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How long have you been shopping on Black Friday?

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I can remember doing Black Friday shopping when my grown girls were babies, so some 30+ years. How long have you been shopping on Black Friday? How would you say your shopping habits and the sales have changed over the years?


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I remember going out with my grandmother and mom when I was younger so it's been more years than I want to admit lol. I know I have been doing it at least the past 17+ years on my own lol.

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I went the first time about 20 years ago with my mom.she didn't like it so then I never got to go.when me and my husband married I started going religiously with his mom.That was 14 years ago
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Been a BF shopper for right about 20 years....was a much better experience when it was done early morning....only the true BF shoppers were out. You not only got your bargains but also had a laugh with people who were usually well mannered.

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  On 10/17/2014 at 5:50 PM, bossy1 said:

Been a BF shopper for right about 20 years....was a much better experience when it was done early morning....only the true BF shoppers were out. You not only got your bargains but also had a laugh with people who were usually well mannered.

I agree that it was much more fun to go out and shop years ago - we used to have so much fun in lines joking and laughing with others about how crazy we were for standing in a parking lot waiting for doors to open. :)

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I've been BF shopping for @ least 16 years...wow it doesn't seem that long, but I really had to think about it!!!! My oldest 2 were still able to ride in shopping carts & sleep while I shopped, they're 20 & 21 now & my 14 yr old wasn't thought of...When I first started going out I only shopped @ Walmart...
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I have been at this 24 years...my middle child was six and wanted Nintendo with Mario...I was newly divorced with 3 kids so needed to stretch my dollar as far as it could go...Walmart had the new Nintendo with games for a great buy...when I got in the store couldn't find them in the electronic department as they hadn't brought them out yet...I had my ad so manager went to look for them and people were getting them before he could get them over to the front of the line but I managed to push my way to him and said I was first in line so he handed me one right there... :gdclap: Score!!...been at it every since. I do miss the days of leaving the house at 2 a.m. to go stand in line at some store with other crazy BF shoppers :eyepoppin ....my kids and I have some fun memories of the chaos and talking with people in years gone by. The new hours and encroachment onto Thanksgiving day has taken a lot of the fun out of it.

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25 years now! I will celebrate my 10 year anniversary at gottadeal as well! They are 2 of my favorite things! Amazing that in 10 years I have never won a tshirt! :).
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My sister and I were trying to figure this out the other night.  I know my oldest was little, and he was born in '91, so early 90s I guess.  I know I stumbled on it somehow my first year, and I was instantly hooked.  Talked my sister into going with me the next year and we ended up standing in line outside a Toys R Us in the sleet. I didn't think I'd ever get her to go with me again, but all these years later it's still one of our favorite things to do :).

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My daughter is 18 and I think started going shopping on Black Friday when she was a baby. Back then it was actually Black Friday but since I live in Massachusetts where they have blue laws and our stores can't open before 1 a.m with special permission a few do at midnight.


Many, many years.  Love the excitement of heading out in the wee hours of the morning.  With the earlier store opening times it is not as enjoyable. 


The late 1990's. In the early days, my mother in law would baby sit, and the wife would  sleep in until 1 AM.  I would go to CompUSA. They were the early ones who would open at midnight. Rest assured, some teen would always be there for a computer since 4 pm the previous day. I would rush through the store, check out early, and join my wife at Walmart for the real fun. Like some others have said, there was something special about people who were willing to give up the wee hours of the morning and all were kindred spirits.

This is my 10th year of Black Friday shopping. I love it and even though I only needed a few items last year I headed out anyway; something about the hustle & bustle of it all :) I long for the days of lining up at KB Toys, dragging my bag through the store and then high failing it to Best Buy for movies and video games.
It's only been 9 years for me but I go every year and enjoy as much as I can with the ridiculous opening times. I hope there's still something to go for in a few years when my kids are actually old enough to go with me.
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