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Has anyone else looked over T-Day excitement for BF?


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I haven't overlooked the holiday itself or it's meaning. BF is a beast of a different color and you can't contain the excitement I am feeling.:woot2: :woot2: :gd_shake: :gd_shake: :yelclap: :yelclap: :yelclap::runaway: :runaway: :runaway::yay: :yay: :yay::bounce_fl :bounce_fl :bounce_fl

You're only THAT excited?! I would have thought so much more! :P:tongue1:

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I have never been a Thanksgiving fan, so I look at BF as a way to get past the holiday! I know that sounds horrible, but for some reason I've never liked it. I am working tomorrow from 3-11pm, so my family will celebrate without me. :) We're going to my mom's tonight for our Thanksgiving dinner with her.
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i didnt over look the excitement i am excited for both this year my husband has to work on thanksgiving so i am cooking today since its his day off. turkey is almost done as we speak i will just relax tomorrow and clean my house and wait to drop the kids off at the sitter and camp out
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LOL .. I just realized how much I have to do tonite for Thanksgiving. I've been so consumed by BF, I forgot that I have pies to cook, casseroles to make and a turkey to get ready for the fryer!

oh crap i have to bake pies too, ARGGGG, totally forgot, thanks for the reminder.
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