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So my friends and I have decided to go to New York city from Cleveland for the new year and I was wondering if any GDers lived in or arround the city or would have tips for going into times square. I have enought sense not to drive into the city so I was thinking of taking a train into grand central from somewhere west (along the way from cleveland)... thoughts?

it will be very difficult to get close to times square.

go 1 block south to 42nd st and 8th ave by the port authority you will be able to see the back end of the ball falling and also see some fireworks which will be les crowded.


also walk along 8th ave to can find some small restraunts that will not increase their prices like chinese, mexican etc


have a great new year


::raises hand:: i do


only thing i can think of would be to go into nj somewhere with a PATH station & park there & take the train in, it goes up to 33rd i believe which means you wont have too far to walk...not sure what their schedule for new years is, but if i were going that'd be my first instinct (i live about 12 miles from midtown manhattan, in nj)


I live in Brooklyn. They "pen" people in in the areas around TS as one pen is filled they open the next. I have driven from NY to Ohio and it is a long trip. you may want to get a hotel for the night somewhere in NJ and then as the previous poster said take the PATH into the city. My cousins daughter is going into see the ball drop with her BF a couple of friends and another cousin. My sister is a cop and is just about having a cow over it.




DO NOT try and bring alcohol in to the area with you. Dont bring any bags. Dress warmly. Have fun.


I bet we do not live far from eac hother. I am about or less then 30 minutes from the city.



  queenofshopping said:

::raises hand:: i do


only thing i can think of would be to go into nj somewhere with a PATH station & park there & take the train in, it goes up to 33rd i believe which means you wont have too far to walk...not sure what their schedule for new years is, but if i were going that'd be my first instinct (i live about 12 miles from midtown manhattan, in nj)


Cool, thanks all, I was thinking about parking in East Orange because the station is just off 280. I would take the train into Grand Central and walking to TS.


atb, why would it be hard to get close to time square... I want to be IN time sqare, I mean I want confetti on my face!

Then you better plan to get there early I mean really early and wait for hours. and dont have to go somewhere and eat or other bodily functions cause they wont let you back in. You better leave Ohio now in order to get there in time.
  forcedtoregister said:

Cool, thanks all, I was thinking about parking in East Orange because the station is just off 280. I would take the train into Grand Central and walking to TS.


atb, why would it be hard to get close to time square... I want to be IN time sqare, I mean I want confetti on my face!

that's a good plan, just be aware that east orange is, umm, not the best town, so park in a secure lot & lock up good


as with anything else, the earlier u get there the closer you'll be to the action, i think maybe that's what atb meant


I LOVE GOTTADEAL... you can ask a question about anything and get a response. Thanks so much all. My second time in New York was a great time with friends. I'm a 23 years old I HAD to do new years in NYC once before I got old and life disallowed such spur of the moment things.


Anyway, I was right on 42nd street looking into time square! Not as good as Las Vegas, and my feet still hurt but I can cross one thing off my list of things I have to do once in my life :-D Happy new year!

  forcedtoregister said:

I LOVE GOTTADEAL... you can ask a question about anything and get a response. Thanks so much all. My second time in New York was a great time with friends. I'm a 23 years old I HAD to do new years in NYC once before I got old and life disallowed such spur of the moment things.


Anyway, I was right on 42nd street looking into time square! Not as good as Las Vegas, and my feet still hurt but I can cross one thing off my list of things I have to do once in my life :-D Happy new year!

great to hear! :yay:

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