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how many kodak digital camera's did your target have?


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Our Target had plenty of digital cameras. We didn't get there until about 6:30. My sister went to the electronics and they were just putting out 3 more boxes worth. The lady working electronics kept telling ppl to be patient...they had plenty in the back.
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My target had tons left. Limit 2 per person. I couldn't believe that. Wish I grabbed 2 but only took one. Later in the day (9am) I went to Kmart and they had a polaroid 5.1 mega pixel on sale for less than $100 and I got that. They said they were even suprized they had some left at that time. Good Job Target & Kmart! I went to Best Buy first (4:30 am and stood in a line that wrapped around the building) and buy the time I got in the cameras were sold out.
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I didn't want to chance it and ordered it online from Target.com.


Then I went to order the Kawasaki dvd player put it in my cart, waited until morning to submit the order and it came up out of stock. Tried again later and it showed up in store only for the camera and dvd player - strange.


I did find the dvd player in the store though.

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I didn't want to chance it and ordered it online from Target.com.


Then I went to order the Kawasaki dvd player put it in my cart, waited until morning to submit the order and it came up out of stock. Tried again later and it showed up in store only for the camera and dvd player - strange.


I did find the dvd player in the store though.

Your shopping cart session expired. Unfortunately many retail websites expire your session after some time so whatever item you have stashed in your cart goes back into the pool of availability. Too bad there's no online layaway carts for online retailers.

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Your shopping cart session expired. Unfortunately many retail websites expire your session after some time so whatever item you have stashed in your cart goes back into the pool of availability. Too bad there's no online layaway carts for online retailers.


They both were available online for purchase and later on it read in store only is what I meant.

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They had quite a few cameras and tons of the DVD players. Rumor outside in line was that they only had 25 of the portable DVD players, which was clearly false since they were rolling out 3 very large carts of them into electronics when I made it back there at about 6:01am
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I was at our Target at opening. They were stacked up in 3 aisles on the floor . I know our Target doesn't mark things down as much either. I've talked to them a few times when I read about great clearance deals at other Targets. They say they are a high number's store and don't have to mark down as much.

Anyhow, I would have to guess our store had at least a few hundred. If not closer to 500-600. They still had a ton left on Saturday.

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