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Talking In Line

Guest general41391

Do you like to talk to people in line while you are waiting?  

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  1. 1. Do you like to talk to people in line while you are waiting?

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I will say this year was the best for having conversations and goodtimes with the people waiting outside the store. Met some really nice people at Wal Mart. Now for the ugly side of that read my post in the "Naked Truth" thread about what happened inside my Wal Mart.

I think this is cause most die hards know the drill and don't get nuts talk and have a great time. Then you get the last minuite line cutting rotten people that trigger a stampede and screw it all up



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I enjoyed the people I was up front with. They were very nice. One family loaned me a pair of gloves and a hot hands and another let me use the bathroom in his rv. The guy behind us was a best buy employee and worked at the store we were shopping at so he was very helpful in telling us where to go once we got in and the inventory they had on the computers. Too bad it wasn't as organized as it was supposed to be once we were in there. I'd say I was only in there about 20 minutes or so though.


Anyway, This one lady that was at least 30th in line kept coming up to the front of the line to schmooze us all into letting her up front with us. She even asked the BB employee if he would buy her computer for her because her husband was sick and was sleeping in the car and she wanted to be with him. He said no of course. She was a nice lady but it was all as* kissin. About 3:30 or so people started to get excited, put away the chairs and the line got pushed up. She kept on with her nonsense and we told her finally that she wasn't going to get a place up front because it was just unfair to everyone else. She tried to get her place back in line and there was a bunch of hollering back there and a bunch of upset people. I don't know if she was able to to get her computer or not, but I don't recall seeing her in line at all or in the computer section. If she just would have stuck it out and kept her place, I'm sure she would have gotten one as we did a count based on the inventory the best buy employee said they had (he counted). She definetly would have gotten one since most were there for the emachine and she had wanted the laptop.


Oh the one crappy thing that happened was the police there got first pick on all the stuff! I couldn't believe it! They didn't even do a good job of keeping people from cutting or the crowd under control. they walked in and we heard the manager ask them if they wanted to buy anything and we saw them load 2 of the emachines onto a cart and wheeled over to the side and one of them had a handful of either dvds or games, I couldn't tell. Anyway, that wasn't fair at all!

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The line at CC was like a Cocktail party....


The reason for this is aptly explaind in a quote from Douglas Adam's Hitchhikers guide to The Galaxy.


One of the things Ford Prefect had always found hardest to understand about humans was their habit of continually stating and repeating the very very obvious, as in It's a nice day, or You're very tall, or Oh dear you seem to have fallen down a thirty-foot well, are you all right? At first Ford had formed a theory to account for this strange behavior. If human beings don't keep exercising their lips, he thought, their mouths probably seize up.


After a few months' consideration and observation he abandoned this theory in favor of a new one. If they don't keep on exercising their lips, he thought, their brains start working. After a while he abandoned this one as well as being obstructively cynical and decided he quite liked human beings after all, but he always remained desperately worried about the terrible number of things they didn't know about.


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We like to talk in line...one of the best things (other than the GREAT deals) about BF shopping. You have something in common with everyone in line, you are all bargain hunters!

Thanksgiving morn, I was at Meijer, the first one in line for a 27" lcd hd tv with 4 college guys and a campus policeman. When the crowds starting rolling in I started getting nervous that I would get run over and not get my TV. The guys pretty much adopted me and did everthing but pay for the tv for me. They got it off the pallet, placed it in my cart, checked out in line with me, followed me to the car and helped me load it in. The spirit of the holidays, you gotta love it!

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I like to make small talk. I spoke with w/a guy two people behind me while waiting for an MP3 player at Meijer, mentioned to him that I was headed to Radioshack after this to get their MP3 player, too, and--lo and behold--I saw him again at RS! He went to get that one, too.


Good thing I didn't pay any heed to the talk of the other ladies near me in line at Meijer. They said not to bother with RS because quantities were extremely limited and it would all be gone by the time we got there, but the guy and I were the first two in line at RS and there were at least 2 dozen mp3 players there.



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I was worried about staying warm and about this 13 year old kid who was pushing his way up in front of me (I was the first in line, while he was at least 10 back). We found out that there were only 10 laptops and everyone wanted to know if everyone else was there for them. I just kept my mouth shut and listened :D This way, they didn't think I was a threat ;):tongue1:
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I chatted in Gameboy line (walmart) with my neighbor who was there too, actually I saw her pull out @ 3 from her driveway I was gonna go @3:30, but when I saw those headlights I was OUTTA HERE. But chatted with her and 3 other women we were the only ones untill about 4:30 then a herd came in thinking they were just gonna move right on up front, Us 5 grouped together to make sure no one got in front of us :razz:
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