interface with a state-of-the-art LCD signature pads.

3. As hard as she tried, Leigh just couldn't catch 'em all - neither the Black Friday deals NOR the limited-time-only Pokemon hiding in the mall.


1. We all get raises since BF went so well.

2. Do I really need this stuff enough to stand in these lines?

3.  What happens when you bring back 5 am sales in stores. 


Photo #1  "Yay!! Look at everyone getting along and sharing the doorbusters!"


Photo #2  Gentleman with the black hat in the center of the picture: "Now I see why my wife slept in and made me come get her $5 can opener."


Photo #3  "Mom could have at least left us in the bedding section."


1: Everyone pretend like we're not already dead inside from all the Christmas music

2: Just keep swimming!

3: Everyone to the girl in the middle: Can we go now? I'm tired. I'm hungry. How much shopping do you need to do right now?!


"We don't have to unlock cases for every item?  Best day ever!"


Cashier thinking "I hope these people leave soon, I'm in the middle of a killer solitaire game"

"How did I forget the Pokémon cards?"


1. If you are happy and you know it …… Clap your hands ….. (you know you sang it LOL)  


2. And they’re off …. Lane 8 is taking the lead with signing but Look at Lane 5 closing the gap with digging for payment, It’s going be close call here folks.


3. This adulting thing is hard. I wasn’t supposed to grow up, I didn’t want to grow up. I was A Toys “R” US Kid.

Posted (edited)

#1...everybody ready? We decided to stay open for 24 hours!!!


#2...why isn't the express line open? I only have 27 dvd's.


#3...it's only 5:15am...we have 7 other stores to hit...wake up!!!


Michelle Hays 

Edited by Hartcollectibles

#1.  - #Flashback to Black Friday Days Gone By. All you shoppers have to spin the big wheel to see if you won one of our exclusive hot wheels cars. With specially marked ones winning a prize! 

#2 - Price check lane 6 please!  With the lady behind him holding only 2 movies wishing she had picked a different lane. And the kid behind her thinking the same thing. 


#3. -  How much longer is she gonna take in Toy’s R Us. We have already shopped 5 stores. Next year we aren’t riding together. 



Photo# 1 -  Oh Wow!!! This is a Black Friday Pro


Photo#2 - (Register 5) Girl.....You know you didn't have any money to pay for this.....holding up the line


Photo# 3 - OMG! I have only been to two stores and I am dead


1. Yea!! No Black Friday sales this year!!

2. I am never getting to the front of the line. I have other sales to get to!!

3. Mom just won't stop shopping...she is like the energizer bunny and I am over it!


The t-shirt winners are:





Gator Pam



Congrats and check your messages to claim your prize.


Next contest soon!

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