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Everything posted by forcedtoregister

  1. Some more information: http://tv.rca.com/NR/rdonlyres/FAB4F8BE-A169-4486-9CBF-AE4028313C36/0/R52WH74.pdf
  2. Checkout feature disabled at CC "Because we are updating prices for today's holiday sale, the checkout function is temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few minutes."
  3. I hear a rumor of a way to order "doorbuster" items as well. Any news on that?
  4. The Tops next to Richmond Mall got bought by Zagara's Marketplace. I LOVE Zagara's in Cleveland Heights so I am happy to see them expand. They are a bit more expensive than Tops was but no more than Heinen's is and their service is great. For instance, their "cafe specials" cooked by chefs right when you order. Plus, all those unique things that the big box grocers don't have Zagara's does. Ooo, Ooo, and you can pay with your fingerprint... no more wallet searching or check writing!
  5. I was praising MC in Mayfield Heights, not slamming it. It's just that it's not a HUGE national store like the places right around it. So, when people go they line up in front of the other's like CC and BB while leaving MC alone. It' not that MC is bad, it's just know as known so it leaves great treasures to be had for those of us who take the time to go on BF (or other days).
  6. MC is great for electronics and things and, at least at the Mayfield Heights, OH location is looked over for BF because of it's location. I LOVE IT. MicroCenter, CC, TRU, Target, WM, BB, CostCo, and Michael's all in the same shopping center or w/in .5 mile. It's like BF Mecca
  7. Ahh, thank you... I searched "woot" before I posted on the other thread but didn't find anything. Whe you deleted it I thought "wow, woot a ban subject?" Anyway... I'll re-post: For those who have other things in life than say glued to their PC's for a woot-off... here's what you missed: http://wootoff.wikispaces.com/
  8. From TechCrunch.com: "If you are thinking of buying an Xbox 360 in the next few days, don’t. We’ve gotten information that Amazon may be putting the $300 Xbox 360 bundle on sale for $100 in the next week or so as a promotional move for the holiday season. We don’t know if this will be limited to the Xbox or will include other items, or exactly how many will be put on sale - but it came from a rock solid source. More as this develops, including coverage at Crunchgear." Any one with a good Amazon connection that can veirfy?
  9. I LOVE GOTTADEAL... you can ask a question about anything and get a response. Thanks so much all. My second time in New York was a great time with friends. I'm a 23 years old I HAD to do new years in NYC once before I got old and life disallowed such spur of the moment things. Anyway, I was right on 42nd street looking into time square! Not as good as Las Vegas, and my feet still hurt but I can cross one thing off my list of things I have to do once in my life :-D Happy new year!
  10. Cool, thanks all, I was thinking about parking in East Orange because the station is just off 280. I would take the train into Grand Central and walking to TS. atb, why would it be hard to get close to time square... I want to be IN time sqare, I mean I want confetti on my face!
  11. So my friends and I have decided to go to New York city from Cleveland for the new year and I was wondering if any GDers lived in or arround the city or would have tips for going into times square. I have enought sense not to drive into the city so I was thinking of taking a train into grand central from somewhere west (along the way from cleveland)... thoughts?
  12. Take a look at Dell's outlet. You can get a GREAT system for ~$500.
  13. Does anybody know what there mark-up already is? They've done this sale in the past... was it any good? Thanks for the post!
  14. Sort of. It says you are an employee of the retailer OR "if you are not authorized to redeem this offer." So there are those that are not employees that are still authorized. Plus, the codes have been floating on the XM fan sites and deal sited since 2003 and I've yet to read a story that shows a person getting charged. But, it's always good to know there is that possability. Worth it to me though... I'll let ya'll know if I get charged. Until then, I LOVE my free XM!!!
  15. Search this code on the site you'll find commentary on it or google it for the same... xmbbxm03 Goto: https://espromotions.xmradio.com/xm/ Enter code FREE SkiFi2 (many other available but this is the best for free) + FREE Car or Home Kit + FREE shipping Six month commitment, three months up front... got mine yesterday!
  16. "In store" only applies to the "free gift" -- if you buy online, no free gift. The 30% off applies to BOTH online and in-store purchases. In-store, print off page and bring in with key codes at bottom. Online, just enter code at check-out. hth
  18. Click on "track this shipment" and then your UPS tracking number. My laminator order with a delivery date of 11/30/2005 has "billing informaiton recieved" which means it has been boxed, labeled, and is preparing to be transported to UPS... YAY!!! My flash drive and hard drive order don't show anything (actually it says that it was shipped 01/01/1970)... BOO!!! P.S. I do not have the "problems with your order" band.
  19. LOL, no, but I thought they would apply it to a gift card thereby recycling the BBB into a GC without an expire date. But... according to the terms -- thanks for the link -- that wouldn't work. And, according to their return terms, you have to have a receipt to get a refund (my next thought was to buy Geek Squad branded items with BBB and return them without a receipt for in-store credit). Sorry... back on topic.
  20. I don't have any BBB so I can't see the terms, but if somebody bought an item with BBB before they expire and then return that item after they expire (let's say the 4th when the big sale is ) would they get an in-store gift card to use?
  21. Started the call on my at my 6:09 AM post... was taken off hold about 10 mins before my 6:52 AM post... so ~30 mins
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