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Write a Haiku & Win a $15 Amazon Gift Card [Winners Posted]

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Before we get to the contest, you'll notice that there are no t-shirts being given away this year. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances I'll be busier than normal with non-GD stuff over the next few months so I'm trying to lighten my workload. Emailing gift cards is much quicker than packaging, labeling and shipping out dozens of shirts. Your understanding is appreciated.


Look for more of these kinds of giveaways throughout the next couple of months with gift card prizes from different retailers.




Time for the first contest of the year and it's one of the classics!

To be entered, reply to this thread with a Black Friday or holiday shopping themed haiku.

For those unfamiliar, a haiku is a 3-line poem with the first, second and third lines having 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively. It does not have to rhyme, but should create some kind of imagery in the reader's head, so be creative!

An example Black Friday haiku would be:

people skipping lines (5 syllables)
crashing carts into others (7 syllables)
glad i stay at home (5 syllables)

You can include more than one haiku in your post but it will not increase your odds. Also please do not post multiple times in the thread - keep all your haikus in one post. Also don't just re-use your (or someone else's) haiku from past years - come up with new ones!
Contest will be open until 11:59pm CT on Wednesday, October 11th. I will then randomly choose 5 members who entered and you'll each win a $15 Amazon gift card!

Good luck to everyone!

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The 5 winners for this contest are:








Congrats and check your PMs for your gift card.

Next contest soon...

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