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Walmart hospital incident


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Well I was out at the PX freezing my butt off and would you know it on of our fellow boardies was in line behind me :gd_orange She was camped out that the PX while another boardie hit walmart for her since walmart opened at 5 and the PX at 6. Her freiend was kind enough to grab me a CP doll YAY :bounce_fl and told us there were fights breaking out over them left and right. I also heard a woman at that walmart went to the hospital over one of the laptops. Thats NUTS. We had a problem with poor planning they open the door into the building but not the store very early and all of us standing waiting in line got passed up by people that had just gotten there shoving past to be one of the first for the $20 gift card. VERY annoying :wife: Hopefully they will plan it better next time. I got my GC and a ton of deals so I'm happy and off for a nap. Happy BF all



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I thought for sure there was gonna be a hospital incident at my Walmart. They went nuts over those dolls. I was in the middle of it all grabbing how many I could cause there were certain ones I wanted. I had my arms full of them & thought for sure someone would grab em outta my arms but didnt. I had a heck of a time gettin out of the crowd & managed to do so. My huby grabbed a few too & after I got out of the crowd was able to look over what we grabbed & managed to find 3 I liked. :) I got 2 girls & a boy that is bald. :) I was hopin to get a girl that is bald but no such luck. You didnt have time to look am only time to grab is you was lucky.
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The cabbage patch kids at the East Syracuse Walmart weren't sold out. They still had about 50 of them at 8:30am. I bought three of them and was able to look for certain name and hair color, etc with no problem. It was strange that they still had some left because the store about 15-20 minutes away ran out in the morining.
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The cabbage patch kids at the East Syracuse Walmart weren't sold out. They still had about 50 of them at 8:30am. I bought three of them and was able to look for certain name and hair color, etc with no problem. It was strange that they still had some left because the store about 15-20 minutes away ran out in the morining.

WOW I wish that would have been the case at mine. They was gone within minutes of being released.

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